Puzzle Solving

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"Do you think that you will die, Diamond?" you questioned quietly, as you continued to avoid his gaze.

"I will do my best not to allow such a thing, but one mistake could mean the end of me. I tripped that trap with the bugs. If we had been overrun, I shudder to think what would've happened."

"Diamond, what would you like me to do if that were to happen?"

"My brother and I would have to assign you the task of choosing the next two kings, since we haven't chosen any successors ourselves. Granted, that will change if we are killed by two males in our world."

"Wait, how is that possible? How could I choose for you two?"

"We'd pass down our king's weapons, and you would hand them to the individuals you found worthy of the position. Until you hand out the weapons, no new King of Hearts or Diamond will exist. This can only happen if the king or queen has no successor or isn't killed by a person. Besides that task, I would ask you to not erase us from your mind."

"I don't think you have to worry about that happening. You two wouldn't let me forget either of you regardless of whether you're dead or not."

A light laugh escaped his lips before he responded, "Quite true, our spirits will kill any who try to have you."
Despite his jovial tone, you could tell that he was being completely serious. They really wouldn't let you go that easily. This somewhat reassured you that they wouldn't permit themselves to be killed easily. Furthermore, you wouldn't let them die on you. You had just married them after all and had a ring carved into your finger. Granted, you wouldn't tell them that, but you would make sure that they lived well past the end of this journey.

As you heard another set of footsteps join Diamond's, you broke out of your brief thoughts and saw Heart now running beside his brother. The blue-haired male mentioned that he had taken down several, but their outer skin was rather tough to break through. He further explained that were too many to take down in a safe manner. Just by glancing at the male, you could see he was exhausted. If only you possessed the strength to pull off that move again. Sadly, just the thought of doing so tired you out.

Staring out at the path in front of the three of you, you saw it spilt into five halls. Quickly, you analyzed each one and saw that only the amount of light down the paths was different. Thus, you instructed the brothers to take the center path due to it having the least amount of light. If that choice split into others, you would have an easier time of losing the strange beasts behind you. Still, the thought of running into near complete darkness was somewhat unsettling. Who knew what could be down that hall?

There was no time to consider your decision anymore, as the twins rushed into the center hall. Only a few torches flickered here and there, casting shadows all along the stone walls. The crackling of the flames just added to the unnerving atmosphere of the path. You could easily imagine one of those shadows coming to life and grabbing at the three of you. Luckily, though, none of you could hear those odd beasts behind you. They either stopped because they no longer wished to chase their prey, or they knew that something worse was in this hall. Frankly, you knew that it couldn't be that you lost them, since they most likely had seen which path you three had taken.

To make matters worse, a loud rumbling sound resonated throughout the hall. Leaning your head back some, you saw the source of the sound. Walls of stone were starting to come down from the ceiling, crushing anything that was beneath them. Heart had peered over his left shoulder to see the source as well, and upon witnessing it, he cursed rather loudly. If only, they could summon some horses to ride on, but the halls in Kinete were too small for such a thing. As if this wasn't enough, the torches in the hall completely dwindled down to none, leaving all of you in complete darkness.

The walls continued to smash against the ground, but now you had no idea how close they were to the brothers and you. Cursing yourself for choosing this path, you wished you had chosen another. Personally, the only reassurance you had for yourself was the fact that the other paths could've been worse options. Suddenly, though, you felt Diamond's grip on you tighten before your face was practically smashed against his chest. You would've questioned him on what he was doing if it weren't for his cry of surprise, which was followed by Heart sharing a similar reaction.

That's when you felt the change in Diamond's speed. It had at least doubled, as you could feel the air rushing past you. You had no choice but to grip onto Diamond's shirt, since you didn't want to go flying off into goodness knows where. When you heard Heart's cry of shock morph into one of glee, you could only assume that the three of you weren't in too much danger, but who could tell in the darkness?

It felt as though this speed kept up for a few minutes before you felt Diamond's grip on you loosen. In the end it disappeared entirely, and you heard him call out for you to grab his hand. Due to the darkness, you couldn't see where his hand was. All you knew was that you were surrounded by air, and that you were falling downwards. You only hoped that a pit of spikes or monsters wasn't waiting for you at the bottom. With the monsters, though, you would have a chance of survival, but with spikes you would no doubt be impaled. Such a thought wasn't pleasant in the slightest. If anything, you felt a chill go up your spine.

Thankfully, you were greeted by neither of these options. Instead, you hit something smooth and rough at the same time. Making a slight groaning sound, you pushed yourself up from the ground. Feeling the substance in your hands, you recognized it as sand. There was the possibility, however, that something was hiding underneath it. With the thought beginning to plague your mind, you called out to the brothers and received a few mumbles in response. At least, they sounded okay.

About to crawl your way through the sand, you stopped and quickly shielded your eyes with your right arm. Positioning yourself, so that you were sitting cross-legged, you proceeded to cover your eyes with both your hands due to the bright light that overtook the place. Slowly, you were able to lower your hands and open your (e/c) eyes. At least fifty torches were now lit. With their light, you saw that you were in a pit with no exit. Only a statue stood in each corner of the closed off space.

Getting onto your feet, you noticed that the brothers were just a few feet away from you. Diamond was currently picking himself up onto his feet while Heart was just pushing himself off the ground. Now, seeing that they were alright, you focused on the statues. Going to the one that was closest to you, you examined its form. It stood at about seven feet tall and was of what you presumed to be a sorcerer. Flowing robes were carved into the stone while long hair cascaded down the man's shoulders. A stern expression decorated his countenance. Lastly, he held the palms of his hands out like he was supposed to be holding something.

Looking back at the brothers, who were standing at two other statues, you called out, "What appearances do your statues have?"

Each answered you the same, causing you to assume that the last statue was also identical. Wondering what the purpose of this was, you did a quick scan of the room once more. In between the statue you were standing at and the statue that had no one in front of it, you saw something glimmer in the light. Bringing yourself over to where you saw it, you found four colored glass spheres: blue, red, green and yellow. No doubt, one went with each statue. Now, it was a matter of determining which went where.

"Ah, my dear lady, there is text written at the bottom of my statue. Sadly, it isn't in a language that I understand," he announced, as he crouched in front of the bottom of the statue.

Going over to him, you went onto your knees and looked over the writing. Frankly, you had never seen writing like it. To you, it just looked like a bunch of skulls with different expressions. You had no idea what a happy skull translated into. Perhaps, it could mean joy but that seemed too simple. Moreover, you had checked for writing around the spheres, but you saw none. What could happy skull, sad skull, happy skull mean?

Diamond came over and joined you two before stating, "The statue, which I was just at, had the drawings of three angry skulls."

"I suppose I should go check the other two," you muttered, as you went back onto your feet.

Both brothers offered to check, but you turned them down. You wanted to see the writings on the statues for yourself. Going back to the one you started at, you noticed that there were two neutral skulls and one sad skull at the end. Proceeding to the next statue, you found three surprised looking skulls. Honestly, it didn't make any sense to you. Maybe if you examined the spheres again, you would find something to aid you in this puzzle.

Positioning yourself in front of the glass orbs, you stared at each of them carefully to see if there was anything inside. When you discovered nothing, you rested your hands on your hips and began to tap your right foot in concentration. It was possible that each orb represented one of the four elements, and those elements corresponded to certain feelings. If that were the case, fire could represent rage, water sadness, air shock, and earth content happiness. These options were worth a try, but if you got the puzzle wrong, you feared to find out the result. There was no other option but to try, though.      

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