A/N: This chapter isn't a lemon, but it does have an implied scene. If you're not comfortable with such material, please don't read this chapter.
"Would you two mind if I rested for a few hours before we headed to the final location?" you questioned, feeling tiredness strengthen its presence in your mind.
"Well, my dear lady, we had something else in mind. You see, you still owe us that special greeting from back on Rinned. Surely, you haven't forgotten about it?"
In actuality, you had failed to recall that detail. You were focused on getting to Kinete at the time, and when you reached this place, you were sleeping, getting chased by bugs and monsters, and solving puzzles. Now, your mind focused on trying to figure out what the brothers had planned.
"Besides, you did yell at me earlier, and our idea will serve as the perfect apology," Heart added, wearing his characteristic smirk on his lips, while he snaked around you and wrapped his arms around your waist.
Feeling his breath on your right ear, you felt a shiver go up your spine, as you knew that sooner or later he would bring up that incident. Casting your gaze over at Diamond, you noticed he had his typical smile painting his lips while he examined right fingernails. If anything, you knew that this would be bad. Within a few seconds, Diamond had locked his reddish-orange gaze with your (e/c) one. Making his way over to you, he placed his right index finger under your chin and lifted your head up.
"We thought that we might spend some time with you, since Jisef is the final place for us to travel to. None of us knows what obstacles we may face, once we pass through one of your portals to that location. For all we know, there could be an enemy waiting on the other side, and that enemy could be stronger than any of us. You could form a portal to get us out of there, but that enemy could potentially run into the portal after us before it closes."
"Wait, what...?" you began to ask before Heart's voice cut you off.
"You know what my brother is implying, my dear lady. He did ask you what you would do if we were to die, didn't he? In fact, I know he did because we planned to ask you that question before we reached Jisef."
"Why are you two so fixed on the possibility that you will die? It won't happen. I know you two, and I know you won't allow yourselves to be killed."
Diamond's usual smile morphed into a softer one, as he held your gaze. "Of course, we will do our best to make sure we don't abandon you, Miss _____. Still, we can't make such a promise when we are faced with the stark unknown. Thus, should a desperate situation arise, we want you to get away as fast as possible. You'll know that we didn't make it if we transported our king's weapons to the throne in the entrance hall."
"No, I won't agree to that. You can't..." you started, but were cut off by Diamond pressing his right index finger against your lips.
"If we were to see you die in front of us, Miss _____, we would lose ourselves. You're not replaceable, and you're not a plaything. You're our wife, and we refuse to let you die. Your life is more important than ours, so this is not up for negotiation. You will run if the situation calls for it, and you will not look back. That is why before we set out; we wish to spend some time with you," he voiced before pulling his finger back.
Honestly, you didn't know what to say. Part of you wanted to scream at them that something so terrible wouldn't happen, while another part just wanted to cry at the possibility. Clenching your fists, you wished the brothers never mentioned such a thing. How could they ask you to abandon them? Didn't they realize what would happen to you should they pass away? You would be utterly broken. Even, though, you didn't show them your feelings that often that didn't mean that you could let go of them.
Glancing down at your feet, you replied, "I... I ... it won't happen." You couldn't promise them that you would leave them behind; you wouldn't allow them to be the only selfish individuals this time. "Regardless, aren't I spending time with you two, right now?" you questioned, trying to push away the negative thoughts.
"We didn't mean in that way, my dear lady," Heart whispered into your ear.
At first you were puzzled by his statement, but soon the pieces began to connect themselves. "Then, you mean..."
"Won't you grant us this one request before we head off into the final part of our journey?" Diamond inquired, as he pushed some strands of your hair out of your face.
A deep red blush swept across your cheeks, as you found yourself now staring harder at the ground. Would you really be okay with giving that up, right now? Besides, that would imply a rather embarrassing situation between them and you. Just having the thought cross your mind caused your cheeks to somehow go to a darker shade of red. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you knew they would ask you of this sooner or later, but it always seemed to be off in the distant future. Now, the decision was staring right at you.
You did care for them greatly, but this just seemed to have come out of nowhere. Granted, if something did go wrong, you might never be able to see them again. That's most likely how they felt as well. They wanted to be with you in case they were never presented with the opportunity again. In some respects it was understandable, but you just felt so nervous about the idea.
"Would you like a few minutes to think about it? We can leave you alone for that long. You can then give us your decision," Heart said, as he released his grip on your waist.
"I just ... I just don't know. I just wasn't expecting to be asked this so soon. I feel so nervous about this, and I want to tell you both "no" in a definite voice, yet I ... I ... wish to make you both ... well ... happy," you muttered, as they both shared a glance among themselves.
Both returned their attention to you, as you looked up at the twins. Upon each of their faces, you saw a gentle smile, as you heard them ask, "What would make you happy?"
Your voice was barely audible, as you glanced to your right side and bit your bottom lip in embarrassment. "I suppose whatever would make you two happy."
Within a second of those words leaving your lips, you heard the brothers snap their fingers. You quickly turned your head to see your pack now inside the room by the bathroom door. Moreover, it was resting next to the brothers' pack. When you went to look back at the brothers, you took a step back, as they were now standing a few inches from you. Not a moment later, Diamond made his way behind you and picked you up bridal style. Heart followed behind his brother, as the red-haired male carried you towards the room. Closing the door and locking it behind them, Heart waited for Diamond to set you on the bed.
Once you were seated, the blue-haired male knelt in front of you and began to take your flip-flops off slowly. Diamond, on the other hand, snapped his fingers again, causing his brother's and his shoes to disappear as well as their socks. They were presumably sent into their pack. Thus after accomplishing this, Diamond made his way over to the other side of the bed, while Heart had finished taking off your shoes.
Heart proceeded to run his hands up your legs ever so carefully, which sent chills up your spine, as you could only blush at this. At the same time, Diamond had rested the palms of his hands on your shoulders. His long fingernails glided over your skin softly while his left hand worked its way up your neck and rested on the left side of your jaw. Using this hand, he turned your face towards him before pressing his lips against yours. As your eyes steadily closed, you felt him pull you back, so that you were lying on his chest partially.
By now, Heart's hands were at the top of your skinny jeans, and soon they had them unbuttoned and unzipped. Instead of pulling them down, though, he ran his hands up your torso, slightly tickling you in the process. While doing this, he pushed up your shirt and placed soft kisses on your midsection. Your face beamed red by this point, and you felt your entire midsection tense under this contact. Still, Diamond wasn't done with your lips. Rather, he allowed you a moment to breathe before colliding his lips with yours once more. Biting down on your lower one, he got you to open your mouth right as Heart placed a rather rough kiss in the center of your chest. Thus, due both of the twins' actions, you moaned slightly, and Diamond wasted no time in exploring your mouth with his tongue.
Granted, he soon had to pull away to permit Heart to remove your shirt. The blue-haired male lifted your arms above your head before getting the fabric off your arms and tossing it aside. As his legs straddled your hips, he ran his fingers down your torso, admiring every centimeter of it. Concerning Diamond, he now had your head and arms on his lap. Utilizing his long fingernails, he trailed them down your arms sensually before they rested on your bra straps. Heart's fingers were now at the rim of your pants, and they began to gently pull downwards. Soon, though, Heart crashed his lips onto yours while his hands didn't stop their action. During this, Diamond's hands slid under the bra straps and gradually worked their way lower. Both twins weren't even close to being finished with you. You would be theirs.
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