Sealed in Flowers

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   Pushing some of the honeysuckle aside, you entered the room it was previously blocking from your view. Upon stepping inside the space, you were greeted by a large circular pool, which was filled with crystal clear water. This water came from a hole in the wall, which spilled the liquid into the pool below like a waterfall. Moreover, honeysuckle not only covered the doorway but also the entirety of the walls in the area. A glass domed ceiling up above permitted beams of sunlight to stream into the sweetly scented room.

Figuring that you were going to have to take a bath of some sort, you wondered if there were any clothes lying around for you to change into. Granted, you didn't know this city's customs, so you could very well be wearing what you had on now for the ceremony. Still, you went to search anyway. Besides, you would still like a towel to dry off with. As you made your way to search the honeysuckle walls for any hidden doors, you nearly jumped into the air upon a voice catching your attention.

Peering over your left shoulder, you eyes gazed upon a woman, who was about five feet and two inches tall. She had curled brown locks, which went just past her ears, and bright purple orbs. Furthermore, a beige chiffon dress covered her form while nothing was on her feet. After giving you a quick bow, she wore a small smile on her face.

"I will retrieve all the items needed for your bath. Once I have done so, you will bathe in the water for twenty minutes. A clock that I will retrieve will ring when your time is up. When it rings, you'll change into the undergarments provided for you. Granted, I will need your size first."

After listening to the rather exact rules, you merely nodded and told the woman your sizes. With that she walked to the right of you and pushed some of the flowers aside, entering the room behind them. It wasn't long before she walked back out, carrying a basket stuffed with several items. Honeysuckle bubble bath liquid, dried honeysuckle petals, a timer set for twenty minutes, a beige plush towel, a crème colored corset, and a pair of crème colored satin underwear were in the weaved basket. When the woman saw you raise an eyebrow at the undergarments, she explained that it was customary for a woman to wear undergarments of this make on her wedding day.

Not wanting to know the reason for that custom, you just nodded and took the basket from her. After doing so, she left through a hidden doorway to your left. When you didn't hear her footsteps anymore, you set down the basket and began to strip. Once you had your clothes and shoes off, you threw them into your dirty clothes bag in your backpack. Next, you placed your bag besides the basket and hopped into the water.

To your dismay, it was rather cold and having to stay in it for twenty minutes wasn't exactly a pleasant idea. Your feet touching the bottom of the stone pool, you walked over to where the basket was. Reaching out of the water, you retrieved the bubble bath and petals. After putting only some of the bubble bath in and some of the petals as well, you put the bottle and container back into the basket. As if the scent of the flower wasn't already strong enough, it now grew greater. At least, it smelled good. With the two items in the water, you went under the water and washed your hair out somewhat. A few minutes passed before you came back up to the surface and tried to enjoy your bath despite the cold temperature.

Twenty minutes ticked by, meaning the allotted time was up. Thus, the timer went off, and you instantly turned it off due to the loud annoying sound. Getting yourself out of the water, you soon stood on your feet before rubbing your hands over your upper arms. Knowing that you weren't going to get much warmth from the action, you picked up the plush towel and proceeded to dry yourself off. After accomplishing this task, you put on the undergarments. Luckily, the corset wasn't too hard to get on due to it having clasps in the front. Not really feeling comfortable walking around strangers in your underwear, you wrapped the towel around your person and called out that you were done, since you could only presume that someone was nearby.

Like you suspected, the woman walked back in and signaled for you to follow her. Thankfully, she didn't make you take off the towel, though; she did give you a questioning gaze for a moment. Both of you went down the left path, which she had taken when she left you to deal with your bath. Similarly to the last hall, there were morning glories wrapped around the stone pillars, though, this time they were in the hue of purple.

Glancing to your left, you saw a path similar to yours on the other side of the structure. On that path were two figures. The one you assumed to be a male worker, but the other one was Diamond unless the brothers had changed places again. Like you, he had a beige plush towel wrapped around him; however, his was from the waist down. By the time you realized that he was shirtless, he had noticed you. Both his well toned chest and gaze caused you to erupt in a full on blush. Focusing your attention back to the front of you, you could tell that he was probably laughing right now. Soon, though, the woman and you passed through another doorway, which had no flowers serving as a door.

Once in the room, you noted the stone pillars highlighting the perimeter of the room while thick pale pink linen curtains blocked an outside viewer from seeing into the room. On the left and right side of the room, a small wooden table, painted white, held a white porcelain vase filled with pale pink roses. Straight ahead of you was a white vanity, which was accompanied by a matching stool with a white cushion. Various perfumes and lotions littered the surface of the vanity. Roses, the same hue as before, made their way up the outskirts of the vanity. Furthermore, on the right side of the room was a white wooden screen with roses painted on it.

The woman signaled for you to head over to the screen. As you made your way towards it, you heard someone else coming into the room. Looking over your right shoulder, you saw a woman, the same height as the purple-eyed one, bring in a full-length dress. She wore an identical dress to the current one, who was helping you, but had blue eyes and long straight brown hair. With the dress no longer in her care, however, she turned around and left. Looking back to the front of you, you closed the distance between the screen and you.

Now behind it, you laid the towel over the top of the screen before you saw the dress being handed to you over the screen. Taking it from the woman, you thanked her and began to examine the article of clothing. It was made of cotton and had a crème colored background. Delicate roses, transitioning from light to dark pink decorated the single colored background. The dress had thick straps with white lace trim while the top of the dress was fitted and shared an identical lace trim along the neckline. At the front of the dress, a large bow rested, which bore the same pattern as the rest of the dress. Past the waist, the dress flared out. Along the waist, however, was a smaller bow on the left side of the dress. This bow connected to another bow at the back of the dress on the right side. These were joined together by two silver chains.

With the dress now in your hands, you unbuttoned the back and slipped into it. Granted, you had to walk out from behind the screen and ask the woman to help with buttoning it back up. After performing the task you had requested of her, she led you over to the vanity. Once you were seated, she opened the topmost right drawer and pulled out a clean brush. Running it through your (h/c) strands, she made sure to get out all of the knots. Afterwards, she put it away and allowed your hair to remain down. Her left hand proceeded to glide over the various glass bottles on the counter before she picked up one with a pink liquid inside. Spraying it over your hair, you caught the scent of strawberries and champagne.

Setting the bottle back down, she picked up another glass bottle with light pink lotion. Figuring that it held the same scent as the spray, she pumped some onto her right hand before placing the bottle back in its original place. Proceeding to put it on both hands, she then ran her hands down your arms one at a time. Essentially, it was the equivalent of receiving a relaxing arm massage.

When her hands lightly glided past your shoulders, she rubbed them on her dress before motioning for you to get up. Following her instruction, you stood to your feet and trailed behind her out of the room. The second you stepped out of the room, however, you were greeted by the woman with the long brown hair again. In her hands were crème colored sandals, which were decorated with small pink roses of various hues at the front. Getting onto her knees, she placed them on the ground in front of you before standing back up. Placing your feet into them, you got comfortable in them before the woman retrieved a paintbrush and small circular black container from a hidden pocket in her dress.

Unscrewing the lid with her right hand, she held the container in her left. When the lid was off, she dipped the paintbrush into the pale pink paint. Next, she lifted the paintbrush to the side of your right eye and dotted your skin with three small pink dots. She proceeded to do the same with your left eye. Afterwards, she put more paint on the brush before highlighting your lips with the color. Finishing with the paint, she screwed the lid back onto the container and placed it back into her dress pocket. Now both women stood in front of you and pointed to your right.

Your eyes following their pointing left index fingers, you saw stone steps leading down to a singular stone patio. A man, wearing a tan tunic and tan loose fitting pants, stood tall at about a height of six feet and one inch. To his right, the shared body of the brothers stood, though, you didn't know which one was awake at the moment. At the current moment, their back was facing you.

Taking in a deep breath before exhaling, you began your descent. Picking up your dress, you made sure not to trip on one of the stone steps. As you decreased the distance between the brothers and you, you could feel your heart beating furiously in your chest.  

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