When you finished dancing with the twins, it was time for dinner. The dance you had with them took surprisingly longer than you had expected. Thus by now, you were thoroughly exhausted and your legs felt like jelly. In all honesty after the fourth hour of dancing, you felt more like a rag doll being tossed around. Only when you reached this point of tiredness, did you realize that was most likely their intention all along.
Seemingly dragging yourself to the dining room, you plopped down in your chair before resting your head in your arms. The brothers conversed about something, but you really weren't listening to what. You just hoped it was about the city they watched over and not something to do with tormenting you.
Soon though, the smell of food filled your nose and you lifted your head up slightly. Resting your chin lazily in the palm of your left hand, you saw Aberrous exiting the kitchen and carrying the tray with the food on it. He set down the plates and poured iced water into the three goblets on the table. Once finished with his task, he entered the kitchen again.
Dinner went by slowly for you, since you were eating probably at the pace of a snail. You wanted to eat the food, but you were just so tired. Moreover, you refused to let the brothers feed you despite their best efforts to do so. At one point you meant to swat Heart's hand away, but you accidentally almost stabbed his hand with a fork instead. After that near incident, the brothers decided that it would be best to let you be for the time being.
Once you were finished with the baked potato soup and fruit salad, you trudged up to your old room. Upon opening the door, a faint smile graced your lips, as you glanced upon the welcoming space. It was just like the last time you stayed in it. Entering the room and closing the door behind you, you flipped on the light switch. The recessed lights and the golden chandelier illuminated the room in a peaceful light while you closed the purplish-blue and gold curtains.
Making your way into the walk-in closet, you found some of the clothes in there. Well at least the brothers were nice enough to transport them into the room for you. Having to wear that nightgown several nights ago was humiliating. Luckily, after Diamond's game the brothers transported your clothes back to their proper place. After that occurrence you made sure to always hide a few articles of clothing around the castle, so that brothers, especially Heart, couldn't attempt such a thing again. Thus, after you chose a causal pair of lavender pajama pants and a black tank top, you proceeded into the ensuite bathroom and completed your night routine. Afterwards, you turned off the lights in the room, climbed into bed and slipped into unconscious.
It wasn't long until you felt something tugging on your left ear. Due to instinct you abruptly shot up and went to punch whichever brother broke their promise to stay out of your room. Your eyes widened, though, when you noticed neither of the twins in your room. Instead you saw a somewhat frightened Woodlily hovering in the air some distance away. In her petite green hands, she held a sealed letter attached to a crimson book. Your past rage and minor confusion was replaced by joy.
"Sorry Woodlily, I thought you were one of the brothers for a moment," you stated, signaling to her that it was okay to fly closer.
"Oh, that would make some sense. Thankfully, there was no harm done. Anyway, I know how excited you've been about that amulet, so I thought you would want this letter despite it being one in the morning. Of course, it's from the Queen of Diamonds," she replied, bearing her toothy grin, before handing the letter to you.
"Thank you," you responded, breaking the seal with a C stamped into the pink wax.
The small pixie nodded and flew over to your left shoulder. She sat on top of it, after setting the book on the bed's dark purple sheets, swinging her legs back and forth, as she waited to see what was written on the piece of parchment. Satisfying both of your curiosities, you unfolded the letter and read:
Dear _____,
Upon reading your letter, I was reminded of a book that mentions that name. Thus, I thought it better to send you the book rather than try to narrate its contents to you through writing. The information you seek is on pages two hundred through two hundred and thirty.
-Queen of Diamonds, ClarenciaQuickly, you picked up the crimson colored book and flipped to the designated page. Once you had the book opened to the correct pages, you carefully read over its contents. From what the book stated, Generadeneeranovab was a rather large city filled with an abundance of markets. Based on the book, the items sold in these markets sounded quite normal. Bags of flour, loaves of bread, bars of soap, and so much more existed in the markets. As for the structure of the city, buildings two stories high crowded the city and clotheslines would be strung up over the city streets. Cobblestone streets maneuvered around the structures while people sold their wares and some others purchased the goods they required. Skies were always blue. Rain would occasionally paint the ground from transparent clouds. Crops grew outside the city limits, supplying the massive city with food and other necessities.
Granted, it could've changed from the time this book was written. Sadly, the book was all you had to go on. Out of curiosity you turned to some other pages in the book. These pages described places similar to Generadeneeranovab. Cities stuffed with buildings and people. Bustling markets that had nearly everything one desired. In fact the scenery really didn't change too much except for the cities that were near oceans. They carried slightly different products due to the bountiful supply of fish in the nearby waters.
Going to the very front of the book, you found the title of the text:
Guide to the cities of Daloria. You could only assume the overall world was called Daloria, since it mentioned the plural of the word city. Thankfully, the amulet only mentioned one city and not several. Shutting the book, you asked Woodlily to grab one of the brothers' packs. At last you had a destination to travel to.
Any tiredness you previously had was replaced by newfound energy. If you were correct, the song on the amulet was a scavenger hunt of sorts. Finding one item would lead you to the next one. Most likely the Queen of Diamonds that had commissioned the ring was the one who created the amulet. It was her way of leaving behind a trail for other ace-queen hybrids, but why? In the song there was the mention of treasure. Maybe she just wanted to share what she discovered with her fellow ace-queens, but they had to venture through the scavenger hunt to prove themselves worthy. It made sense somewhat, but sounded too simplistic to you. Whatever the reason, you were determined to solve this puzzle.
Swiftly, Woodlily returned with one of the packs. She mentioned that it was easy, since both the brothers were sleeping. You merely chuckled at the proud grin she was wearing before packing some spare clothes from the closet and other necessities in the bag. Frankly, you had no idea how long you would be staying in this world of Daloria, so you made sure to pack what you considered enough. As you were packing, you sent Woodlily to go get the brothers up and tell them that you would be waiting in the courtyard. Part of you wanted to leave them behind, but again traveling in a foreign world by yourself wasn't the most appealing of ideas. If only you could take Fade with you, but she was still dealing with complexities in her forest.
Sighing, you finished packing and left the room for the study with the book in hand. Reaching the room, you admired its beauty at this time. It had an allure to it that could only be captured in the early morning. At the moment there was none of the strange sun-moonlight coming in through the windows, just the moon shone in all its glory. Beams of light cascaded down through the paned glass windows and gave the room a dream-like quality.
Setting the pack and book on the desk, you wrote two letters quickly. One thanked Rollta and the other Clarenica. Furthermore, you mentioned that you may not be back for quite some time. With the letters finished, you headed to the courtyard and handed the letters to the peach colored bird. It flew into the night sky and soon disappeared. With that task accomplished, you leaned back against one of the nearby statues and waited. Only five minutes had passed when both brothers raced out of the entrance hall.
"Woodlily mentioned that you found the location of the city. We tried to get out here sooner, but my pack was missing," Heart exclaimed, catching his breath.
"No worries, I took your pack for my own things. I figured you two can just stuff all of your things into one bag. Anyway, it's not like I was going to leave you two behind. I considered it, but I decided to not be that cruel; it was tempting though," you responded with a slight smirk on your face.
"Miss _____, I don't think you would want to return to this castle if you pulled such a move," Diamond stated, throwing their pack over his right shoulder.
"Too true, but I'm not leaving you two behind. Thus, let's get going. I want to explore this city as soon as possible," you answered, though, you wondered if the brothers would be able to come through the portal with you.