Use that term Loosely.

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"Alright.." Mikoto said, with the phone pressed against her ear. "Yeah... okay Ben.. you just get here quick okay? I-I'm just glad you're okay... watch out.. we don't know if Kakine really thinks you're dead..."

Mikoto hung up her phone.. Max put a hand on her shoulder. "My Grandson?"

"Yes.. he's good." said Mikoto.

Max heaved a sigh of relief. "Good.. that's good.. you alright?"

"Wh-what do you mean?" Mikoto stammered.

"One day, when Carl was still in High School, he heard that Sandra's car had gone over a cliff.. he paced back and forth for 30 hours straight until my son heard she was okay." said Max. "I imagine you were close to doing the same.."

"Y-yeah.." Mikoto said. "Don't worry Max, I'm fine.."

They were currently inside the magic shop.. which was just as gnarled inside as it was outside. The alien that ran the shop.. was a small looking gremlin alien (Jury Rigg's species. ) with devil horns and red skin, as well as a pointed arrow tail.

the gremlin grinned and cackled as he hopped out from behind a bookshelf holding a large book. "There.. there! heheheheh! This is what you're looking for!!"

Mikoto took the book and flipped through it. "I.. can't read this.. "

"It's in Oldspeake! Not many who can read it still live! Heheheheheh!!!' the gremlin exclaimed. 

"Maybe my Plumber Badge's translator.." Mikoto muttered as she pulled out her Plumber Badge and waved it over the book pages. A green scanning light came out of the badge.

"Undocumented language." said the badge. "Cannot translate."

"Well that's just great.." Impulser muttered.

"We could call Azmuth." said Max. "He knows more languages then anybody in the Galaxy."

"Azmuth!?" said Mikoto. "Wait.. we can actually call the guy!?"

"He's the one who founded the Plumbers." said Max. "I can call in a few of my retirement connections. I'm sure he'll give us an answer thanks to Ben.."

Mikoto paused, then she took a deep breath, as if she finally decided something. "Max.. call him please.. but.. I want to meet Azmuth.. alone."

Max raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"There's something I need to know.." Mikoto whispered. 

The tone of Mikoto's voice seemed to be enough to convince Max.

"Alright." said Max.


2 hours had passed. Mikoto stood in one of Undertown's alleyways, the magic book under her arm... she shuffled her shoes around nervously... was.. Azmuth really going to show?

Suddenly, a green light lit up the alleyway... and.. when the light cleared... Azmuth stood there.. looking up at Mikoto, with a rather annoyed expression. "Well..? I'm here! What's so important that Max, that you had to call me in the middle of my-.... my.."

Azmuth noticed Mikoto.. and he turned solemn. "Oh dear.."

"Y-you're really a Grey Matter?" Mikoto stammered.

"Funny.. that's exactly what Ben said when he first met me! Yes girl! I'm a Galvan! Does that give you the right to call me pretending to be Max Tennyson, for some... what? Book reading!?" Azmuth growled irritably. 

Mikoto's eyes flared up.. and electricity began to crackle around her. "So.. you some sort of grumpy Yoda!?  Listen up! There's something I want to know.. and you're going to tell me!!"

"Hmph... so the rumors of your blatant temper are true." said Azmuth. "Fine fine.. what do ya want?"

"Is Ben.. actually the Omnitrix?"

Azmuth's eyes widened, then he sighed. "You met Zag RS... didn't you?"

Mikoto didn't answer.

"Yes yes.. he is.. Zag RS might have been slightly misinformed on many of the details, but, she is mostly correct.." said Azmuth. "Ben Tennyson is himself.. the Omnitrix..  I suppose I gave the Connectrix to you because I believed that the time would come in which you would both find out.."

"You.. have no idea how much pain you caused him!" Mikoto growled. "NO IDEA!"

"AND HOW MUCH PAIN DO YOU THINK HE WOULD'VE BEEN CAUSED IF I TOLD HIM MYSELF!?" Azmuth roared. "Take a step back girl.. I have at least 1000 years more experience then you!!"

Azmuth shook his head. "When Ben was born.. I was hoping that maybe he could grow up in a normal life.. die a normal death.. for a human anyways.. and that the Omnitrix would never be reactivated... but... of course... HE happened.. Vilgax... and because of him... he chased the Omnitrix's Control Panel to Earth.. where, instead of reaching Max Tennyson.. it's intended target.. it reattached itself to Ben... Xylene.. our courier.. didn't know of the true nature of the Omnitrix, had she known, she probably wouldn't have thought to send it to Max, at risk that Ben might be with him. But of course... little did we know how far Aleister had pulled his strings.."

Azmuth looked at Mikoto. "You.. and him.. it's probably the best thing that's ever come out of this complete disaster.. "

Mikoto went pink. She wasn't expecting a compliment like this.

"So.. You wanted me to read that eh?" said Azmuth. "Give it here now! I'm a busy Galvan!!"

"Uhhhh.." Mikoto said.

"I SAID GIVE IT!!" Azmuth jumped up and whacked Mikoto in the nose with his cane.

"OWW!" Mikoto excalimed. "Did you just!?"

"WHACK!!" Azmuth whacked Mikoto on the nose again. "I am an old Galvan, young lady, I don't like being kept waiting!!"

"Okay okay!!" Mikoto stammered, throwing the book on the ground. "Here!!"

Azmuth flipped the cover open, and he began reading. "Hmmm.. yes...I see.."

"See... what?" said Mikoto. 

"This is a Highbreed Spellbook! I didn't think anybody had these!" said Azmuth... "It's almost as old as the plot lines for your human Divergent Series!"

"Hey!" said Mikoto, looking a little hurt. "I actually kind of liked that series.."

"I'll tell you what the series is!! The girl is a hero!! She meets a dashingly ripped handsome guy who happens to be good with a gun, and they both f*ck up the government!!" said Azmuth. "EVERY SINGLE BOOK!! I liked Einstein's works, there was a human to look up to!! I would've also liked Stephen Hawking, except he dismissed philosophy as useless!! Scientism is such a NARROW view of looking at the art of science in the first place!! It's what created terrible experiments like Project Radio Noise!!"

Mikoto opened her mouth to speak.

"AND DON'T YOU SAY A WORD ABOUT THAT EXPERIMENT!!" Azmuth said. "I'm absolutely tired of you thinking that was your fault!!! Those idiotic human scientists lied to you!! As simple as that!! Guilt trips make me irritated to no end!"

"Uhhh.. is there anything about us humans you don't think is stupid?" Mikoto muttered.

"Big Bang Theory!" said Azmuth. "Now there is an entertaining show.. heheheh.. And I didn't say that I thought humans were stupid!! Then again... Donald Trump is an asshole!! And somehow, he's winning by the votes of idiots that seem to make up 70 percent of the USA's population!!"

"My Pen Pal said that if Trump was elected, he would move to Canada.." Mikoto muttered.

"Good plan!" said Azmuth. "Now.. let's take a look through this book shall we?"


"Excuse me ma'am.. but you need to stop to be scanned for any metal items.." The security drone at the front entrance of Undertown moved over to Mugino.

Mugino scowled at the drone, and in an instant.. the drone had been reduced to a molecular spark .. causing many entering aliens to suddenly give Mugino a wide fearful berth.

Saiai, and Rikou, whom were both following Mugino, both sighed.

"Mugino-senpai.." Saiai said. "We don't have any weapons on us.. since Frenda isn't here.. so.. I mean.. couldn't we just go through the scan?"

"No." said Mugino. "I don't like robots scanning me... Now... that message we got for a job came from here... and we're going to take it.. "

Rikuo looked around with awe at the various aliens walking around the underground city. "Whoa.. so many weird looking creatures.."

"EXCUSE ME!!!" An Appoplexian stopped in his tracks and glared at Rikou. "WHOSE WEIRD LOOKING!!!?"

"Uh.." said Rikou


Malice stomped off in an angry huff.

"Wow.. and here I was thinking Rath's thing was just an act Tennyson was making up.." Saiai said. 

"You kidding?" said Saiai. "I've seen the footage of Rath in a super rage once! He does not super kid around!! It's scary!!"

Mugino rolled her eyes. "The idiots all think that Tennyson is stronger then me.. but in reality, if it weren't for that Chromastone form, he wouldn't stand a chance!"

"Well..." Rikou muttered as they walked. "He does still have Feedback.."

"Feedwho!?" said Mugino.

"Feedback, he's like Chromastone where he can absorb any energy.. only he expels it back out as an electric blast instead of ultraviolet lasers." said Saiai.

"And there's also Upchuck, he can devour anything." said Rikou. "Then spit right back up at you.. "

 (Given that Upchuck ate the Subenergy which had about as much power as the Sun and was okay afterwords.. I am inclined to think Upchuck is more then capable of eating molecular disintegrating photon beams.)

"And Ghostfreak is immune to all energy attacks when he's intangible." said Saiai.

"And all his electric aliens could probably redirect your beams the same way Railgun did." said Rikou.

"And then don't forget you were actually beaten by Humungousaur whose probably the worst matchup for your power." said Saiai.

"OKAY! I get it!!" Mugino growled. "Yeesh, way to rub it in.."

"Do you think if Upchuck could eat anything? Maybe Eatle could eat it too?" asked Rikou


Rikou and Saiai each held up a book, on which it said "An encyclopedia of Omnitrix Aliens." both of them autographed by Ben himself.

"Wh-what!?" stammered Mugino. "You're Tennyson fans!?"

"The proper term is Benatics." said Rikou.

Mugino slapped a hand to her forehead. "Even my own people.. what if I find Frenda with a Ben 10 poster!? Then what!?"

"Uhhhhhh.." Rikou and Saiai both looked at each other nervously.

"Don't tell me!!" Mugino growled. 

"It's not a poster... more... like... bedsheets." said Saiai.

"And a pillow.." said Rikou.

"And a Ditto plushy.." said Saiai. "He is one of his cutest aliens..."


"She has a WIldmutt plushy too." said Rikou.


Mugino suddenly looked up and saw a billboard of Mikoto advertising a Misaka cosplay set being sold at a nearby store.. and several alien teenage girls walked by, wearing chestnut hair wigs and Tokiwadai uniforms..

Mugino's jaw dropped. "F...f...f....fuuu.... fuuu.... fuuu...."

"Don't say the F word Mugino.. just breaaaathe." said Rikou. 

Mugino took a deep breath, and let out an angry growl. "Let's just find our clients.."

Mugino stopped at a door.. and it slid open automatically.. however, as soon as Mugino, Rikou, and Saiai walked in.. the door shut and locked instantly.

A dark chuckle echoed throughout the room... and lights blared all around.. revealing a large metal room full of machinery....

In the center of the room, stood Kakine.

"KAKINE!?" Mugino stammered. "What is the meaning of this!?"

"Well.." said Kakine. "I've been thinking about the best way to figure out how to kill you after finding out your location from Frenda, and then tracking you for a long while after that."

"F-Frenda...?" Saiai said.

"Oh yes.. you are wondering who betrayed you right?" said Kakine. "And why Frenda has been missing for the past hours... well... heheheheheh... HAHAHAHA!!! Lookie here! Can't trust anybody can we?"

Mugino's eyes flared up with anger. "NO... you're lying.. she... she... wouldn't..."

"Well.. betrayal is such a stabbing pain.. isn't it...? And I use the term loosely.." said another voice..

A large purple Cerebrocrusteacean scuttled out of the shadows... chuckling and grinning. His armor was fitted with cybernetic enhancements. most notably the nodes stuck to his head, and the strange looking red badge on his torso shell.


Doctor Psychobos

Species: Cerebrocrustacean.

Planet: Encephalonous IV

Information: Doctor Pychobos is a professor turned mercenary after being ousted for performing unethical experiments on all manner of alien species. Most notably in a recent experiment he created called Project Nemetrix. Now, he uses all his targets as test subjects.. luring them into his lab, and subjecting them to his twisted fanaticism

Power: Doctor Psychobos, unlike the rest of his species, bears a great number of cybernetic enhancements, mainly meant to enhance his electric powers far beyond the norm. He is brilliant in the study of Esper abilities.. one of his most notable Esper projects being Project Rensa.

Personality: Despite his great displays of knowledge and brain power, one of which involved learning the English Language in a maximum of 2 hours, Doctor Psychobos has developed the habit of saying "Use the Term Loosely" despite plenty of grammatically incorrect usages of the phrase.  All in all, like most aliens of his species, his intelligence makes him quite eccentric. However, for his species he is relatively psychopathic, with a tendency for vicious outbursts.

Trivia: Psychobos is one of the very few villains from Omniverse besides Malware that was reinvented for this series. The difference in this series being backstory, and the fact that Psychobos is far more deranged..


"Quite a strange thing.. don't you think? Being Betrayed..?" said Psychobos as he scuttled past Kakine, who faded away, being revealed to be just a hologram..

"Who are you!?" Mugino growled. "I should at least know your name before I kill you!!"

"I am Doctor Psychobos." said the alien with a slight bow, twirling his pincer. "And.. well.. I was a professor of sorts.. now.. I just... experiment for a good amount of pay... and I use the term loosely..."

A massive set of energy walls suddenly shifted out of the floors.. as the room began to morph and transform into a maze of sorts.

"Tonight... " said Psychobos with a chuckle. "I'm going to see exactly what makes you tick... Meltdowner.. before I have your head on a slab!!"

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