The Bellwood Sentai Brigade.

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"Wow.. thank god they're having a 1 hour intermission or something so we can take a break." Mikoto said as she and Ben walked through water park, soaking wet from having tried out plenty of the rides.

Ben grinned, and adjusted the hibiscus in Mikoto's hair. It was amazing the flower hadn't washed out yet.

"Your mom helped me pick out this swimsuit you know." said Mikoto.

"Yeah, I figured since when we stopped by the mall, you guys were gone in the summer wear department for like an hour." said Ben.  "Wanna go on the Tsunami again?"

"Nah.. we already went like.. 12 times." said Mikoto with a sigh. "You know, I'm actually glad that this is almost over, I really just want to spend a normal Christmas Vacation with you.. go to see Bellwood's ACTUAL sights rather then spend another moment at Academy City vacation spots."

"You said it.. we agreed we were going to Undertown later right? And Grandpa and Gwen are going to meet us later." said Ben.

"Ben.. just something on curious on... we share everything with each other right?" said Mikoto.

"Yeah.." said Ben.

"What... is in that box Misaki has?"

Ben suddenly went red... he muttered something incomprehensible..

"What?" said Mikoto.

"L-look.. there are some secrets.. I'd rather keep to myself.. and only myself.. how Misaki found out was a long story.. but.. it's so embarrassing, I'm not sure I'm ready to tell you yet.."

Mikoto pouted. "Welll... then.. I guess I'm just going to have to enter the competition.."

"Wait.. WHAT!?" said Ben.

"If I beat you, I'll get the secret, and show nobody else." said Mikoto. 

"B-But why!?"

"Cause I don't think it's right that we've already agreed we would get married at 18, and you're keeping secrets." said Mikoto.  "Plus I'm a little curious to see how I would fare against you."

"I could just go Feedback and repel everything you throw at me." said Ben with exasperation.

"You're just saying that to try and convince me not to." said Mikoto. "Don't worry, it'll be a friendly fight... plus if I win, that means you won't have to fight Sorano, and we can end this and go meet Max and Gwen without any trouble!!"

"Wi-without any trouble!?" Ben stammered. "B-but I can't hit you!!"

"Why, because I'm a girl? Didn't seem to have any problem with hitting Mugino." said Mikoto.

"I-it's got nothing to do with gender!!" said Ben. "I.. just.. c-can't hit you.."

Mikoto's expression suddenly softened. "Oh.. "

"Ever since Project Silent Beating, and I saw you.. well.. all broken after your fight with Impulser.. I can't stand it if I see people even lay a finger on you." said Ben. "And if it's me doing the hitting.. then it'll be absolute torture!!"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking... forget I even mentioned it.." said Mikoto. "So.. that's why you overreact so much... like when Biago hit me that one time.. or when we first met Karin.."

"That.. and I love you a lot." said Ben. "You're my girl.. nobody hits my girl.."

As Ben and Mikoto continued their walk.. 5 shadowy figures swiftly leapt from rooftop to rooftop of the restaurants in the area.

Ben suddenly perked up. He looked around. Was somebody watching them? He shrugged, he was probably being paranoid.

But as he continued to walk on with Mikoto.. the shadowy figures continued to leap over the roof tops.. following quickly and agilely. 

Ben then stopped again. "Mikoto? You feel like.. we're being followed?"

"Yeah.." said Mikoto muttered. "I've been getting this strange feeling too.. what's going on?"

"HALLLT ESPER DISRUPTERS OF JUSTICE!!!!" A chorus of voices yelled out.. suddenly, the 5 figures landed down in front of Ben and Mikoto blocking their path

The figures struck a strange set of poses, as if they had been rehearsed. The center figure, was dressed in a strange red suit, with a bag mask tied over his head that had a red Omnitrix symbol on it.. two girls on either side of him, and Mikoto guessed they were girls, because their outfits and figures were more feminine, were dressed in  yellow and pink variations of the same outfit. two more guys, one black, and one blue posed on either end.. all each wearing a different color variation of the Omnitrix symbol on their masks

"WE!! ARE THE BELLWOOD SENTAI BRIGADE!!! GO FORCE!!" Yelled the group as they posed.

"RED SENTAI!!" said the red figure.

"YELLOW SENTAI!!" said the yellow figure, holding up piece sign in a flirtatious manner.

"HYAAAH!!! PINK SENTAI!!" said the pink one, also striking a flirtatious pose.

"BLUE SENTAI!!" yelled the blue figure, pumping his fist.

"GOOOOO BLACK SENTAIIIII!!!" yelled the black figure, jumping up with enthusiasm.


Ben and Mikoto just stared at the strange people, blinking for a moment.

"Uuuhhh.. I thought we already left Japan.." Ben muttered.

"Are you Power Rangers?" Mikoto muttered.

"No! That's fiction!" said Black Sentai. "We are the administrators of justice! The one force that stands against evil Espers.. the Bellwood Sentai Brigade!! The greatest Super Heroes of Bellwood!!"

"Isn't Ben Bellwood's Superhero?" Mikoto said, raising an eyebrow.

"Each and every year.. you evildoing espers come to Bellwood during Christmas Break and ruin our town!!" said Pink Sentai.

"Wait.. what?" said Ben. "Ruin Bellwood? How?"

"You and your super powered ilk run amok.. thinking because you have powers you can do whatever the hell you want!" said Red Sentai. "Robbing stores.. pillaging places of business! Being downright rude to us nonpowered natives the great city!! Every year.. our citizens go to town hall, and beg the mayor to allow Judgment to come to the city and oversee you brats, as they are the only law enforcement facility in the world that can handle you... but NOOOOO! They say.. that you selfish Judgment lot are on vacation as well!!"

"Well.. we are.." said Ben. "But.. er.. I'm not.. if there's trouble.. I'll be there to take it down."

"DON'T THROW YOUR LIES AT US ESPER!" Blue Sentai exclaimed. "You've thrown in your lot with a Level 5! The most heinous of the evil espers!!! You Level 5s strut around our city, expecting to treat you like royalty!!"

"Well.. does that mean the only Level 5s you've ever met are Kakine and Mugino?" Mikoto said. 

"SILENCE!! RAILGUN!!!" said Red Sentai. "All that's left.. is to administer upon you.. the art.. of TRUE JUSTICE!!!"

The Bellwood Sentai Brigade readied themselves, then they shot forward, dashing at the twosome like ninjas..

"Careful Ben! We don't know what they can do!" Mikoto exclaimed as her body began to crackle with lightning.

"Yeah I know!" Ben said, slapping the Omnitrix's faceplate down. There was a flash of green light, and Swampfire appeared.

The Sentais split into two groups, with Red, Blue and Black charging Swampfire, while Yellow and Pink charged Mikoto.

"TRIPLE TRUE JUSTICE ASSAULT!!!!" Red, Blue and Black drew out strange looking batons and stabbed them from all directions at Swampfire.

"Damn!!" Swampfire stammered. "They're fast!!"

"Slunk..." The batons stabbed into Swampfire and became stuck in the muck encrusted surface of the swamp dwelling alien..

There was a pause..

Red began pulling on his baton. "Eh..EEERRRRGHHH! It. umm... it's stuck.."

"Mine too!" said Black.

"Me too!!" said Blue.

The three Sentais started pulling with all their might on the handles of their batons.. with red even climbing onto Swampfire and attempting to push off with his feet.

"Uhhhh..." Swampfire said. "You guys... need help or something?"

"NO!!! TRUE JUSTICE NEEDS NO ASSISTANCE!!!" said Red. "YAAAARRGGHHH!! Whoo.. okay.. it's really stuck in there... YEEEEAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!"

Meanwhile Mikoto was jumping back, dodging a flurry of baton strikes from Yellow and Pink.

"Not metal huh!?" said Mikoto with a growl. "Guess I can't block.. so.. " Mikoto thrust out her hands, and iron sand tore out of the ground. "Guess I'll have to improvise!!!"

The Iron Sand turned into whipping tendrils, lashing out and blocking each baton strike in bursts of sparks.

"Smart!" said Pink.

"But we have better teamwork!!" Yellow exclaimed.


The two interlocked their elbows and held out their batons, as they did so, strange gadgets in their feet activated, and they began to spin around as energy channeled from their boots, until they had become some sort of blurred tornado-like top. The batons emitted an electric charge as they spun, blasting away the Iron Sand..

"WHOAH!" said Mikoto. "They're good!"

Suddenly, the spinning top hit a small pebble however.. and Pink and Yellow both toppled out of their formation and onto the ground.

"Or... not?" said Mikoto.

"y-yeaaaaGgghh!" Yellow stammered getting to her feet and staggering around dizzily. "Wh-where am I? Pink!? PINK!? Where are you!?"

"I don't know!!" Pink stammered, staggering around too. "The Ultra Baton Cyclone's made me super dizzy!! Owwwww...."

The two Sentais began stumbling around Mikoto as she looked confused.

"Ummm.." Mikoto said. "Should.. I er.. hit you now.. or what?"

"D-Do your worst!!" Pink stammered as she accidentally charged into a game booth and fell over. "We can take it!"

"Yeah!" said Yellow. "BRING IT ON!!!"

"Um..." Mikoto said holding up a hand, crackling with electricity. Tentatively preparing to fire an electric blast. "I'm.. not sure it would be fair.."

Meanwhile.. the male Sentais were still trying to wrench their batons out of Swampfire's body.

"Really, this is just sad to watch." Swampfire said. "Can't you just let me help you with those?"



"Okay... then?" said Swampfire. "So then.. why are you wearing my symbol?"

"Your symbol?" said Black.

"Yeah.. on your masks.. that's the Omnitrix.. or the symbol for Intergalactic Peace." said Swampfire.

"THAT'S WHAT IT IS!?" said Red.


"Honestly, we just thought it looked cool!" said Black.

"Okay now I'm just pissed." said Swampfire. He knocked the three Sentai's away and wrenched the batons out of his body before using flames in his hands to melt the weapons into a puddle.


"You monster!!" Red yelled. "Now how are we supposed to administer True Justice!?"

"Ummmm... with fists?" said Swampfire.


The three Sentais converged on Swampfire, displaying unusually high acrobatic skills as they began lunging at and kicking and punching Swampfire.

Swampfire maneuvered through the fight, using his arms to parry the attacks, not taking much damage due to merely human strength of his opponents which couldn't match against Swampfire's natural durability. 

"This is turning into one weird vacation!" Swampfire called out to Mikoto.

Mikoto, who was still watching Pink and Yellow stagger around in diziness, nodded. "Yeah! I know right? Should we just call the police on these guys for harassment? I mean.. this hardly seems like something we need to be involved in.."

"Believe it or not." said Swampfire as he parried a kick from Red. "These guys may be idiots, but they actually do have some skills, probably better if we just handle it quick."

"Yeah.." said Mikoto, a disbelieving expression emerging on her face. "I guess.."

Swampfire let out a kick, knocking Red off his feet as he grabbed Black by the scruff of his neck, and threw him into a nearby abandoned wooden stand, which shattered on impact. He then caught Blue's fist in one hand and pinned him to the ground.

"Guess that's that!!" said Swampfire. 

"NOT SO FAST!!" Red recovered quickly, and remarkably, grabbing Blue, and pulling him away before taking out a sphere and throwing it down.

A giant cloud of smoke filled the area as all the Sentais converged.

When the smoke cleared however, the Sentais were still there..

"Eh!?" said Yellow. "Uhhhh.. Red-senpai? Weren't we supposed to leave BEFORE the smoke cleared?"

"What?" said Red. "OH GOD DAMNIT!! WE MESSED UP AGAIN!! Quick, Pink! Administer the true justice and let's get the hell out of here!"

"Got it Red-senpai!!" said Pink with a salute, before she dashed over and grabbed Mikoto's bikini top in a flash, and ran off with it.

"WHAAT!?" Mikoto screamed, covering her chest frantically. "DID SHE JUST PULL A MUGINO ON ME!!!?"

"TRUE JUSTICE HAS BEEN ADMINISTERED!!!" Red yelled. "You were superior opponents today Ben Tennyson, Mikoto Misaka.. but today! True Justice has once more won!! Without a bikini top! You won't be able to pick on the powerless citizens of Bellwood for now!! We shall return to administer TRUE JUSTICE!!!"

The Sentais ran off as fast as their feet could carry them.. leaving a dust cloud in their wake.

Mikoto's eye twitched with rage as electricity began to explode around her. "No... way... IN HELLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!"

Mikoto dashed after the Sentais one arm around her chest and another hand pulling a coin out. "I'M GONNA MURDER SOME POWER RANGERS!!!!!!! HEY!!! DEEPSH*T NINJA IDIOTS!!!"

"What?" said Red, turning to look over his shoulder.


There was a sonic boom as the Railgun Move exploded down to the Bellwood Sentai Brigade, and exploded into the indoor street.. creating a booming crater, and sending the 5 Sentai's flying and yelling before they all fell to the ground, completely winded.

Yellow crawled out of the crater, coughing. "R-RED-SENPAI!? REEED SEEEENPAAAAI!!"

Yellow cradled Red in her arms. "Sp-speak to me Red-senpai!"

"Yellow..." Red coughed, holding out a hand. "You... must.. cough cough... avenge me... in the name... of true justice... cough..... egggghhhh.."

Red's hand dropped to the ground.

"NOOOOOOOO!!! WHYYYY WHY WHYYYYYY!!!?" Yellow screamed.

"Oh give it a rest, he's still alive, I can see him breathing.." Mikoto growled, looking positively disgusted.

"OH COME ON!" said Red, sitting up. "Can't you let heroes have the art of True Drama!? It makes True Justice sound all the more sweeter!!"

Mikoto grabbed Red by his collar, her expression completely livid. "You better give me back my top right now.. or I'll be shoving True Justice up your ASS!!"

"Meeeep.." Red squeaked. "Ehhhhh... Pink-chan?"

"Y-yes... R-Red-senpai.." said Pink, shakily handing Mikoto her bikini.

Swampfire walked up at this moment. "Uhhh.. Mikoto?"

"Not the time.." Mikoto growled as she pulled on her bikini. "Just do me a favor and go Humungousaur  so you can STEP ON THESE BASTARDS!!"

"YEEEEEEAAAAAAAGGGGHHH!!" the Sentais screamed in absolute fright before dashing off. "WE SHALL RETURN TO DEAL TRUE JUSTICE UPON YOU!!!!!"

Swampfire shook his head. "What a bunch of weirdos.."

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