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  When you returned to the castle, you thanked the horse for the ride before entering the structure and heading immediately for the castle study. The brothers just caught up to you, as you opened the study doors. They were about to ask what you were doing, but you ignored them and headed for the office desk on the raised section of the study. After opening the drawer underneath the topmost left drawer, you found a piece of paper. Originally, there had only been the letters from Chroma in the drawers, but the brothers during the past year stocked the drawers with writing utensils and paper. Taking out a pen as well, you started to write a letter to Rollta after sitting down in the red armchair.

The peach-colored bird from Clarencia would be able to deliver the letter to him in Valinquinia. In the letter you asked if he could find a jeweler who might know the about the ring in question. Of course, you included a description of the ring and the inscription on the inside of the ring. Furthermore, you explained that this had relevance to the amulet potentially. You weren't sure, since Ganab wasn't actually mentioned on the ring.

Both twins were now looking over your shoulders and reading the letter as you wrote. You knew of this, but didn't stop them from reading. They were probably okay with you sending a letter, since it didn't involve you speaking to Rollta directly.

Once the letter was complete, you exited the study and found the peach-colored bird eating some grass outside. Holding the letter up, the bird understood what you wanted and grabbed the item with its beak. You told it to go to Rollta in Valinquinia. It nodded its head and flew off with the letter. Frankly, you were surprised that it understood who you were talking about. The bird was most likely intelligent enough to understand your words, or Clarencia had trained them. It was a pity they couldn't actually talk back, though you did wonder how the bird knew Rollta's appearance. Just in case, you wrote his name on the outside of the letter and also wrote yours, so Rollta would know who it is from. For all you knew, the bird might just deliver the letter to a city guard and that guard would take the letter to the desired person.

Knowing that it would take probably more than several days for you to hear back from him, you went to go back into the castle, but you were stopped by two hands. Heart had grabbed your left arm and Diamond your right. You glanced between the two of them to see what they wanted, but their expressions were unreadable.

"And where do you think you're going, Miss _____?"

"Inside, so both of you let me go."

"I'm afraid we can't do that. You see my brother wants you to pay him back for what you did to him previously, my dear lady."

At first you were puzzled by Heart's statement, but your mind recalled the dress incident. So, he really wasn't going to let that go. Looking up at Diamond, you saw a gleam in his reddish-orange eyes. Slightly concerned at seeing this, you pulled your arms away from them and crossed them over your chest.

"Well, what is it?" you inquired, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.

"Why are you so eager, my dear lady? Are you finally starting to enjoy our games?"

"You know the answer to both those questions, but you two know I only tolerate your games because you two can't help your messed up nature."

"If you'd like to believe that, then we won't stop you from doing so. I think though that some part of you enjoys them. You might just be denying that masochistic side of your personality, my dear lady. Besides, you didn't know about our curse in the past year."

"Tch, maybe I didn't, but I saw something in your two's eyes. I could tell there was more to your actions. I just couldn't put words to it."

"Whatever eases your mind, my dear lady," Heart replied, shrugging his shoulders and wearing his characteristic smirk.

"Anyway, what is it you have in mind, Diamond?"

"I was thinking you could play a rather classic game. You'll understand it, once you see your costume," he responded, indicating that you could proceed into the castle.

Giving him a slight scowl, you marched off into the castle entrance hall. Once the brothers closed the doors behind them, you turned to them with your arms over your chest. They walked right by you and headed for the dining room.

Bewildered by this, you called out, "Well, I'm waiting. Show me where this costume is?"

Diamond halted his movement and glanced over his shoulder, "Miss ____, you do realize that it is quite late. I thought you would like some food and then some rest before we began with the game, but if you're so eager then ..."

Cutting him off, you exclaimed, "Fine, you make a good point. I am pretty hungry."

He gave you a brief nod while his typical smile painted his lips. Afterwards, he returned to walking towards the dining room. Catching up to them, the three of you made your way into the room. The brothers called Aberrous out of the kitchen and he merely nodded at their dinner requests. Taking your seat between the twins, you wondered what they had asked for. At this point though, you really didn't mind what it was. You were actually famished from all the running and fighting in the carnival. There were far too many of those clowns in the that part of the carnival.

As you three waited, Heart merely tossed a dagger, which he summoned, up and down. Diamond now had a book in his hands and was reading the text. Regarding yourself, you were trying to determine the game that Diamond had in mind. He mentioned that it was a classic, but that could mean several different options. Chin resting in the palm of your right hand, you tapped your left fingers against the polished tabletop and continued to think on the subject.

Sometime later, Aberrous came out with the dinner. Each porcelain plate had steamed vegetables and lamb chops. You thanked him for dinner and he bowed before filling each of your crystal goblets with iced water. With that, he returned to the kitchen. Dinner proceeded in the usual fashion. Heart would try to eat off your plate while Diamond would attempt to feed you his food. By the end of it, you were eating from Diamond's plate while Heart had yours and Diamond had his brother's. The plates would always somehow end up getting switched. When you finished the food on the plate, you went to go take a shower. After you had left the dining room, Heart snickered and Diamond gave him a questioning look.

"What did you do, brother?"

"I may have moved all of her day clothes and pajamas in the wardrobe to another location, when she was sleeping last morning. I also moved ours, making her wear what I left out. Now she can dress in something cute at night. Besides, it serves her right for ignoring us when we came back from the carnival. Of course, I'll put her clothes back later tomorrow."

"So what are the outfits you left for her?"

"I may have taken a few of those nightgowns from Clarencia's castle."

"You really are a pervert, Heart."

"And you aren't, brother? Please, you just hide behind that smile of yours, but I know you're secretly thanking me. Besides, if it were you, you would choose something much worse. Anyway, let's wait for our little queen to discover the surprise."

A quiet chuckle left Diamond's lips before he shook his head at his blue-haired brother. He did look forward to your reaction; it would probably be quite entertaining. Resting his chin on the backs of his hands, he allowed a small smile to grace his lips while Heart smirked back at him. Several minutes passed before they heard footsteps rushing towards them. In the next moment, you entered the dining room furious.

Where are my clothes?! Why are there only two awful articles of clothing in the bedroom?! I want answers now!" you yelled, glaring at the two males.

"What, you don't like the selection? I thought they were both very fitting, my dear lady. You can always just wear your undergarments if you prefer. I won't mind at all."

Looking between the two, you knew they weren't going to give you any clues. Throwing your hands into the air, you stormed off and muttered endless curses at them. You would just change back into the clothes you were wearing now. It wouldn't be the most comfortable of sleeping clothes, but they were better than those two nightgowns. Just for this, you would turn Diamond's game against him tomorrow. He may not have been the one to take your clothes, since you could tell by Heart's expression that it was him, but Diamond still didn't help you get them back. Fuming, you entered the room you shared with them and took off the necklace, placing it on the nightstand by the left side of the bed. Ignoring the two nightgowns on the bed, you walked into the bathroom with the clothes on your back and some new undergarments. There was no way you would let Heart's plan succeed.  

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