By the time you got back inside, it was three in the afternoon. Starved, you proceeded past the dining room and straight into the kitchen. Salmon pink walls and medium green cabinetry greeted you upon entering. Beige granite counter tops and brass drawer handles added light splashes of elegance to the space. White wooden beams covered the ceiling while between the cooking and sitting area hung a metal ceiling fan. An old fashioned stove was tucked away in a small space in the kitchen while various herbs and spices decorated the shelves. Dried lavender hung from the walls and living house plants brightened the room.
Sunlight entered through the two paned windows that overlooked the apple orchard. Short flower-patterned curtains, made of cotton, hung at the top of the windows. Painted china plates accented the walls here and there. To your left rested a black wooden table with two matching chairs. Books, teacups, and papers were spread out among the surface of the table. Opposite you stood a white wooden hutch filled with various kitchen trinkets. A flower shaped light fixture was placed by the window opposite of the stove. Overall the kitchen looked rather simplistic when compared with the rest of the castle. It always caught you off guard when you would enter it over the past two weeks.
Making yourself comfortable, you pulled out one of the chairs by the table and sat down. The moment you were seated, you sprawled your arms out over the surface of the table, but you were careful of the items upon it. Two of the four pale purple rabbit cooks were in the kitchen. One, wearing a pink bow on her right ear and a white lace dress, went by the name of Coco and was currently washing dishes in the sink. As for the second rabbit, who wore a pink button-up vest and beige pants, they went by the name of Vanil and were drying the dishes. Both heard the movement of the chair and their chocolate brown eyes looked at you in response.
Bowing their heads, they asked, "Is there anything you would like to eat, Ms. _____?"
"Actually, today an acquaintance of mine will be cooking. You two are welcome to enjoy the food with me, as repayment for them using your kitchen."
"It's quite alright, Ms. _____. Just make sure they don't ruin our equipment," stated Coco, as she set the dishrag on the counter.
"Yes, and have them clean up after themselves," added Vanil, obviously not wanting to dry more dishes.
"Of course, I'm sure he'll be respectful of your kitchen."
They nodded in response before exiting the kitchen in a hop-like manner. Their manner of movement was interesting to watch, since it was halfway between walking and hopping. It was as though they still weren't used to moving on two feet. In a few seconds their absence was replaced by the brothers. Heart examined the kitchen and a small smile appeared on his face. He was apparently pleased by the space. Diamond on the other hand went over to the hutch and examined the teacups resting on its shelves.
"So my dear lady, what would you like to eat?"
"I'll let you decide, though it needs to be amazing. I expect no less, since you owe me for winning," you mentioned with a wide smirk on your face.
"Of course, it shall be nothing less than perfect," he replied, bowing a little with his right hand over his chest in a formal manner.
Before he headed over to the cooking area, he pushed his blue bangs with green highlights back and pulled out a blue clip from his right vest pocket. With the clip he secured his bangs back. Going over to the cooking part of the kitchen, he looked for an apron, but couldn't find one in his size. They were meant for the three foot tall rabbits after all. Slightly frustrated by this, he huffed before just grabbing the supplies he would need. He was indeed going to make you something delicious.
As for Diamond, he finally found two teacups that seemed to his tastes. They were white on the outside and had a medium green color on the inside. The saucers that went with the cups were completely white. He set them on the table before moving the one chair closer to you; however he did not sit down. Instead he went over to the cooking area after grabbing the cast iron tea kettle from the hutch. Taking a few herbs from several of the glass jars, he began making tea while Heart worked around him.
It was interesting to see the two of them in the kitchen together. You had witnessed it before, but right now they just had a certain atmosphere about them. Heart, you could tell, was in his element and picked out each ingredient with ease. Of course, you didn't know what he was making, but the way he was carrying himself in the kitchen you were imagining something superb. Diamond had a calm air about him, as he leaned against one of the counters and waited for the tea to finish. Just watching them work caused you to have a small smile on your face. Resting your chin in your right hand and placing your right elbow on the tabletop, you let the pleasant smell of cooking relax your mind.
Frankly, you didn't realize that you had dozed off. Thus when Diamond came over with the finished tea, he smiled lightly before setting the tea kettle on a circular wooden board. He proceeded to get strainers before setting them on top of the tea cups. After pouring the tea, he sat down and thought of the various ways that he could wake you up. Choosing one, his lips turned upwards into a small grin.
Extending out his left hand, he took his index finger and placed it on the back of your hand. Slowly, he dug his nail into your hand before he moved and dragged his nail across your skin. Almost instantly, you jolted awake and pulled your hand back quickly. A thin trickle of blood ran down the back of your hand and once your gaze landed on Diamond, you glared. He merely smiled in return before pointing to your teacup.
"Jerk," you mumbled, grabbing a napkin and pressing it against your skin.
When the bleeding stopped, you finally picked up your teacup and took a sip. It tasted delicious and had flowery notes to it. Remembering this taste, you figured that this had to be Darjeeling tea. Noticing the small smile on your face, Diamond inwardly smiled, pleased that you were enjoying it.
"Miss ____, when were you thinking of leaving for the carnival?"
"Tomorrow, I don't have much to bring with me anyway; just the clothes on my back, the amulet and my daggers. I want to examine the ride as soon as possible. The streams in the ride may be the ones mentioned in the song."
Taking another sip of tea, you thought it weird that the two brothers weren't expressing any frustration at losing the game. When you had won, they were clearly shocked, but now they were dealing with it quite well. It made you slightly cautious that they might try something later.
"Ah, that's splendid then. You can finally return to the castle with us. It's been over a month now."
"Remember, we're going for the boat ride. Don't even think about keeping me locked up in the castle."
"Of course Miss ____, as long as you don't run off without us there should be no problem."
Rolling your eyes, you turned to look back over at Heart to see if he was done. He was indeed done cooking, but he had just placed the dish in the oven. Currently, he had his back to you and was leaning against the counter. Figuring it would be awhile before the food was done; you went over to the hutch and pulled out a deck of cards from one of the drawers. Returning to the table, you took the cards out of the box and started shuffling. Diamond and you proceeded to play 'War'.
Minutes went by and occasionally you would look over at the cooking area to see if the food was done. Sadly, it wasn't, rather Heart was starting to cut up honey dew, cantaloupe and grapes. Returning to the game, you noticed that Diamond was winning. Cursing at this, you knew that if you didn't get a tie or win you would be in trouble. If only you hadn't been bored, then you wouldn't be in this predicament. Frankly though, you weren't going to try and go back to sleep. You didn't need Diamond trying to carve something into your skin with his fingernails. Another twenty minutes went by and at last you heard Heart grabbing several dishes. It was now a tie between Diamond and you.
Soon he was walking over to the table with a tray in his hands. Three plates had quiche on them while only two had bowls of fruit. No doubt the one missing the fruit was Diamond's. Heart set the plates, bowls and silverware on the table before taking a seat on the side of the table opposite to Diamond. Taking your fork in your right hand, you gently stabbed the quiche with it before taking a bite. Your eyes widened slightly and your taste buds seemed to dance in delight. This was absolutely delicious. After thanking him, you continued to eat. An evident smirk was plastered on his face, as he ate his own food. When all three of you finished, Heart took the dishes and silverware back to the kitchen where he began to wash and dry them.
"I'm glad you enjoyed the meal I made, my dear lady," he voiced from the cooking area, his face now turned away from you.
"Yeah, it fit the criteria for my prize for winning," you responded, though your vision began to get a little blurry and the last thing you saw before your vision faded was Diamond sipping his tea, his lips upturned in a grin.