Chapter 37 - The Unstoppable Quiddich Princess

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"We are just five minutes away from our Quiddich finale, can all supporters take their seats and the owner of a Toad named Barney ,please retrieve it from the teachers box, thank you"

Scorpios sucked in a breathe, his stomach churning.
"Deep breaths dearest, deep breaths" Mia said while passing him. He nodded though , the horrid retching feeling in his throat failed to leave him.
"I am a Wizard, I am a muggle , I'm both, I am a king, I am a champion, I am survivor , I fight , I push , I win" Henson Patil-James was muttering to himself , stretching and jumping up and down keeping his body warm on the January day.
"A'right , all in" Theodore , their team captain called. "Gents and our sexy lady" he winked to Mia, the only girl on the Slytherin team. "Let's kick some gum and chew some ass!"
"Did-did he just say a meme? Like a meme" Mia whispered to Bob.
"Baby girl, I haven't a clue what goes on in such a small mind ..sad really" Bob rests his wrists on his broom.
"I'm going to throw up" Scorpios said.
"Oh you say that every time Scorp" said Bob . "You'll be fine" He slapped his back , not knowing his own strength and made Scorpios turn a few shades green.
"I don't know man, had you seen Potter's try outs? Telling you, the man has a pair of blungers on him" said.
"Did you just refer my friend'; to blungers?" Asked Scorpios.
"Lovely chat and all boys but can we hurry this along?" Said Keenan Bulstrode .
(yes Millicent Bulstrode did reproduce and married a lovely Bulgarian chap named Igor and somehow both of them made the beauty of a young spice machine that was Keenan)
"Right , bro you with us?" Theodore looked to the youngest of the team. Edward Nott was a second year Slytherin , who was very quiet and skittish-highly unlike his brother Theo. He gave a nervous nod.
"Don't worry sweetheart, everyone is nervous for their first game and what a trouper you've been after we lost our other beater and you've been brilliant! Just you don't hit me and you'll be fine alright darling?" Mia wrapped an arm around Edward, who was positively crimson. She pressed a encouraging kiss on his cheek and He nodded again feeling much better and walked over to stand next to Bob (their other beater) .
" I feel pretty nervous myself " Said Theo. Mia curled her knuckles on her hips. "If you have any left, I'd love one" He wondered. She rolled her eyes.
"Any preferences ?"
"Tongue but , I'm a steady guy, I'll take it slow , just here please " he pointed to his cheekbone. She scoffed and feline walked her way over to him. She reached on her tip toes but just as she was about to kiss his cheek he moved so she made contact with his lips instead . It was quick peck that made her laugh.
"You always for that one princess" He winked and strode up to the top of the line, like his brother , feeling much better. Mia shook her head with a grin , turning her head only to fine a very , very disgusted pair - Scorpios and Keenan.
"What?" She asked. "I supposed you want one too?" She raised an eyebrow. They made no objection, she kissed Scorpios cheek. "You'll do great" She smiled and turned to Keenan who's expression changed greatly . she couldn't help it, he was a 6th year , who's face was created by the gods apparently. So without another thought she gave him a peck too.
"How's your judgement level now?" She asked him.
"I couldn't stay mad at you , my lovely , even if I tried" He winked, a toothpick being placed back between his lips.She let out a girly giggle and left to go and stand behind Theo.
"Mia" Bob whispered behind her.
"What?" she whispered back, not turning.
"What's funnier than 24?" Then points to Theo's jersey. "25!" Lo and behold Theo's number 25 and Mia forgets who's she's surrounded by and full on ugly laughs with Bob.
"It's the moment you've all been waiting for, two teams , fighting for the championship , who will win? Gryffindor!" Roaring screams fill the stadium "or Slytherin !" Equal screams erupt again and Mia is grinning bigger and bigger by each waking moment. She can't help it, hearing George-Lee Jordan's voice commentating and the fact he'd announced Albus's name made her even more so excited. Sure competition is hard especially against best friends but it makes it oh-so more interesting for the crowd .
"He's back after two weeks hiatus with a bad fall, but put yours hands together and scream if you love him! Captain of Slytherin Team Theodore The Third Nott!"
Just like George-Lee had asked, the screams burst through the air as Theo sauntered in the field with his broom on his shoulders. Mia was rather enjoying the view when the commentator began again.
"Most goals in the season, brought the Slytherin house the Quiddich cup 3 years in a row, can she do it again? Ladies and mostly gents.. I present Our Quiddich princess, Mia Malfoy!"
Her ears ringing from the noise she laid her broom flat on the floor and stood on it like a skateboard before it lifted and slowly floated out into the field , carrying her into the stadium , covered with praise and boo's , which she loved.
"Our Slytherin beaters now, he's probably uprooted trees and stood on villages , but we love him Bob Goyle! And our newest and cutest guy, little bro to the Captain, proving to more than just a kid, it's the bean himself Edward Nott!"
Bob Goyle swaggered out twirling his broom with his large hands like a baton and Edward awkwardly waving just beside him , they soon sit with Mia in the air.
"It's our hunk, born in Bulgaria and breed in nobody knows where and wants to know how, it's the stallion Keenan Bulstrode! Along with his great side-kick who's proved us all wrong Henson Patil-James!"
With a humble smile and a wave from both, Bulstrode and Henson mounts their brooms and soars up and
Bulstrode gives Mia a wink.
"And finally, our keeper, kicking Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw all season, saving up to 327 quaffles this season , this Malfoy is rocking out world, it's our gentleman of the game, Scorpios Malfoy !"
Mia watches as Scorpios walks out and bows multiple times to the crowd , before climbing his Nibus and bursting to the hoops, Mia was also sure she heard Rose shouting 'Go baby go!' From the Gryffindor box;but knowing her relationship with the Weasley that could be forwarded to Scorpios or her.

"Houch is talking to Zabini and Nott, like boxers touching gloves , they shake hands"
They crowd grows silent.
"Hooch tosses it and Zabini has the Quaffle!"

Its always rather a blur. Skin coloured shadows with sparks of red and green flashing before your eyes until someone has the ball or quaffle. Albus was sending blungers soaring toward their team, nearly killing Edward at one point with one; who sent it battering back with a swing of his own. Bob had sent two Gryffindors down of their brooms ; not hitting them, but scaring them enough they lept of their brooms to dodge it. Henson crashed into an opposite seeker but both recovered quickly; this was no longer a game .. this was Quiddich war.
"And another brilliant save by our Slytherin keeper , I haven't seen or heard a game this intense since 1997 with Ronald Weasley, everyone is one par!"
It was true, everyone was out for blood but non so eager to win, than Mia. Rose was screaming
"Go Al! Go Mama ! Go Scorpios !" Even her Gryffindor friend were losing patience and shouting "pick a team!" But she never did.
"Score for Gryffindor! Still neck and neck and neither Bulstrode or Thomas got a glimpse of that precious 150 snitch".

They'd been playing for 30 minutes and everyone was feeling it. Bodies aching; heart hammering against their rib cage as the temperature drops. The crowds scuttling together for warmth and the player charging on. An opportunity was foreseen by Mia. By the looks of things; Gryffindors seeker, Dean Thomas Jr, had the qauffle , but his nimbus was slow and its reflexes not as good as Mia , especially since (currently) no deadly 90 mph blungers were heading her way. His rob were cotton and breathable, but the way he had the quaffle tucked under his arm was dangerous and by the mili-second Mia watched it slide. For her , ten minutes maybe an hour of calculation but for the crowd , a second. A green and blonde smudge in the grey sky firing through, catching the ball just as it slips , going unmanageable speed. She storms to the hoops; Verity Finnigan waiting and dreading for her. Her Firebolt pressed to the breaking point, Mia forgets all reality and susses out her goal. She doesn't notice her defenders knock the blungers away from her face , or Nott on her left as a safety net. Nor hears the screams of the crowd or feel the freezing wind on her face. Just her, the goal and one chance. Another blimp of a second for the crowd and more importantly for Verity, the left hoop open she leans towards ; Verity moves but too slowly and feels the tips of her gloves grace the quaffle as it sails through the hoop. Making it her 6th goal of the day. Then and only then- times rolls through- the chattering of her teeth begin and the amazed crowd go in a uproar. Unknown that she, tossing the quaffle through the goal - had secured the cup as Keenan for the snitch right after.
Slytherin wins the Quiddich Cup.
Mia flies down; jumping off her broom while mid flight only to be caught by Bob who throws her up and down with joy. Safely back on the ground she embraces her team mates.

"Brilliant game! Best in all of Mia's years , phenomenal! Gryffindors don't get down! An incredible performance by your team, pat on your back for all off you, maybe next time; keep an eye on the small things and I'm not talking about the snitch- our Malfoy champ is only 5ft 2 ladies and gents and give a deeper meaning to 'all good things comes in small packages' well done to both teams!"

Albus smirks ;if he has to be beaten by anyone in his life, it would only be Mia. He loves to see her smile again; he'd give anything to keep that smile she now has on her face. She's laughing, tears of joy flooding her grey eyes. But something happens that changes his whole demeanour . Two somethings actually. One: being this might be Mia's last Quiddich game and Two: well , he's not the only one who loves her smile. He drops his bat, unsure how to comprehend the situation.

Mia can't help it. She's crying tears of joy; she'd done it, she'd beat the damn record ! Her team had done it! Her house were now no longer remembered as the Quiddich team who cheated or paid themselves on - but won fair and square and flipped Voldermort and all his belief system the bird. Slytherin's can be good and Slytherin's can be fair and Slytherin's can and did win . Her excited to much, her joy so overwhelming- as the amazing crowd bursts into the field and hundreds of voices roar with happiness. That look, that single glint of possibility- shone in the handsome brown eyes that Mia had crushed on since first year . Those brown eyes? They belonged Theodore and when he was smiling at her amongst the crowd and she was too. She did what she always wanted to do. She gave him permission. He took it then and there and quicker than she was on her firebolt; he walked toward her , hands on gently touching her face and kissed her.
Unaware of the fact that across the field Albus Potter left his bat on the ground and was watching the whole thing. Unaware of the fact that he, Albus, had loved her since they were five and furthermore ; would never know that he'd loved her that way.

The team 'ooo' and 'aaa' -ing at the sight they stumbled upon in the middle of the crowd. But Rose; although immensely happy for Mia- for getting to admit her true feelings for Theodore and have them returned ;but was sad to say- she couldn't say the same thing for Albus. Who left.
"Party at the Slytherin Common Room; everyone is invited, spread the word!" Cried Keenan. The crowd whooped.
"And somebody get a room for the lovebirds!" He added, Pointing to the couple and Mia laughed as Theo blushed profusely.

"Going at least 250 I'd say" Said on Slytherin to the other .
"You're a joking" They scoffed. "At least 300" Mia rolled her eyes as she walked past.

"Seems everyone has gotten the win at tad... Out of hand" Bob said.
"A tad?, a just heard over in the corner two Ravenclaws considering Mia's a cyborg" Answered Leo.
"Speaking of out of hand situations , you and Theo" Bob raised his eyebrows up and down suggestive. Mia laughed.
"Yes well, matter of,opportunity I guess" She shrugged, glancing over the room, seeing Theo chatting with Dean Thomas Jr and Verity Finnigan. He catches her eye and smiles, she bites her lip.
"Has anyone seen Al?, he left his bat on the field" Scorpios asked the small group.
"Come to think of it , I haven't seen Al, since the match" Leo answered. Mia looked outside and say the cold dark night bathed with a pale..full moon. Her throat closes her stomach drops.
"I saw him talking to Love-good earlier, when I asked about it, he said it was about owl" Bob shrugged.
"His owl, got hurt coming back from his house, from its last trip, must be to borrow one of the schools" Scorpios answered. Mia's insides were churning, her heart refused to pump normally.
"I'm sure he's fine, I need to ask you anyhow about your technique" Bob said as him and Scorpios wonder away.
"Mama , you alright?" Asked Leo. She shook her head and looked to her favourite Zabini and faked a smile.
"Yeah, perfect, just remembered something that's all, I'll be back in moment, all this owl talk has reminded me about a letter I forgot to send" Lied Mia, Leo bought it and nodded his head , she left him at the party.
She couldn't believe herself , she'd forgotten it was a full moon tonight, no wonder Albus wasn't playing like he usually was, she could kick herself.
"Dancing Nargles" Said Mia at the headmistress's gargoyle, it leapt aside and allowed her in.
"Hello Mia" Luna Love-good was trying on different hats in the mirror.
"Professor Lovey, Albus is he-"
"Safe and perfectly well" Said Luna, trying  on her glasses with her chosen hat.
"Thank Merlin, I thought the worst had happened" She sighed.
"The worst as in, him being found out, or him finding out" Said Luma, taking off the glasses.
"Beg your pardon Ma'am?"
"Your worried about his reaction toward your relationship with Mr Nott? Forgive me if I'm wrong, which is highly doubtful but I apologise anyway" Luna and had rendered Mia speechless. "One cannot kiss and not tell"
" ...saw..that huh?"
"Oh yes, and keeping to my word I owled your  parents immediately" Mia's mouth fell open."I addressed it to Hermione and I feel she'll find it a lot more normal than your father"
"Professor...why?...but....anyway I haven't got time for this, is Albus fine , is he in the shack? Safe?"
"Safe but not sound , most depressing walk if ever seen for a young boy, nothing to do with the full moon"
"Are you , guilt tripping me?" Asked Mia.
"Heavens no" Said Luna, leaving her hats and glasses and walked toward Mia with a smile. "Just, time may be short, but love, lasts a long after time, long after all of us, powerful stuff love, can destroy and heal a person "
"I know" Mia said.
"I know you know, just a friendly reminder, now off you pop" She said , handing Mia a lollipop, cherry flavoured, from her sleeve and ushered out. "I believe theirs a grand celebration waiting for you Ms Malfoy" Luna smiled to her as the door slowly but share,shut; separating them once more .
"Not in mood much now" Sighed Mia, wondering back to her common room, only to pass a window and hear a distant howl, a sad lonely howl. "Albus" Mia lowered her eyes again and continued on her way.

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