Diamond and Heart were currently sitting on top of the castle. Heart was leaning back and using his arms as supports while Diamond tapped his fingers against the stone. Both had their legs hanging over the edge of the stone roof, casually waiting for you to make your way into the courtyard. The two of them had awoken around nine that morning and had already eaten breakfast, though they had drinks nearby should they need refreshments during the game.
As for their attire, they kept it laid back. Heart sported his blue peasant shirt and black lounge pants while blue slippers covered his feet. His blue locks hung loosely around his face and were somewhat messy that morning. Regarding Diamond, he had on a red v-neck and grey skinny jeans. Black flip flops were on his feet. Concerning his hair, it was out of the ponytail and hung a little past his shoulders.
The two twins weren't exactly pleased that their outfits from yesterday were ruined from the blood stains. Even after trying multiple methods to get the stains out, the blasted red spots remained. Thus, they ended up throwing out the articles of clothing.
Some more time passed before Heart summoned a clock into his hands to see that the time was eleven in the morning. With this knowledge gained, he set the clock on the right side of him and sighed. He thought you were taking too long and he was growing impatient. No doubt his red-headed twin felt the same frustration, especially with that frown decorating his face.
"Diamond, when is she going to come out? I want this game to start, so I can see what you chose. The anticipation is beyond irritating."
"Just wait a little longer. I can guarantee you'll like what I have in store for her."
"Hmm, I hope so," Heart responded, resting his chin in the palms of his hands, as he leaned forward a bit.
In the next moment or so, Heart's blue eyes widened and gleamed. You were now just approaching the courtyard. Covering your form was an adorable mouse outfit. Seeing you in the attire, Heart grinned widely before turning to his brother. Now he knew what his red-headed twin had in mind. It was quite evident who you were playing in the game, but who was to be the cat? Curiosity filled his eyes and he waited for his brother to answer his unspoken question.
A small smile etched itself across Diamond's lips. He was about to answer his brother, but a certain voice cut him off. Turning his gaze down towards you, he noticed you tapping your left foot in complete annoyance. Witnessing you fuming in your mouse costume was just too adorable. Most certainly the image wouldn't leave his mind any time soon, but how would you look flustered? At such a question, his smile widened just slightly.
"Well, I'm waiting. Show me the cat, so we can get this over with," you called up with your hands on your hips.
"Of course, we were anxious to start as well," Diamond replied, lifting his right hand up while swinging something from his index finger.
Glinting under the shafts of light that broke through the clouds, the object was definitely metallic. Heart glanced between the object in question and his brother. He soon broke out into a fit of laughter. On the other hand, you paled considerably. Your hands instinctively flew to your sides, attempting to locate the dagger belt you had attached after you put on your outfit. It was indeed gone, though not really, since it hung from Diamond's index finger. The clown had probably summoned your daggers to his location the moment he saw your figure in the courtyard.
"I was wondering what you were going to do about her weapon, brother. It would've made the game much less enjoyable."
"Precisely, I never intended to allow her such a perk. Our mouse will have to use her speed and creativity to get away from the cat," Diamond mentioned to his brother, who was still chuckling slightly.
"Give me my daggers back now!" you yelled from the courtyard.
"I think you upset the little mouse," Heart muttered while keeping up his laugh.
"Oh, I know, but she just looks so cute like that," Diamond mused before setting the daggers behind him.
"Too true, should we begin though, Diamond?"
"Yes, we should indeed."
They obviously weren't paying any attention to your demands, leaving you to huff in displeasure. You watched as Diamond set your daggers on the stone roof behind him before he snapped his right index finger and thumb together. Understanding too well what was about to happen, you took off running.
Sprinting away from the courtyard, you heard a loud roar behind you. You told yourself that you wouldn't look behind you, but your curiosity won in this battle. Thus, you saw the large beast on the rich green grass. It was about twice the size of a cat while its fur was of a cerulean hue. Piercing green eyes with slit pupils glowed with intensity. The cat met your widened (e/c) eyes and hunger entered its orbs.
Quickly turning your attention back to the front of you, you just ran. The cat chased after you, growling loudly for you to hear. It sounded like it was right behind you, but you dared not look back now. Feet pounding against the green earth, you propelled yourself forward and jumped into the air. Your hands reached up and grabbed the top of the stone wall that surrounded the courtyard. Swiftly, you hoisted yourself up and jumped down onto the ground beyond the wall.
When your feet made contact, you took no time in sprinting forward. How would you get this hungry feline off your back? There was nothing on the grasslands that could aid you. It would be possible for you to open a portal into your world and quickly reenter this one in another location. The problem with such an idea would be the fact that the cat could enter behind you. As much as you didn't like the home you grew up in, you didn't want to risk unleashing that cat on your neighborhood. It would cause panic and potentially create more problems than help solve your current one. Frankly, the cat could just follow you through the next portal and you would be at square one. It could lead to a cycle of destruction.
Not willing to take that risk, you tried to think of something else. Your eyes glanced over at the castle and you realized you could've just run inside. The entrance doors would've held it off for a time. It would be the brothers' fault, specifically Diamond's, if anything was broken. Slowing your pace, you made a sharp turn and headed back for the wall. Maybe you could get it to crash into one of the statues on the way to the doors.
Jumping once more into the air, you lifted yourself over the wall. This time you scaled it sluggishly, which was due to your present exhaustion. When you were over the wall, you moved a few steps forward before catching your breath for just a moment. Unfortunately, this brief stop was a mistake. You found yourself flying to your right side after one of the creature's blue paws collided with your side. Landing on your back hard and having the wind knocked out of you, you had a difficult time regaining the breath you lost.
Clutching your left where the cat hit you, you attempted to get up on your feet, but the cat held you down with its right paw. It pressed into your stomach, which didn't help the situation in the slightest. Its menacing green eyes stared at your own orbs while a pink tongue licked its chops. If you just had your daggers, you could stab this thing. Using your only weapon left, your limbs, you brought your left arm up and impacted it against the creature's own stomach.
To your surprise your punch actually had some effect. The cat's paw retracted somewhat from your midsection, allowing you just enough room to roll out from under the cat. Recovering as quickly as you could, you got up and ran once again for your destination. Your feet carried you towards some of the statues, as you avoided the mounds, which were graves.
Due to the cat's large body, it nearly crashed into several of the statues, giving you time to make your escape. For a moment though, you glanced up at the brothers to see them watching with intrigue. A glare painted your face, when you saw the two of them sipping on some sort of drink that could potentially have some fruity quality to it. They were acting like they were merely sitting on the beach and watching the waves roll by.
Averting your gaze, you looked back at the entrance doors. Your hands reached out to the handles and you threw the doors open. Once your feet crossed the threshold, you slammed the doors behind you. Quickly, you locked them and took a few steps back. At first nothing happened, but in the next moment they shook violently, as the cat slammed itself against them. This occurred again before all went silent. A couple of minutes went by, but you refused to unlock the doors.
Collapsing to the ground, you fell on your knees and rested the palms of your hands on the floor. Your breathing calmed down and your heartbeat slowed down back to normal. This brief moment of peace didn't last long before you heard clapping behind you.