Chapter 5: A Little Curiosity Never Hurt Nobody

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" Alright my love , just sit here for a second , I'll be right back " Draco said to Mia as he placed her on a office chair , outside of the meeting room .

" Kay " She said . He nodded with a smile and entered and began to retrive his things . She swung her legs back and forth and blew raspberries with her lips. She was bored . Suddenly across the hall , a dazzling white flash blasted through the door . She tilted her head .

" DAMMIT!" Someone cried. " WE NEARLY HAD IT ! " Another groaned . She slid down the seat and waddled down the hall . To where the door with the pretty lights stood .

" Heh-woah?" She muttered , pushing the door , which was slightly agape already which made her only to fall forward and she landed on her face whom met with the carpet . The room filled with the silence .

" What in the world?" . " Oh my days?! ".

Mia groaned sorely and someone lifted her to her feet. "

Are you alright pumpkin? " A red headed women asked her . She nodded rubbing her sore nose . A man with round spectcles knealt by the women , both gazing at her .

" Who might you be ? " He asked . She swallowed and thought for a second , remembering what Grandad taught her . She exstened a nervous hand

" I'm Mia Na-cissa Malfoy , how you do ". They laughed unrealised from her broken English of the name she had stated . The man shook her hand

" I'm Harry and this is my wife Ginny " Mia looked at both of them .

" Wait darling ,did you say Malfoy ? " Ginny asked clicking on , Mia nodded seemingly unmoved by the name and it's dark reputation .

" What was the pwetty light ?" She asked gazing around the room . Harry laughed stiffly both bewildered and bewitched .

" Uh , that was us trying to do magic , new magic " He answered . She gasped

" What kind of magic ?" She wondered. They two stood up and Harry took a seat at his desk .

" Wanna see ? " Ginny asked , she picked her up and placed Mia on the desk and stood behind her so she wouldn't fall . Mia peered into a cauldran that sat in front of her , it was filled with crystal blue water and a single leaf floating on top.

" What is it ?" She asked .

" Well , you see there's this type of magic , that can turn a petal into an animal, like a fish , now this is not a petal but , we are trying to make as though it can do the same magic " Mia raised an eyebrow, her Malfoy 'I can do that better than you ' look appearing .

"Sounds verwee easy" She stated .

" She's a Malfoy alright " Ginny joked . Harry laughed .

" It does , but; here's the cool part not only can it turn into a little fish but turn back into the leaf , see usually the petal dies and you have to connect to a someone , but this , makes it slightly imortal , kinda " Harry explained looking into the pot . Mia gazed at him

" A fishy that won't go to sleep? " . Ginny nodded

" Yes , exactly ".

" But what if he's tried ? " Mia asked .

" He won't " Harry answered .

" Does he eat fishy food ? "Harry shook his head to the little curious girl .

" He won't have too , cause it's only a leaf " He stated .

" But when it's a fishy , daddy says that all animals eat food , like cows eat grass , wont a fish need to eat , so it won't get hungry and go to sleep ? " Mia stated . Ginny and Harry stared at each other .

" How old are you darling ? " She asked .

" five " She raised one chubby hand .

" That's what's missing " Harry snapped his fingers .

" But what does fishy's eat ?" Mia wondered . Again Ginny and Harry stared at each other .

" Magic" Ginny shrugged . Harry got an idea.

" I'll be right back ladies " He said and apparitated.

" Do you have fishes ? " Mia asked Ginny .

The red head nodded " A full pond of them back at our house .

" Big ones ? " .

" BIG ones " Ginny smiled . Mia gasped . At this time however , Draco had finsihed and left the room with a smile but crumbled when the infant was not there . Harry appeard again

" Just went to the pet shop , grabbed this " He lifted a tub of fish food .

" Hope not in a muggle shop " Ginny said .

" Daddy said we don't use magic in Muggle places " Mia said nodding her head .

" Your daddies a smart guy " Ginny glanced at Harry .

" So what now ?" She added.

Harry opened the tub and casted a single pellet on his hand .

" So the fishy won't fall asleep " He said with a grin and tapped it with his hand .

" You enchanted it " .

" Never ending feed , unlimited " He stated .

" Why not you do the honors love ? " He passed the pellet to Mia . She swallowed nervously and placed her hand over the cauldron.

" Easy now " Ginny said .

" Just gently place it on the leaf " She added . Mia nodded and so she knealt down and placed it so carefully , it was like a dove flown through and done it itself .

" Ready Ginny ? , 1 , 2 , 3 , " Both adults hit the bronze pot with their wands , the brillant light came again and Ginny covered Mia's eyes .

" Mia? , MIA?" Draco stormed down the hall when he came across the door . " Mia ? " The three smiling, turned to the door . Seeing Draco white faced and panicked filled .

" Heh-woah father " She said innocently. It was at this time where all three adults paled in the face .

" She's, yours ?" Ginny asked . Draco nodded and walked into the room .

" Mia what did I say about wondering off ? " He said curving a brow . Mia looked to her shoes

" To not do it ? " She said . Draco let out a short laugh of relief and took Mia into his arms giving her a hug .

" Melin's beard I near enough had a heart attack " . Ginny and Harry stared at the two .

" You , Malfoy , Draco Malfoy , ferret , Blonde , Slytherin , bad turned good guy ..Malfoy has a kid ? " Ginny asked . Draco who couldn't help but laugh , nodded

" Yes" .

" Well obviously Gin , look at her face and Malfoys , they're practically clones " Harry said with a hearty laugh but underneath , seemed a tad frightened by the resemblance and Mia now showing Draco in the early years of Hogwarts , he seemed to wait for the classic 'potter' that was spat so often toward him .

" What were you doing , if you don't mind me asking? "Draco said , clearing his throat .

"It seems you have a little genuis , Mia helped us out with a new spell , as Slughorn told me , very beautiful magic " Draco raised a brow toward Mr Potter .

" Come have a look " Ginny said and ushered him to the desk . Draco peered through , seeing a green, tiny fish swimming in the pot of clear water .

" It used to be a leaf , from a oak tree , now watch this " Ginny touched the fish with her finger and it turned back into a leaf .

" My Mia did that ?" Draco asked .

" Well ,she thought of the finale ingredient " The red head stated .

" Fishes need food " Mia said . Draco looked at her and nodded

" They do " . Ginny and Harry however leaned against the desk .

" Now Malfoy , we haven't seen nore talked to eachother since seventh year and I have no right to intrude on your buisness but however , I would like to know why your daughter , stumbled into my office , it was lovely in all but ...completly and utterly random " Harry pushed his glasses slightly up the bridge of his nose .

" Yes , I guess there is a few things you have to know and a few things I would like to say " Draco said .


" Then after that , she'd come and visit me at my office whenever Draco would take her to the Auror department , me and Ginny said we wouldn't tell a soul and after that we kinda made peace and made sort of -friends , all thanks to Mia of course " Harry smiled and leaned back in his chair . Hermione grinned

" I can't believe it was Mia who did that , fishes need food , even Voldermort had to feed of unicorn blood , makes sense that fishes I mean , fish need it , even immortal magical ones " Hermione grinned. " I still have that little fish on my desk , she loves it " Harry grinned.

" As does Rose, funny how my daughter and Malfoy's are so similar , just yesterday morning Mia was reminding me of her " She leaned back in her chair .

" You do know that the visits have to be frequent right ? " Harry asked . She sat upward again

" Pardon?" .

" The Manor visits , breakfasts (ect) , they have to be at least once a month " Hermione was confused . " The old Minister covered up his visits calling it 'changes in hearts project' He knew and a few others that it was bull but the news swallowed it up , it also gave the people a reassurance , he would make a yearly report on the project saying -" .

" They are changing ect , ect , ect " Hermione muttered. " I had no Idea " She added .

" Yep well ,being Minister now comes with it's challenges " Harry smirked .

" How is it? , being head Auror? , Ginny by your side? , Ron not to far behind , is it nice ?" A sense of loneliness she never meant to come through , slid on her tongue and cursed herself for it .

" Are you ok Hermione ?" Harry asked .

She sighed " Yes , I love my job , there's nothing wrong , it's just I miss you lot , boring being all by yourself " She smirked making it playful . Harry rolled his eyes

" You can change the law , change the very history of our race and your complaining ? , honestly " She laughed at him .

" Your an Idiot Harry Potter " . He stood from his seat

" Guess that hasn't changed -by the way , for the exact reason I came in to ask , I never got a chance to owl Neville how is he ?" He asked .

" Our newest professor at Hogwarts is deeply admired and loves his job " She smirked .

" Good on ye Long-bottom " Harry nodded and left the room . Hermione smiled and then sadden as she looked down , he had left two more files of paper work for her .

" Curse you Harry Potter " She muttered and continued her work .

My longest chapter yet , I think ;) . I hope you are liking the story so far , I know the last one was pretty short , but I think I made up for this , updated twice in one day..damn. Anyway , thanks for reading ! - Morgan x

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