Making your way through the city was not as easy as you hoped it would be. You assumed that since it was night the streets would quiet down, but how wrong you were. Instead of the stalls being empty of goods, they were still stocked with products. Rather than foods, jewelry, clothes, or other things of the like, the stalls were bustling with crowds buying spirits, wines and other alcoholic beverages. Men and women, dressed in leather armor sets dyed black, prowled the streets while belts filled with daggers and throwing knives armed their persons. The guards, obviously, didn't mind the quantity of alcohol being consumed in the night, but were watchful of anything going wrong.
If they were watching anyone, closely, it was the three of you. Their raptor like eyes followed your every move, and their gaze was unnerving. Heart walked on your left side while Diamond was on your right, keeping you secured between them in case one of the guards found it necessary to attack.
Frankly, you just wanted to find an inn and get off the streets. You couldn't help but wonder, though, if this activity occurred every evening. Such scenes and liveliness were never mentioned in the book, which you had placed in your pack when Heart and you were looking for Diamond earlier. Maybe the book didn't mention the activity because it would deter someone from visiting the city. Some preferred a quiet night in comparison to this raucous noise.
Focusing your attention on the signs posted above the buildings, you continued to search for an inn. Just a few signs down, you saw a sign that could be one. Three words were written on the sign: The Graceful Bear. Directing the brothers' attention over to it, they nodded and guided you towards it.
Reaching the entrance to the building, the three of you were about to go in, but a man came flying out the door. Heart stepped to the side, swiftly, while Diamond tugged on your right arm and pulled you to the side with him. As for the man, he landed roughly on the cobblestone path, grunting in pain. A woman of about 6'1 stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips. Her pure white hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and her orange eyes glared at the now unconscious man. She wore clothes like those of the other women you saw. Crème colored long culottes covered her legs and a v-neck white embroidered shirt hugged her torso perfectly.
She was about to turn back inside on her golden sandals until she saw the three of you. Curiosity danced in her eyes, but she maintained a scowl on her face. Her eyes traveled to the weapons on your forms before she crossed her arms over her chest.
"You three looking to cause trouble because it sure looks that way. I won't tolerate it. I already had to kick that buffoon out of my husband's inn."
Quickly, you replied before the brothers could, "No, no, of course not, we're just looking for a place to stay for the night. Do you have any rooms available? We just came into town and need somewhere to sleep."
"Hmm, out of town, you say? Haven't had too many outsiders here in awhile. No wonder you three look so ... so strange. Well no matter, there's a room available if you don't mind sharing."
Personally, you wanted a room to yourself, but this inn seemed reliable enough and you didn't know want to stay too much longer on the streets. Merely nodding in response, you followed the woman into the building with the brothers behind you. No doubt, they were fine with the accommodations.
Soon the three of you were at the front desk of the inn, which was also the main bar. The woman walked over to a man at the far end of the bar. He had short pure white hair that rested in a messy manner atop his head. Yellow eyes glowed lightly under the illumination of the plain wax candles in the inn. Wearing a beige apron over his attire, which was like the other males' clothing, he nodded at the woman's words. You could only assume that this was her husband. This man stood at a height of about 6'4 and wasn't exactly the definition of a fighter. Then again, maybe he just pretended to be weak to trick enemies into a false sense of security.
His gaze traveled over to the three of you before he set down the glass he was cleaning. In a few moments, he was standing in front of you three behind the bar. The woman took over his place and served drinks to a couple of customers, who came over to the bar a few seconds ago.
"My wife, Victoria, states that you three are fine with sharing the last room we have. May I ask how many nights you wish to stay?"
"Just tonight should suffice," you replied, as the brothers scanned over the people occupying the main floor of the inn.
"Understood, your room will be the last one on the left. Please, call either my wife or me if you require anything to be brought up to your room."
"Of course, but can I ask your name?"
"Oh! My apologies, I seemed to have slipped right over that. Please, address me as Nicholas," he answered before handing you the key.
After thanking him, the three of you left up to your room. Unlocking the door and entering, you locked it once all of you were inside. The room's appearance was quite simple with its plain furnishings. A round wooden table held a single candle for the room's illumination while a wooden full sized bed rested next to it. Grey sheets rested on top, as grey pillows accompanied it. Only a single square paned window let natural light into the room, which at the moment was a lot due to the full moon. Curtains in the hue of grey hung beside it. Across from the bed was a wooden stand with a metal basin on it. Next to it was sealed jar of water. Moreover, a wooden door was next to the wash table. You opened it to see only a toilet inside. Well, there went your idea of taking a shower.
At the same time, though, you had taken a shower earlier in the evening back at the brothers' castle. The time difference between the two worlds was slightly disorienting, since it felt like you were repeating the night over again. Setting your bag down, after placing the key on the table with the candle, you laid down on the bed. It was surprisingly soft and tempted you into going to sleep immediately.
"Going to bed so soon, my dear lady?"
"Yes, I have no interest in staying up later. Besides, my sleep was interrupted earlier," you responded, rolling over onto your stomach and wrapping your arms around one of the pillows.
"Ah, but Miss _____, shouldn't we ask around to see where those products are sold in the market. Someone downstairs may know, and then we will be more efficient in the morning."
"I guess you're right, Diamond. How about you two go down and ask then?"
"Heart, why don't you stay here with her while I go ask the some people in the main room?"
"I have no problem with that, though, try not to drink too much, brother. I know you're using this as an excuse to test out some of the alcohol in this world."
"Since when have you been a fan of alcohol, Diamond?" you inquired, looking over your right shoulder to glance at the male.
"Why, I have a glass of bourbon or scotch almost every night. You're just usually asleep at the time, Miss _____," he answered before taking the key in his hand and leaving the room.
Heart walked over to the door and locked it once more. With your head against the pillow and turned slightly to the right, you made sure he didn't try anything weird. Soon, he snapped his right index finger and thumb together. Seeing this action, you shot up from your comfortable position, ready to deal with whatever the male had in store. He held up his hands in a surrendering fashion, but you saw your daggers in his right hand. His blue eyes glanced over to them, and a look of relief washed over his face.
"Good, my powers still work. I was worried they might stop functioning when we came here."
"Great, I'm glad you cleared that up. Can I have my weapons back now, Heart?"
Tapping his left index finger against his chin, he thought about your request before shaking his head. A groan of irritation left your mouth at this before you rolled off the bed and onto your feet. Having no patience, you strode across the room, swiftly, and attempted to grab the dagger belt with the daggers from him. He held it up just out of your reach and another frustrated groan left your lips.
"Heart, just give them back and stop being so childish about this."
"Ah, but I'm rather enjoying this."
Sending him a glare, you took a few steps back before running at him. Not expecting this, Heart was caught off guard, permitting you to jump up and grasp the belt. To your surprise, Heart held on tightly to the dagger belt. Due to your fast running jump and the force of your pull on the daggers, you caused Heart to lose his balance. In the next moment, the two of you tumbled to the floor. With both of you still holding onto the daggers, Heart's right hand was now pressing against the daggers and your left wrist. As for the rest of Heart, his chest was currently pressed against your face while his left hand and arm were behind your head. Lastly, his legs were straddling your hips. All in all, you were not pleased by this.