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The next day, I exited my house to a surprise. Bakugo was leaning against the wall next to my door.
"Oh, hi." I said a little surprised.
"Jeez, took you longer then yesterday." He grumbled.
"I was in a rush yesterday. What are you even doing here?" I asked as we started walking to school.
"Don't you want me to fucking go to school on time?" He said.
"Aw, of course I want you to go to school~ we can spend even more time together!" I said and hugged Bakugo's arm.
He sighed and let me walk to school like that.

Welling through the school gates was awkward. I'd gone from hugging Bakugo's arm to simply holding his hand, but it was still weird having people watch us go to class.
My hand let go slightly but just as I was about to take my hand from Bakugo's, he squeezed my hand.
"You let go and I'll go home." Bakugo whispered.
"Sorry." I whispered back.

I waited outside Bakugo's last class eavesdropping on all the conversations that passed through the halls. A lot were about me and Bakugo, some were Momo and Jirou, all were about romance. I'd never noticed how obsessed this school was with 'who was with who' until I was with someone.
"Sorry you had to wait. Fucking teacher givin' me shit for being away for so long." Bakugo said as he came out the classroom.
"Ah, is fine. I got to listen to people gossip and create theories about us." I said with a little laugh as Bakugo took my hand in his and we headed out the school gates.
"It pisses me off when people talk about other people." Bakugo grumbled.
"I'm pretty sure everything in this world somehow pisses you off idiot." I said.
"Heh, I guess you're right."

"You're late idiot." I said opening my front door to reveal Bakugo. Kyoka was already here and I was just helping her with her hair.
"Fuck off." Bakugo said and went upstairs to my room.
"Hey Bakugo." Kyoka said as he entered my bedroom.
Kyoka was sitting on the floor in front of a mirror testing out different hairstyles.
"When's the other girl coming?" Bakugo asked then plopped himself rather dramatically on my bed.
"She should be here in ten minutes. Also, take you shoes off your gonna put your feet on my bed." I said throwing a pillow at Bakugo. He caught it and threw it back so I simply poked my tongue at him.

The doorbell rang just as I was finishing Kyoka's hair.
"Go it Bakugo. It's probably Momo." I said and Bakugo grumbled as he got up to get the door.
He returned not long after with an extra stylish looking Momo.
"Hey." I said getting up then helping Kyoka up.
"Hello. Your house is lovely." Momo said gracefully.
"H-hey..!" Kyoka squeaked nervously.
"Are we all ready to go then?" I asked. The other girls nodded and Bakugo mumbled an agreement.
"Who's driving us?" Momo asked as we went outside.
"Me." Bakugo said taking keys out of his jeans pockets. He unlocked the doors and we all got in, Momo and Kyoka in the backseats.
I turned the radio on as soon as the car was on. Bakugo slapped my hand away as I was about to chose a station.
"I'm driving, I'm choosing music." Bakugo said.
"Asshole." I grumbled, even if the music he chose was pretty good.
Momo and Kyoka talked in the backseat, well, Momo talked and Kyoka agreed with whatever she said.
"You guys wanna see a movie when we get there then have lunch and shop?" I asked.
"Oh, that would fun! What movies are out?" Momo asked excitedly.
"Is Auqaman still in cinemas?" Kyoka asked.
"Lemme check..." I got my phone and checked the website of the cinema at the mall, "Yeah. Everyone wanna see that?"
"Yep." Bakugo agreed along with Momo and Kyoka.

We got our tickets for the movie quickly and got food. Finding our seats was difficult because me and Kyoka got lost as soon as we entered the rows of seats.
"Here, two seats in the middle and two at the back. Idiot." Bakugo said to me, pointing to where the seats were.
"Do you mind if Kyoka and I have the seats in the middle?" Momo asked, but Bakugo was already walking to the back seats anyway.
"Ah, yeah. See ya's after the movie then!" I said and jogged up the stairs to catch up to my angry friend. Or boyfriend actually. I think.
Our seats were right in the back left hand corner.
"Slow." Bakugo said as I sat next to him.
"Oh, be quiet." I said and slapped his arm.
The ads started playing, and while I was focused on a trailer for Captain Marvel and trying not to cry as I remembered Infinity War, Bakugo held my hand. I looked down at his hand then at him. He was avoiding eye contact and I could see his cheeks were slightly pink.
"Shut up..." Bakugo mumbled.
"I didn't even say anything yet though~!" I fake whined and leaned my head on his shoulder.
"Get off." He said but made no effort to push me off his shoulder so I stayed.
"Nah." I said and kissed his cheek. Even in the dim light I could see him turn even pinker.
The movie finally started and I was into it immediately.

"Finally the foods here." Kyoka said as the waiter brought us our food.
After the movie finished we went to the closet restaurant. We sat in a booth, Bakugo and I sat next to each other while Momo and Kyoka sat together.
"It looks good!" Momo said digging in immediately.
"Hell yeah." I said taking a bite from the burger I ordered.
"Gimme some of that." Bakugo said and leaned over and took a bite from my burger.
"Then I'll take some of your food." I cut a piece of Bakugo's chicken schnitzel and put it on my plate. Bakugo and I ate lunch constantly stealing from each other's plate while Momo and Kyoka were asking each other kindly.
I accidentally kicked Bakugo under the table while getting comfy which caused him to kick back. I stared at him as I kicked him back. Then he kicked me again. It continued like that for the duration it took us to finish our food.

The four of us were strolling casually around the various shops when I thought of an amazing idea.
"Should we split up?" I asked.
"What?" Kyoka asked back in a slight panic.
"You mean to split from a double date into two separate dates?" Momo said, understanding.
"Would you be okay with that? I wanted to go back to a store we've already past but I don't wanna eat up any of your time together." I said making up an excuse to get Jirou and Momo alone.
"Okay than..." Jirou said nervously.

"You're not planning on u-turning and stalking them are you?" Bakugo asked as we walked back through the shops we were just at.
"As much as I'd love to do that, I wanna buy you something, for agreeing to go on this date." I said and turned into an art store, "Choose anything."
"Ah. Okay." Bakugo said and walked further into the store.
"You're supposed to say something about me not having to buy you anything." I said as Bakugo looked through a selection of paint brushes.
"If someone's fucking offering to buy something for me, I'm not just gonna turn their kind offer down." Bakugo picked up a pack of fancy looking brushes, "This."
"Okay." I checked the price tag and saw that were actually reasonably priced, "You can get something more expensive if you want."
"Nope. I want these ones." He said and started towards the cash register.
I paid for it and we left the shop. We looked at displays out the front of stores as we strolled aimlessly through the shops. Sometimes we'd make snarky or degrading comments about people and items being sold in stores.
"Ah, phone call..." I said as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and saw it was Kyoka calling, "Hello?"
"Um, are you guys ready to leave yet?" She asked through the phone. Bakugo heard and nodded.
"Yep. You?"
"Actually, Momo invited me to her place so she was going to call her mum to pick us up on her way to work. Is that okay?" Jirou asked.
"That's great! You two gonna be alone~?" I asked.
"Um, yeah... But shut up! I'm hanging up now!!" Kyoka squeaked quickly hanging up.
"Are we leaving then?" Bakugo asked.
"Yep! Mum's gone to deal with some divorce stuff, d'ya wanna come over?" I said as we walked through the parking lot.
"I guess. Rather that then being at the shop with the old hag."

ahahahaaa a chapter. Next chapter is actually gonna be another side story of what happened with Kyoka and Momo~
Sorry for being so bad at writing btw lol

Thanks for reading~ ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’•

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