Something to Go On

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  The threat behind their words was evident, but you pushed it aside. Right now the amulet was more important. Thus you merely rolled your eyes and walked along with the two of them until you found Clarencia in her sitting room. She was sitting in one of the bronze chairs that were upholstered in pale pink fabric. Her long pink hair was tied back into a high ponytail while her purple eyes with pink flecks examined something on the sketch pad she had in her right hand. A plain crème-colored floor-length dress covered her form while pearl earrings hung from her ears. In her left hand was a freshly sharpened pencil.

She glanced at the three of you before indicating for you all to sit. The three of you sat down on the bronze sofa, which was upholstered with pale pink fabric as well. Morning light shone into the sitting room, giving the room a comforting feel. By now the brothers had unlinked their arms with you only to wrap one of their arms around your waist. With Heart's left arm and Diamond's right arm wrapped around you, you tried to get as comfortable as possible.

"Clarencia, can you tell me about Yussia's mother? Apparently, this book mentions that she disappeared and was later presumed to be dead once Yussia received her queen's weapon. Thus I wanted to see if you knew more than what the book states."

"Yes, I suppose I have some more information to provide about the vanishing of Oriana, though I don't know if it will be helpful. At the moment however, I believe that Heart and Diamond have something to ask you," she replied before returning to her drawing.

"Well yes, I'm curious as to why you forgot to mention this detail to us, Miss ____?"

"Does it really matter? If you want to know more about your mother and grandmother, then read the books yourself. I didn't say anything because I was too focused on the task at hand," you voiced, wishing that you could have more maneuverability than what was currently permitted to you.

"Oh, well I guess we can read over the books. It would be more efficient if you got your questions over with, so we can have you to ourselves for the afternoon. So do hurry up, my dear lady," Heart said before grabbing the book with his right hand and flipping through the pages.

For a moment you had the temptation to slap him across the face, but you pushed that desire aside. The amulet was more important than being annoyed by Heart's statement. Leaning back into their arms due to that being your only option for comfort, you crossed your arms over your chest.

"It may not be as useless as you think. Please, any detail could be helpful, Clarencia," you mentioned, keeping your (e/c) gaze on her.

Looking up from her work, she set the sketch pad down on her lap and responded, "Well as I'm sure you know, she only told the grandmother of Fade's mentor, Nora. With my ability though, I did have multiple visions after the disappearance of Oriana. I kept seeing the same images of the carnival in the territory of Heart and Diamond. Like I said, I don't think this is quite useful. These images could've pertained to something else entirely. They could've meant that those of Yussia's bloodline might rule that land at one point or another. As you know, this is true. Heart and Diamond are evident of that.

"As for other information, I know about as much as that book tells you. Oriana disappeared and later Yussia became the new Queen of Hearts. At the time I did ask Nora if Oriana told her any other information. Nora stated that she did not. Everyone was quite puzzled by the situation and could make little sense of it. I'm sorry, but that's all I can provide you with."

"I see, thank you. Clarencia, if you knew about Nora having the amulet with the lyrics on it, why didn't you tell me? You merely mentioned that your mother taught you the song."

"My mother did teach me that song. Moreover, I considered the fact that Nora inherited the amulet from Oriana as an insignificant piece of information. I now realize my mistake. I'm sorry. My error has cost you days of laboring away in the library."

"It's fine; we can't change the past. As of now I would like to hear more about this recurrent carnival vision. It might not be connected, but then again it may be a vital piece to solving part of this song. What section of the carnival did you see or was it the entire carnival in the visions?"

"Ah yes, I do remember only seeing one select part. The vision displayed the indoor boat ride. This ride was intriguing in the fact that the boats could go down multiple paths. In the vision the multi-colored crafts were going down the various streams, as a tune played in the background. The ride back then was quite beautiful with its bright lights and mesmerizing scenery, but I believe its condition now is quite different."

"These streams, which the boats ride down, were they there before the ride?"

"Sadly, I cannot say. The ride has been in existence before even I was born."

Your mind processed this information and you found yourself glancing at the two brothers. Heart was reading the parts in the book about his mother and grandmother while Diamond was watching the scenery outside one of the paned windows. They may have been much younger than Clarencia, but they did rule over that territory. It was possible that they would be knowledgeable about its past. Diamond's reddish-orange caught your gaze and he seemed to understand what you were thinking.

"What will you do in return for us, Miss _____?" he questioned, his expression being unreadable.

"Why do I have to do something for your brother and you? This is important, Diamond. Please, just tell me what you know about the land before the carnival existed there."

He examined his long nails on his left fingers before replying, "Convincing us to leave you alone for two weeks comes with a price, Miss ____. You haven't even paid that back and now you want information. You're asking for quite a lot. Furthermore, you giving us something in return is important to me as well as my brother."

Getting annoyed and wanting to know more about these streams, you reluctantly asked, "What do you want in return?"

"That will be a secret for now. Now will you accept, or will you forgo the information you require," Diamond uttered, maintaining his expressionless face though his eyes held an excitement in them.

These conditions were hardly fair, but nothing was ever fair with the two kings. Huffing in irritation, you glared at the red-headed male and waited for a few moments to respond. You were hoping that he would change his mind, but he made no indication of doing so.

"Tch, you have a deal. Now tell me what you know about the streams in the boat ride. My patience is wearing thin."

Now wearing his typical smile, he explained, "My brother and I have several books in our collection that detail the layout of the land where the carnival stands. In one of these, it discusses the streams that reside in the boat ride. It mentions that the streams existed before the carnival and that the ride was built around the streams. Based on the details in the text, the carnival replaced a village. The streams were a main water source for the village and were the hub for social activity."

"Did musicians, particularly those that were pipers, play around the streams?"

"I believe the text did mention a few pipers performing around the sources of water."

Eyes widening at learning this, you almost jumped up in excitement, but the brothers arms kept you in place. Those streams may very well be the streams of Avaka. It wasn't definite, but it was enough of a possibility that you had to examine them for yourself. At last you had a lead, but your happiness faded when you remembered the bargain you struck with Diamond. Peering over at him, you could see his smile widen ever so slightly.

"So it seems that you have learned what you require. Now this afternoon you will pay the price, Miss ____."

"Well I'm glad you figured out what we're going to do, Diamond. I can't wait to learn the details from you and while we're discussing them, I can tell you the information I learned from the book," Heart stated, releasing his grip on you and setting the book on the table.

Diamond removed his arm from you as well and stood up, as his brother proceeded to stand also. You thought for just a moment that they were going to leave without you, but that hopeful idea was quickly destroyed. Heart swiftly picked you up with his right arm and threw you over his right shoulder. Not liking this at all, you demanded that he set you down. He just chuckled in response and headed for the door with his brother. Clarencia gave you a sympathetic look and you returned a wave of goodbye in return. This afternoon would certainly be a dreadful one, but you reminded yourself that you now had a potential candidate for the streams of Avaka.  

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