-31- The Last Leg

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Sam shouted as Danny was sucked into the cylindrical object, her voice laced with anger and fear. A mad anger washed over her thoughts, she was going to get Danny back!

She stepped forwards to her house, intent on getting that thermos and drop kicking any and all agents who got in her way.

Well... She was going to... until her house exploded.

She was blasted backwards, a fire erupting from her home, splinters and bricks strewn about. Sam landed on her stomach, half rolling to the side. She looked up fearfully, as far as she knew her grandma was still inside.

The explosion must have been smaller than she thought as only her room was in flames, but soon she knew the rest of her house would be as well. The agent was gone, the flames starting to climb into the dark sky.

"Grandma!" She cried, getting to her feet, she raced forwards with a pounding heart. She just lost Danny, she wasn't about to lose her grandma too.

She slid to a stop as a motorcycle rolled to a stop in front of her. Tucker sat on the bike behind a grubby looking man, he had dirty blond stringy hair and pericing green eyes. The backdrop of her burning house bathed them in a red light, although the biker dude seemed to have his own glow.

Tucker waved to her, "Common Sam! We gotta get out of here!"

Sam stood her ground and glowered at them. "My grandma is still in there! And they have Danny!"

"Your grandmas fine, Skulker has her. We can save Danny another day, we just have to make sure we can." The biker said, He revived the engine and a black shadow beneath him rose up. Sam took a frightened step back, unsure if she could trust the man and feeling threatened by the large dark mass before her.

"Common Sam!" Tucker yelled again, Sam saw Technus was noticeably absent. And who as Skulker?

Before Sam could protest the shadow seemed to swallow her up, instead she was placed on the bike. She yelped and grabbed onto Tucker as the bike shot off.

"Shadow! Cover!" The biker yelled. The dark mass beneath the speeding cycle peeled off, spreading itself behind them in some sort of shield.

Sam looked back with wide eyes, too many things had happened in the past few minuets. Shadow acted like a blanket, covering the road and into the sky like a wall. She saw green hazes, the GIW were still after them. Shadow was being shot at, the wall rippled as shadow shrunk, defeated by the bright ectoguns.

"Won't Shadow be caught?!" Tucker yelled against the wind, he too, seeing the ghosts demise.

"We can save him too when we get Danny. He's distracting the GIW, the best we can do is save him later." The biker said, he seemed void of all emotion, almost. Sam noticed he had also glanced back with almost a longing gaze, wanting to help but knowing it would be suicide.

The air quieted as they sped away, the cold now getting to Sam as the numbness went away. Her house was on fire, her grandma might be safe with this Skulker person, some dude on a bike kidnaped her, Technus was missing, and Danny was gone. But he had said something, right before he was sucked into the weird object, something to do with Batman?

Sam scowled in thought as the wind sent her hair into hysterics, the action was rather pleasing, feeling like a massage on her head. Batman was a hero, part of the Justice League, but they mainly did their business around New York, the smaller cities being Gotham and Central City. What did Batman have to do with anything?

Danny had asked her to find Batman, maybe they knew each other or something.

But a more pressing matter filled her mind; She was on a motorcycle with a stranger to an unknown location.

"Who are you?" She asked as they rode, breaking the silence.

The guy sighed, "Johnny 13, just call me Johnny."

"Why are you helping us? Who is Skulker? Is my grandma ok?" Sam asked more.

"Listen kid, let's get to base and then we can talk, it's still not to safe out here." Johnny said.

Sam huffed in annoyance, she then noticed how Johnny glowed. It was the same glow that accompanied Technus and Danny, was he a ghost?

"You're a ghost." Sam said, Johnny sighed again and nodded.

"Hold on tight." He said as he pushed the motorcycle faster.

Sam held onto Tucker as the wind ripped at her clothes and hair, squinting against it to see a rather large hole in the sky. It was green and writhing, casting an eerie glow to the surrounding area. Sam yelled in alarm as they crashed into it.

But instead of feeling an impact she felt a sense of weightlessness. Her yell died in her throat as she gazed around. She was in a tunnel of the green stuff, Tucker and Johnny didn't seem too affected.

They came to another wall and burst through it, landing with a jarring thump and skidding to a stop. Johnny twisted the bike around as it slid, slowing them down until they stoped.

Sam caught her breath as the weight of everything that just happened slammed down on her. Where was she? Why was she here? Why was this ghost helping her? Where is her grandma!? Why is Tucker acting so calm?! HER HOUSE WAS ON FIRE!

She hopped off the bike and took a few steps away from the biker, not pausing to take in her surrounding, she didn't trust the guy-er-ghost. She pointed an accusing finger at him as her face twisted with anger.

"Alright now where is my grandma!? Why are you helping us?!" Sam demanded.

Tucker slid off the bike as well, regarding her in a odd fashion, like he knew something she didn't. He probably did if his lack of freaking out had anything to do with it. Johnny had his own scowl in place as he got off his bike.

"I said Skulker got her out of the house before we blew it up."

"YOU BLEW UP MY HOUSE?!" Sam yelled, her face red and fists clenched.

"The GIW were in it, we made sure any humans were clear that weren't GIW." Johnny said rather calmly after being yelled at.

"Danny was with them!" Sam said, "what's the point of blowing them up if they still have Danny?!"

Johnny went to answer but another green hole opened to the side, all eyes went to it.

A metal man came out, along with a black wolf type humanoid with a green sweatshirt. Both were smoking and fell to the ground as the remainints of an explosaion shook the portal. The edges closed like a zipper, the two that had come out of it groaned in pain.

Johnny ran forward but was stoped by a rising hand.

"Nope, were good, just got our backs singed." The metal one said as he rose to his feet. He had green eyes and a skull-like face, a firey green hair along his scalp and down his spine. He had a bulky body that held many gun type appendages with rocket boosters attached to his back.

The wolf guy got up too, growling to himself and dusting off his fur. He had huge arms and his claws were even larger, with wicked long green claws that looked like it could slice through solid rock. He muttered something in a language Sam didn't know, his green eyes narrowed into slits in Sam's direction.

She backed up as the beast lumbered forwards, his rather long nose sniffing at her. That nose was connected to a massive muzzle with a set of large razor sharp teeth. Sam squeaked with fright as he came closer.

"He's just sniffing." Tucker said to her left.

Sam held her breath as the beast continued to sniff, she let it go once the wolf moved away.  He mumbled something again, this time looking to Tucker.

"What did he say?" Asked the metal man, Sam noticed his voice was deep, like he liked to yell a lot.

"She smells like Danny." Tucker said as the wolf ghost stalked off somewhere else.

"Ok I have lots of questions." Sam said, cutting off any attempts to continue the conversation. She wanted answers and she wanted them now.

"Who are you people? Where is my grandma? And why did you blow my house up!?" Sam relayed.

"I am Skulker, the greatest-" the metal man started but then he cut himself off as he looked down, "well... not any more..."

"The sad tin can in Skulker, the wolf is Wulf, you already know I'm Johnny." The biker said as he pointed to the respective people, ignoring Skulker attempt at introducing himself.

"Skulker made sure your grandma wasn't in the house. Right Skulker?" Johnny asked the mourning ghost.

He nodded absentmindedly, still lost in thought.

"And we blew it up because we had to distract the GIW somehow, it's too late to go back now anyways." Johnny said as he walked away.

Sam took that moment to actually see her surroundings, it looked like a cave, lots of rocks and strung up lights. They were in a giant cave she could see split off into different tunnels, all had lights in them and seemed to lead to other big areas. Johnny walked off to the left, going into a tunnel that went upwards.

Sam moved forwards to get a better look, coming up next to Tucker who looked around with mild curiosity.

"Your being uncharacteristically quiet Tucker." Sam said, eyeing the boy next to her.

"I haven't been here before but Wulf said some stuff. I wouldn't count myself in the group but I know a bit more about it than most." Tucker said.

"Where is Technus?" She asked.

"In here." He pointed to his watch that she just then noticed.


"He's resting right now and he's the only one that can get himself out anyway." Tucker said.

"Do you trust these guys? They haven't told us why they took us, or what they were doing at my house." Sam said, a distrustful glance being thrown over her shoulder at the slumped form of Skulker.

Her grandma may be safe but Sam sure didn't feel safe.

"I don't know, I just know the ghosts don't like the GIW, they're some form of rogue group or something." Tucker admitted.

Johnny came back with another ghost, a girl this time with green hair and red eyes. She also wore some type of biker outfit, Sam assumed the two were together. Wulf also lumbered back into the cave, grumbling still about something.

"Ok so why are we here? And where is here?" Sam asked once Johnny and the unnamed female ghost came closer.

"Clockwork sent us, and we're still in Amity Park." Johnny said simply.

Sam needed to punch something, can somebody please give her a straight answer?! "Who the flip is Clockwork?!"

"Ghost of time, not as captured as we thought." Johnny said with a hint of a smile. Honestly just seeing the ghost made him feel better, knowing someone out there was helping them.

"Oh wow really?!" Tucker said. Sam looked to him surprised, how much did he know?! Sam was so lost.

"Ok but what next?" Sam said, "Danny's caught again, you burned down my house,-"

"Its not burned down."

"-kidnaped us, and we're supposed to act like it's some joy ride made by some random dude who controls time?!" Sam exclaimed, ignoring the interjection from Johnny.

"Calm down, just hear us out." Johnny said, "I can explain."

Sam huffed and folded her arms, finally, an explanation.

Johnny dove right into his story.

"The GIW invaded the ghost zone, taking all the powerful ghosts. We escaped them and went into hiding. Later we heard the halfa escaped, Danny. We went to find him, hoping he could help us get rid of the GIW. Because if the GIW suck any more ectoplasm from the ghost zone the ghost zone will die. And if the ghost zone dies the human world dies too. We got some information from Amorpho about Danny but realized he was in no condition to fight. So we waited around a bit, trying to think up a plan that didn't need the halfa. Then Clockwork shows up and says we gotta move, Danny was in trouble and we had to help."

"Well you're a little late." Sam said snidely.

Johnny winced in a half shrug. "Yeah but he did say two kids would be there and we had to bring you here."

"So now what?" Tucker said as Sam quieted while the information sunk in.

"We don't exactly know, but we need to get a rescue mission going as fast as possible before the GIW regroup." Johnny said.

"And who are you?" Sam asked the girl ghost next to Johnny.

"I'm Kitty, Johnny's girlfriend." Newly dubbed 'Kitty' said.

Sam nodded in acceptance, alright she was thrusted into a whole new type of weird. Hearing about ghosts is one thing, meeting with them and plotting the downfall of an evil organization was another. If someone told her she'd end up married to a ghost she probably shrug and nod along.

"Wait." Sam said, her memory sparking an idea. The ghosts turned to her, she herself looking down in a contemplative way.

"Danny said something before he was sucked into that can thing. Something about Batman." Sam said.

"Batman? He's a hero, we ghosts try and stay away from them if anything." Kitty said, "no one, including heroes, thinks ghosts are good guys."

"Danny said to find Batman, maybe they knew each other or something." Sam said.

"Batman and Robin. The information we got from Amorpho said Danny only trusted Batman and Robin." Johnny said with wide eyes, "If they knew Danny was in trouble they would find him."

"So now we need to find Batman!" Sam said excitedly, now they were getting somewhere! Skulker sat up as he heard their conversation, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Common!" Johnny yelled as he ran to get his motorcycle, "Wulf were gunna need a portal into Gotham city. Preferably in the batcave." Johnny said as he wheeled his bike out.

Wulf came forward but shrugged his shoulders, garbling in his weird language that only Tucker seemed to understand. Everyone else in the room looked to the boy.

"He said he doesn't know where Batman's cave is." Tucker said, slightly embarrassed as everyone had eyes on him.

"That's ok, just Gotham will do, we can get Batman's attention right?" Johnny said the last bit mostly to himself. Wulf clawed the air, ripping something as a green portal left in his wake.

Sam and Tucker jumped on the motorcycle behind Johnny. Only to scoot backwards as he motioned for them to make room for Kitty. Johnny kicked the cycle into gear and raced forward, jumping into the portal. Skulker flew in after them, Wulf going last as the portal fizzed out behind them.


Batman swung through Gotham city, the night was chilly but not terribly cold. He swung above the streets, the bright lights of Gotham making him glow an eerie artificial orange.

He landed on a flat roof, he absentmindedly recalled it was his own roof, Wayne Towers. He was lost in thought, patrol had just started and he was already off his game. Both he and Robin tried to get back into the swing of things while Danny was gone, but neither of them were good with dealing with loss. Dick refused to belive Danny was gone gone, Bruce believed him too but Batman kept knocking at the door.

There were no leads, just blood and no body.

Roy and Martian Manhunter were taken care of, when the archer was well enough he relayed his entire experience, including the large ghost named Dan. Robin had sat through it impenitently, wanting to know it all on the spot and use it's useful bits to find his brother. Batman wanted to as well but he was much more cautious, knowing rushing into things would not bring Danny back sooner.

He finally convinced Robin to go on patrol with him, the boy needed a distraction, while Robin argued the patrol itself was distracting. Batman sighed and closed his eyes in a slight shake of his head. Dick was going haywire without his little brother, and it was seeping into Bruce as well.

Batman shook his head again, he had a task to do, he should focus on it. He gazed down at his city, even with all its crime and death Bruce still felt it as home. There was no bat signal tonight, just a regular patrol.

Robin was on the other side of the city, hopefully being careful as the boy might be a little too distracted. Batman put a hand to his ear as his comms beeped.

"Hey Bats, my side is clear." Robins voice said over the radio. Even though the boy couldn't see it Batman raised an eyebrow.

"That was fast, patrolling started not 10 minutes ago."

"I kinda just skimmed the surface." Robin admitted, "can we look for Phantom now?"

Batman sighed, "10 more minuets, then we can look for Phantom."

"Fine..." Robin beeped off and Batman jumped off his building.

If Robin did his section in under ten minuets so could Batman. He grappled to a lower building and scanned the ground for any mishaps or low level crime.

Over the din of street sounds and cars Batman heard a zapping noise. Zapping noises didn't belong in a city. Batman threw himself upwards, getting high into the air for a few seconds to see if he could find the source in those few moments.

A bright green light appeared to his right, he narrowed his eyes as he saw a few forms come out of it. He redirected himself and shot towards the odd scene. Batman was not in the mood for magical crime.

He jumped nimbly down to the same roof as the green thing, Batman deduced a portal, hiding in the shadows to observe before confronting.

He heard voices, not exactly shouting but angered whispers. Batman tuned his radio to hear without moving closer.

"How the heck are we supposed to get his attention?!" A very young female voice asked.

"I don't know, this is Batman we're talking about, he might as well find us." Said an older male voice.

Batman rose an eyebrow as another voice was thrown into the mix, this time speaking Esperanto in a growly voice Batman would have thought an animal. 

"He said Batman already found us." A young male voice said.

Batman straightened and jumped out of his hiding spot, landing on a platform above the group. The portal was gone now, but an odd glow still seemed present.

"Who are you." He asked the group gruffly. He took note of each person, two children, a boy and a girl, one African American with glasses and the other with black hair and a purple shirt. A man was on a motorcycle(how he got the motorcycle on the roof was a question itself) with a girl behind him, both had unusual taste in clothing and the girl had unnerving red eyes. The next two Batman glared at, a man made of metal and a wolf in a green sweatshirt.

The little girl came forward, her face was hard in a cautious way, as if not sure but doing so anyway.

"Do you know Danny?" She asked.

Batman's eyes widened a millimeter before narrowing again. "Do you know where he is?"

"Sort of..." the girl said, a nervous shift as she was held under the Bats gaze.

"Robin, converge on my location, you might want to hear this." Batman said into his comms.

"On my way." Robin answered.

"Start talking." Batman said, the girl opened her mouth to speak but Robin dropped in beside Batman.

"Who are they?" Robin asked, not sensing any danger about the situation but definitely an underlying tone of stress.

"They know something about Danny." Batman said to his protege, "but first I'm going to need some verification."

Robin's head snapped to the group, taking in their odd appearances. "How do you know Danny?" He asked before his mentor asked his own question.

"I took him from the rubble of an explosion, but that's not important right now, Danny is in trouble and we can't get him by ourselves." The girl said, for some reason she seemed to be the spokeswoman between the odd group and Batman and Robin.

"What? Where?" Robin asked, almost

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