They Fly Now?

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What should I do this time! Do I have to cut off their heads again like what I did before back in Entertainment District? Tanjiro thought to himself. It's not happening, not that easy. There's two Upper Rank demons and the only ones here is himself and Nezuko. 

He wasn't even sure if cutting their heads would work. It might only split into more trouble. And to cut their heads, he need to do it in sync just like before. With only Nezuko on his side, that's no simple job.


Before Tanjiro could make his move Sekido creates a Khakkhara using his flesh and stabbing it to the ground, generating electricity that flashes with blue and red in color. The waves covered the entirety of the floor, paralyzing Tanjiro.


What is this?! That staff! So he had more than just one Blood Demon Art?! Sekido has the ability to generate lightning, while Karaku is probably had something to do with wind, considering he just blow away both Zoro and Muichiro with a fan.

The shock went throughout Tanjiro's body. The electric shock is pulsating, sending signals through his body. There's only one think he can think of right now, and that is pain. The pain that is making his starts blacking out. I'm passing out!

I'm not going down that easily!!! After all training that I've done, it won't be in vain!! Tanjiro is determined to stand strong holding his ground, which made Sekiro surprised. He's not letting his training gone to waste. He's not going to be powerless like before.. This kid...he could still stand?

Hinokami Kagura: Raging Sun!!

Tanjiro raised his sword and dashed towards both Sekido and Karaku, which caught Sekido off guard. Pointing his sword at them, unleashes two consecutive horizontal arcing slashes against Sekido and Karaku.



What? He could move?! A mere human can't even lift a finger!  Sekido was taken aback by this. Normal humans cannot even move an inch an yet this one could. Thinking fast, used his Khakkhara to defend against the slash.

Hohoho! Amusing! This brat is truly interesting! Playing with him would be fun! Karaku thought. He was not even bothered to defend as he took it head-on.


Sekido took a step back as his khakkhara was cut in half by Tanjiro's attack. This kid is much better than I thought. I can't underestimate him!

Tanjiro slashed through Karaku's abdomen. Karaku just take it and smiled. Tanjiro knew something was wrong. It's like he wants to be cut in half. Tanjiro realized. He can't split again?! Isn't there any limit of how much he could split to?! Tanjiro doesn't want the answer being  no.

Then, Tanjiro spotted a figure from the rooftop that's half being blown by Karaku. It was Genya, armed with a katana on his waist and a notable double barrel shotgun? A sawn off to be exact. He loaded his gun with two shells and aimed it at Sekido.

American Breathing: Texas Blast!!!


Small pellets was launched from the gun. Aimed at Sekido's neck, it blows Sekido's head off his neck and peppered Karaku's body as a collateral. 

What is that weapon?! A gun?! It smells like a Nichirin Sword!! Tanjiro had never seen a gun before. One that smells like Nichirin sword in addition. 

"Ohh!! That was enjoyable! Fun, even. I've never felt an attack like before!!" Karaku commented. He was surprised by that, even though his body is peppered by shotgun pellets that turned him into a mincemeat. 

"No, Genya! No mattter how strong the weapon is, the demon can't be defeated!!" Genya wanted to shoot them again, but this one is where he was stopped by Tanjiro. Genya turn around and look at Tanjiro.

"Every time you cut it, it just divides! It's rejuvenating! Getting stronger! It wants you to cut it's head off!" Genya was in disbelief. It was his first time encountering this likes of a demon. He was surprised at the fact.

This demon isn't worried take we'll take its head, so that's not a weak spot! Now it has four separate bodies! Not to mention of its fast regeneration speed! There must be a clue, but where! It must have a weak spot! Tanjiro is struggling to fight all four of them to be exact. He was out numbered badly.


"Hahaha! Wonderful! It's been so long since I was divided!" A demon caught his leg and fly upwards. The demon is a tall and muscular young man with long wavy hair that goes past his shoulders and narrow gold eyes.

Urogi possesses an avian physiology, possessing two large wings on his back and raptor-like feet armed with sharp talons that take the place of his hands and legs. Urogi only wears tied together by a chain of large round pearls. This one can fly!

While dangling midair, he looked at Nezuko who's chasing him. "Don't worry about me, Nezuko! Help Genya!" Instead, he asked Nezuko to look after and assist Genya in battle. 


"You're so weak that it's sad." A demon, Aizetsu stabs Genya on his abdomen using a spear while took pity on Genya for being so weak. He looks similar to others except for his deep blue eyes, his dejected expression and his clothing. Aizetsu wears a black kimono with white lines running through various areas of the clothing and rope-like accessories tied around his shoulders.

"Genya!!!" Tanjiro shouted. He worried for Genya.

"Nezuko! Help Genya! Hurry!" He told Nezuko to abandon himself and went after Genya. Tanjiro sure that he could take care of Urogi by himself.

"Oh look at you! Having the luxury to worry about others. You should have worried more about yourself!" Urogi says to Tanjiro. Urogi lets out a powerful screech or sound waves towards Tanjiro.


The sound wave The power from Urogi's scream is strong enough to make Tanjiro bleed from his nose and ear, momentarily stunning him. 


In quick succession, Tanjiro cuts the leg of Urogi, letting him go and fall from the sky. He could die if he landed just like that. Urogi is surprised at how Tanjiro escapes his grasp. "Heh heh heh, good job kiddo!" Urogi complimented Tanjiro for his ingenious way of escaping his grasp.

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