Preparations for Celebrations

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The point of view changes back to Roselyn, who approaches a certain part of the Jadelander village. She spots Jacob and approaches him in a hurry.

Roselyn: "Jacob! Jac-"

Suddenly, she is tackled to the ground and into a pile of snow as snowballs are thrown towards them. It is Jacob who tackled her, and he gets the two of them behind cover.

Roselyn: "What's going on!?"

Jacob: "Hardline and I are at war. A snowball war. That dummy was meant for him."

Roselyn looks back at what she thought was Jacob before, but it was actually a snowman dressed in his clothing.

Roselyn: "There's something I need to talk to you about, something important."

Jacob: "What is it?"

Roselyn: "I saw-"

A snowball is suddenly thrown into Jacob's face as she tries to explain, causing Jacob to throw one back.

Jacob: "Sorry, you were saying?"

Roselyn: "I saw a slei-"

Another snowball is thrown, but this time it hits Roselyn in the face, making her slightly annoyed.

Hardline: "It's time for us to finish this war, Jacob. I will be the victo-"

Just as Hardline is about to finish his sentence, Roselyn flips to a spell in her spell book. She activates it, and begins to levitate, summoning a bunch of snowballs to her disposal. She throws all of them at Hardline with a lot of force, eventually covering him in a pile of snow. After he's in the snow, she falls back to the ground.

Jacob: "Woah! That was so cool, you just helped me win."

Roselyn: "Now, we need to talk about something.."

Jacob: "Yeah, sorry. What did you want to talk about?"

Roselyn: "I saw something.. Strange. My shadow form activated, so I went to the window and I saw a sleigh with markings of the Shadow Realm on it."

Jacob: "Rosie, are you familiar with the tale of Santa Clause?"

Roselyn: "Who? I-I'm sorry if that's a dumb question.. I never heard of this tale growing up in the Shadow Realm."

Jacob: "It's okay, I'll tell you the story. A long time ago, there was a man by the name of Santa Clause who did nothing but give toys to all of the good children of the world. For the bad children, he gives them coal, something they deserve. Every year, Santa Clause returns to give toys to all of the good boys and girls, to give back to them for being so nice all year. He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows if you've been bad or good as well."

Roselyn: "He's really watching us..? All the time?"

Jacob: "That's what the stories say, but hey, they are stories."

Roselyn: "How does this connect to what I saw?"

Jacob: "Your shadow form was likely activated because you were unfamiliar with the sleigh."

Roselyn: "What about the Shadow Realm markings?"

Jacob: "Probably just your mind playing tricks on you in the dark. It's alright though, I'm sure everything is fine."

Jacob walks over to a table and grabs a cup of hot chocolate, handing it to Roselyn. Roselyn takes a few sips of the hot chocolate.

Jacob: "But just in case you're right, let's go to Maya's lab and ask her to check the cameras to see if she saw anything."

Roselyn: "Okay, let's do that."

Jacob and Roselyn start heading toward Maya's lab, meanwhile Hardline is still stuck inside of the pile of snow.

The point of view changes to Queen Claire approaching Arthus to discuss the recent events Skylor told her about.

Queen Claire: "Arthus, I need to speak with you."

Arthus: "What is it?"

Queen Claire: "Double our defenses at once. There's a chance someone or something will try to ruin our Christmas celebrations."

Arthus: "Understood, ma'am. I will be on it right away. Anything else before I execute the order?"

Queen Claire: "Yes, one more thing. The threat has markings of the Shadow Realm on it. Tell the soldiers to keep an eye out for a sleigh with Shadow Realm markings engraved onto it."

Arthus: "Alright, I am on it."

Queen Claire: "I won't let any of our people get hurt during this holiday."

Point of view changes once again back at Maya's lab, where Caden and Maya are preparing to go and look for this mysterious person.

Caden: "Alright, I have Venom Strike, and that's pretty much all I need. Are you almost ready?"

Maya: "Yeah, I'm grabbing a few of my potion brews, and I'm bringing my Christmas light gun too."

Maya turns around and grabs her Christmas light gun, but she notices something missing.

Maya: "Hmmm, two of my prototypes are missing."

Caden: "Which ones?"

Maya: "Well, one of them was a-"

As Maya is in the middle of explaining, Roselyn and Jacob walk inside.

Jacob: "Was that hole always in the ceiling?"

Caden: "Heh, no it wasn't. Skylor was attacked, so Maya and I are investigating."

Roselyn: "What happened?"

Caden: "We aren't entirely sure, but it's something about a person in a sleigh with Shadow Realm markings on it."

Roselyn: "I saw the same thing! That's why we came here, to see if the cameras saw anything."

Maya: "I checked already, I didn't find anything on the island, however I did spot something of interest on the mainland."

Jacob: "What did you see?"

Maya: "I saw some strange flashing orange lights, which looked like some kind of trouble."

Caden: "We should head there to investigate."

Roselyn: "How will we get to the mainland? Riding a boat would take too long."

Caden: "I can teleport us all there, I just have to be very accurate, and have a good view of where we are going."

Roselyn: "Can Jacob and I come with you? We want to investigate this as well."

Maya: "Of course, you're always welcome to travel with us."

Caden: "Get anything you need before we leave."

Roselyn: "I have everything I need."

Jacob puts both of his M16s on his back.

Jacob: "I'm ready too."

Caden: "Alright, let's get going."

The group travels to the docking area, where they continue seeing the weird orange flashes coming from the mainland.

Jacob: "You weren't kidding, there are some weird lights coming from there."

Caden channels his ender magic and purple ender symbols begin to fall around the group. The symbols glow brighter and brighter until they completely drop to the ground, teleporting the group to the mainland towards the orange flashes. 

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