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Emo 1 and 2 decided to stop and camp for the night, you have started a fire while emo 2 have gathered some dry sticks and leaves to keep the fire going. Emo 1 patrolled the surrounding area, setting up traps as a pre-caution.

You added wood to fuel the small flame so it would radiate heat some more, so none of you would freeze to death-correction so the two won't freeze to death. You pulled out a sleeping bag from your backpack and laid it on top of leaves, the two did the same after emo 1 had return from quick patrol.

You leaned back on a fallen tree as the two quietly whispered to each other which was useless considering you can still hear them clearly, they seemed to like gossip even when they looked like the type who doesn't. You closed your eyes as your body relaxes all while listening to the two.

"Do you remember Yorai?"

"The girl who stole Aimi's boyfriend?"

"Yeah that one"

"What about her?"

"So Yorai has a boyfriend right?"

"Yeah, she has"

"There were rumours that her boyfriend, Aimi's ex, cheated on her!"

"He cheated on her?!"

"With her own mother!"

"What?! Is that why her parents are getting divorced?!"

"And her baby brother was actually her boyfriend's child!"


You opened your eyes and reached for your bag that was beside your waist, you placed it on your lap and rummaged inside looking for nothing-to be honest. Like tf, you nearly gave an almost immediate reaction have you not restrained yourself.

You were not one for gossip but sometimes you indulge for shit and giggles, you pulled out a wrapped onigiri being taking bites out of it while casually pretending not to eavesdrop on the two who were gossiping now on a different topic.

A young boy who proposed to his classmate, a girl who seemed delighted, then proposed to another girl the next day who yelled at the boy.

"What am I your mistress!? You proposed to Mira earlier! I saw you damned bastard!'

You nearly spat out the onigiri you were eating, you took out a water bottle and took a big gulp of water to down the onigiri that was stuck in your throat.

Where the hell are the two getting those information to gossip, you thought the Aburame clan was the only one that loved to gossip. Like what the actual f-you closed the water bottle and placed it back on your backpack.

Honestly, the only thing that was in your backpack was the sleeping bag. Your other stuff was in your shadow, you just used your backpack as an excuse to pull something out. Wouldn't want the two snitching on you to the elder.

That's enough gossip you eavesdropped on for the night, you used your backpack as some type of pillow after pulling out some clothes that were rolled up. The two seemed to be gossiping still but that's not your problem if they don't sleep to regain some energy or they can just eat chakra pills. That can't be healthy but you are not one to talk when you sometimes forget about your own fucked up health.

You wonder, when can you eat one of the rouges that were still in your shadow, none of them were a marechi- not a single one of them. You were a bit disappointed at that, even more so that you can't eat flesh at the moment lest you wanted the two to be hostile to you if they were to found out.

Getting rid of them was simple, if you put the two in your shadow its like they didn't even exist. Their chakra's would've been blocked, your shadow was not of this world like you. The two missing could however arose some suspicion, especially if the Uchiha police force were to be involved.

"Another girl was raped again, a civillian. Last week was  young adults, female and male in different locations."

Your ear twitched at what you heared, you let your body relaxed as you fell 'asleep'. The two seemed think so since they talked a bit more but still in hushed voices.

"Do you think the anbu did it?"

"Of course they did! They were the only ones who had the guts to do so considering no one can even speak to it towards the hokage!"

"They'd be silenced by the anbus either way.."


"You know were not really ones to talk when we did it too in one of our missions"

".... it was necessary"

" wasn't"

"How bout we stop our conversations here, might aswell sleep a bit like half-blood is doing over there"

"I'll keep watch, I'll wake you or her probably you"

"Yeah, yeah"

'....digusting animals always talking about making the village a better place when its own residence were filthy in their own ways.. fuckinf disgusting... '

Your body felt relaxed after your sleep or morely nap, emo 1 woke up emo 2 to take over the night watch considering emo 1 didn't wake you up. Probably because they don't trust you, you don't trust them either.

The fire was long gone when dawn came, you have folded your sleeping bag and placed it in your backpack. Emo 2 was stretching while Emo 1 was checking the traps he made last night. There were no ambush happening last night, no one was a mile raduis, you checked with your shadow while mapping the surrounding areas.

"Let's go, coast is clear"

You can understand their outdated japanese well since last night, as if you've learn it since childhood. The universe decided to take pity and grant you into understanding the two, you noticed it when it was nearing night time during when you were fixing your soon to be sleeping bag last night.

You wore your backpack and approached the two, you whistled at them catching their attention. They were surprised when you had them catch what seemed to be onigiri, they eyed you in suspicion not even bothering to hide it. You just shrugged at them, Emo 2 let out a surpised yelp when you had them catch two water bottles.

They just looked at each other, the two quickly ate the onigiri and took a sipped of water before the three of you were jumping from tree to tree. Your breathing steady and quiet, you would've just use your strength since your body had become stronger with demon blood running in your veins, with the flesh you have devoured. Is this what demons feel when they feasted on a  human with or without marechi blood.

The trees were getting less and less as you three travel in a fast rate, the two jump down prompting you to follow them. Have they gotten a bit slower? You can clearly see their movements, you quickly and discreetly looked left and right. The three of you were being followed, you looked at the two.

You looked at them, can they even feel the presence? They were the ones who had chakra yet they are unaware of the presence following them. The said presence was rather familliar, using the shadows you widen your range in overseeing the surroundings.

'Minato? What is he doing here? Did Hiruzen sent him?'

You pretended not to know that you tree were being followed, the trees slowly disappeared from view as the three of you had exited the forest. A little ways away was a village, it was medium in size compared to Konoha and not small either. The two had settled for walking, the village entrance was coming into view before you found yourselves in front of the village.

Your eyes trailed towards a building where Minato's presence appeares, that technique of his would be useful if, if you learned it. You followed the two towards the docks, they jumped at the water and stood there for a moment and looked at you.




You have a deadpanned look on your face, you take a deep breath before jumping on the water. 'Thunder Breathing; First form: Thunder Flash and Clap!' Your feet touched the surface of the water for a brief second as lightning crackled and appeared surrounding your body before you zoomed passed the surprised dou who were quick to ran after you, lagging behind compared to your surprising speed as the water parted in where you take steps.

Minato looked at you in surprise, he thought one of the two would have to carry you on their back yet you manage on your own. Was that a jutsu that was taught to you? He had never seen anything like it, then again his affinity didn't involve lightning. For a young child who is not anywhere near their adolescence yet, you are rather fast, nearing even his own speed or your faster. Sakumo's son, Kakashi, who was considered as a prodigy by many, had an affinity for lightning but never near your mastery of the lightning affinity of yours. He trailed after them without a word.


"Antagal ng mga puta, asan na yung mga yun?"

You had stopped at a bouy, considering you don't know where the ever loving fuck you were heading. The bouy you were in was big enough for you to sit on, it swayed with the waves in a calm manner.

You had fished out a kitkat out of your shadow as you waited for the two emos to appear, they better had not abandoned you or else you will throw a twmper tanthrum and you will do it. You finished the last bar of kitkat when you see two black blobs of color appear from a distance.

"Ah si emo 1 at 2, pagkatagal ng mga pato na ito"

It didn't take long for the two to notice you seated on the bouy, who wouldn't? It would've looked like a child was abandoned in the middle of the sea, they haven't abandoned you which was good because you won't hesitate to do it.

The two seemed to be talking as they neared you, they were gossiping again. You just sat there swinging your legs, like a kid, a kid that can kill and you know the rest.... Emo 1 and 2 took a small break before they pointed at the direction in where the three of you are going.

"Island, there"

Emo 1 said, you should really get their names and stop calling them Emo 1 and 2, pointing behind you. His hand then  moved a little to the right. You wore your backpack while looking at the direction they are pointing, you gave him and the teen beside him a nod before you zoomed ontop of the water.

As you speed forward, your senses tingled. Someone appeared behind you, your hand immediately went to the tanto on your back as you take a deep breath.

"Water Breathing; Sixth Form: Whirlpool"

Using the tanto, you twisted your body. Aiming to decapitate and rip whoever appeared behind you, water appeared as you slashed in a whirling motion. Your eyes widened as you see Minato looķing at you in surprise and shock, he jerked backwards to avoid the attack however he wasn't fast enough as he stood a bit away on top of the water.

He was bleeding from his left shoulder joint towards his right hip, you looked at each other in shock. Your bottom lip trembled as the scent of marechi blood was starting to drown you, it made you salivate. You feel into the water with no longer using the Thunder Breathing to keep you upright in the water, Minato snapped out of his initial shock as he doved down ignoring the searing pain on his body. He pulled you out before he teleported the two of you into a dock.


You snapped out of your trance as you ignored the tantalizing scent of his blood, your hand shot up and grabbed his right shoulder as your anger boiled over. Minato looked a bit startled with the strength of your grip, you looked at his injury wincing as if you were the one injured. You took off your backpack and took out an emergency kit from your shadow using your backpack.

You poured the water in your water bottle over his wound to remove the salt water on his wounds as the taste of salt in your lips reminded you that your traveling on sea, that wasn't a good combination. You made sure to clean his wound efficiently to avoid any infection that could make his condition worser than it already is, you wrapped his upper torso in bandages and gave him a black shirt considering you had destroyed his vest and long sleeved shirt.

'When was the last time I got an opponent who managed to give me a hard time?'

Minato thought as he gave you a nervous smile as he sat on a wooden bench under one of the stores just beside the dock. You were standing in front of him with a scowl, as if scolding him it was rather laughable to the onlookers as you angrily tap your right foot rapidly on the wooden floor.

He watch as you take a breath before blowing to the right side, a strong gust of wind surprised him and before he knew it both him and you were dry. It was as if the two of you didn't dunk into the water earlier. Minato felt excitement, the thought of someone capable of fighting him as if it was nothing brought a sense of twisted excitement.

'This kid is full of surprises'

Maybe... he'll make a request to the Uchiha elder of training you, Fugaku may not say it but by how the elder treated you, he can say that the elder will let him train you. A selfish excuse to use just to have some excitement to fight you, the elder isn't the only one with selfish desire to have excitement in their life.

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