Its been a few months and thing went smooth with all three rookies, but Angela and Tim have started to notice some stuff about lucy, how she would flinch when someone raises their hand or when someone talks loud at her and it got them worried.
Tim: Do you think somethings up with chen?
Angela: I honestly dont know she could just be getting used to the violince and danger of the streets
Tim: Ill talk to her
In the shop it was pretty quiet wich was strange because usually Lucy wont stop talking and it would usually annoy him.
Tim: Is something going on?
Lucy: what why?
Tim: Your quiet
Lucy: usually you hate it when i talk *they both laugh but then the radio goes off: alert all units there is a shooting on Westroad michigan who is nearby?* Tim picks up the radio
Tim: 7 Adam 19 show us responding code 3
Shots were fired and Lucy flinched
Tim: Shots fired show us code 2 Back up and airship needed *he puts back his radio* Chen you okay? *when tim says this he gets shot in the stomach*
Tim: augh
*lucy radios trough* 7 Adam 19 We need an RA officer down where is our back up?!?! *She started firing back while grabbing Tim, trying to pick him up and put him to safety. Just while Angela and Jackson arrive.
*the bullet grazed lucys arm and she winced in pain but kept firing back while The ambulance arrived*
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