It only took you a few seconds to realize what you were doing; you were kissing the male back. Your eyes widening at this, you instantly went to push your hands against his chest, but they had somehow managed to climb up to his shoulders. Regardless of their position, you shoved your hands against him. This action, surprisingly, worked, and his lips were no longer on yours.
With your blushing mess of a face, you noticed the surprise in his eyes as well. Due to his present shock, his hold on you had loosened somewhat, permitting you to get out of his grip. Quickly, you scurried across the wooden floor, as though you were in a crab-walking competition. You probably looked like an idiot, but you didn't care at the moment. Your mind was more focused on what you just did.
When you felt like you had created enough distance between the two of you, you positioned yourself on your knees and began a staring contest with the floor boards. You couldn't face Heart right now. Your head was in turmoil, trying to find some reason to your action. Sure, you had admitted your feelings to the twins, unintentionally, back at Clarencia's castle, but that didn't mean you were going to give in to them easily. Maybe in reality, though, you were trying to fight a battle you had already lost.
" back," Heart stated to himself more than to you, as his blue eyes displayed complete disbelief.
Clenching the fabric of your pants a little, you shouted, "You're... you're imagining things!"
Before he could speak another word, you briskly stood up onto your feet and walked over to the water basin. Unscrewing the lid on the water jar, you poured some into the metal bowl before putting the lid back on. Swiftly, you splashed water onto your face, as though that would erase what just happened.
Heart, on the other hand, brought his left fingers up to his lips. Still in a daze like state, he rested them against his lips, as he sat crossed legged on the floor. A genuine smile spread across his lips. Hearing the splashing sound behind him, he glanced over his shoulder to see you hurriedly drenching yourself with the crystal clear liquid. At that moment he couldn't contain himself any longer, and thus, he let out a soft chuckle.
The second his laughing hit your ears, you halted your action immediately. It wasn't like his usual laughs, which were somewhat mocking and had a maddening quality to them. Instead, it had a peaceful and soothing quality to it. In truth it was like music to your ears. If your blush had disappeared, it was now back with all the color it had before. Wiping the water from your (e/c) eyes, you turned back to look at him, which was a mistake.
"You're too adorable, my dear lady," he casually mentioned before smiling up at you gracefully.
Again, you stopped short. His smile caught you completely off guard. He wasn't smirking or grinning, he was just smiling. The simple action highlighted his face perfectly, and it reminded you of the time you took the brothers' face paint off. Thankfully, he still had it on right now; otherwise, you might've lost it.
"Oh, be quiet, you frustrating clown," you mumbled before turning your back on him and heading towards the bed.
Just as you were about to climb onto the bed, your right arm was tugged back. Finding yourself pressed back up against Heart's chest, you blushed furiously. Allowing you no time to act, he wrapped his left arm around your waist and brought his right arm upwards. Fearing that you would have a repeat of what just happened, you went to slap his arm away as best you could with your right hand. Easily, he caught it with his own right hand.
"I'm not going to steal another kiss from you, but I will if you continue to struggle against me."
Learning this, you huffed in annoyance and tried to hide your flushed face. Seeing your compliance, he released your hand and wiped away some of the water on your face with his arm. Due to this you shut your eyes, waiting for him to finish. You were surprised that he made no comment on your heated countenance, but then again that wasn't the first shocker of the night.
"There, finished," he stated calmly.
"Thanks," you grumbled, as he let you out of his hold.
You didn't wait for an answer from him. Rather, you just pulled the sheets back some and climbed onto the comfortable surface. Once on, you covered yourself with the grey fabric and snuggled your face into the pillow. Closing your eyes, you ignored the quiet laughter from Heart. Thankfully, you fell asleep rather quickly.
Morning sunlight dashed across your face, causing your eyes to flicker open. The first thing to greet your eyes, besides the shafts of light, was your daggers that were resting on the nightstand by the bed. Heart had most likely placed them there after you had fallen asleep. Glad to know your weapons were nearby, you sat up in the bed to discover the room devoid of the brothers. Finding this a perfect opportunity to change and take care of your morning routine, you threw the sheets back and proceeded with the task ahead of you.
After you finished you placed your toothbrush, hairbrush, etc. back into your pack. Simply wearing a sky blue v-neck and black shorts, you picked up your bag and walked towards the room door with black tennis shoes on. Before you could reach the doorknob, the door opened, revealing Heart.
He wore his typical grin and stated, "Good morning, my dear lady, Diamond is downstairs already. I just came up here to make sure we didn't leave anything behind."
"Yeah, alright," you mumbled, looking down at your feet, as thoughts of the kiss filled your mind, "I'll see you down on the main floor, then."
Still keeping your gaze on your feet, you walked around him and out of the room. You heard a sigh escape his lips before the sound of a door closing hit your ears. Frankly, you knew that you needed to get a grip on yourself, but for now you would just avoid the blue-headed male's gaze.
Adjusting the pack on your shoulders, you headed down the hall before going down the steps. Soon, you were greeted by the main room of the inn. Nicholas was serving drinks to some of his customers while Victoria was taking a few orders from others. Thankfully, the atmosphere was calm, and you couldn't hear any drunken yells outside on the streets. In fact you could tell that a few of the inn's customers were experiencing hangovers due to their worn out countenances.
Spotting a familiar red head, you went over to the round wooden table where he sat. He wore his characteristic smile and indicated for you to take a seat. Obliging him, you set the pack on the floor near your feet before getting comfortable in the wooden chair. Looking over the main room, you finally noticed the small details here and there, since last night there was quite the crowd in the inn.
Round wooden tables rested on top of the wooden floorboards while wooden chairs accompanied them in their action. A single plain wax candle sat on top of the tables, clearly meant to be lit at night. Small paned square windows, along the left wall and the wall opposite the bar, permitted natural light into the space. Peach colored curtains hung around the windows, but were for the moment pulled back. As for the bar itself, it was made of red oak and well polished. Shelves, containing various wines, spirits, and liqueurs, highlighted the wall behind the bar while beers on tap in wooden kegs were behind the bar as well. Turning your attention back to Diamond, you noticed his smile had disappeared while a distant look filled his reddish-orange eyes.
"Umm, Diamond, you okay?" you questioned, not liking how his stare was still on you.
Seemed to be alarmed by your voice, he quickly regained his composure and gave you a reassuring smile. Sending him a skeptical look, you just nodded and saw Victoria coming over. She asked for your order, though, you didn't know the menu. Voicing this slight problem, she merely nodded and began to tell you what they were serving for the morning. When she finished, you ordered some eggs and a bowl of fruit with a glass of water.
Noticing that Diamond had returned to his previous state, you sighed and questioned, "Diamond, what's wrong?"
Locking his reddish-orange orbs with your (e/c) eyes, he answered, "Something has been pestering me, Miss ____. Would you mind answering a question for me?"
"I'm not promising anything, and I have a feeling you'll ask me regardless of my answer."
"I see. Well, I suppose you're right. This is question of mine is too vexing not to have an answer to. For you see, I reentered the room around nine in the evening to find you sound asleep in the bed. This I didn't find strange, however, I did see my brother wearing that rare smile of his. I pushed it aside for the night, but it has been plaguing me since I awoke this morning. Thus, Miss ____, I would like to know what happened while I was out of the room."