She sat and ate the remainders of the bread and watched over the cave. Cole began to stir and sat upright. "I got all the stuff." Helena told him as she approached. She sat by his feet with the gel, sticks, and bandages before cleaning the blood away with more rubbing alcohol. Lena applied the gel over the wounds with a gentle hand, sticking the large gashes closed. It caused slight plain to Cole as his wounds were stretched close. Helena used the sticks as a makeshift splint, securing them around his legs with the bandages.
"There, all done." Helena stated as she secured the bandage. Cole smiled and tried to get up. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold ya horses." Lena said. "You can't get up yet, or you'll ruin it. You've gotta wait for the resin to harden." Cole sighed as he planted his but back down. "Now drink this, you look parched." She said, passing him her flask.
The 18-year-old took the bottle and drank like he hadn't seen water in over a year. Bleeding sure does make you thirsty. The two continued to talk for a while until they heard the Panem anthem play. Only two names appeared that night. It was then when they decided it was time to sleep. The two snuggled up by the fire, each in their own sleeping bags, falling asleep by the glowing embers.
The Fallen - All dead - in order of death
District 5, female, Kiara
District 6, male, Reese
May the odds be ever in your favour.
"Well, there you have it, folks. Night two of the Hunger Games and two more tributes dead." Claudius Templesmith spoke into the microphone. 9 screens were stood behind him, 2 displaying the faces of the fallen tributes and the other 7 playing footage of the tributes. "So, that's Kiara from District 5 dead (I'm surprised she made it that far), as well Reese from District 6, sorry to all those who bet on him." Caesar said, letting out a laugh. "Tune in for more live coverage of the game here, folks, goodnight." He said, cutting out the commentary for the evening.
Haymitch let out a sigh as he took a drink. He sat in the mentors lounge, watching as the screen changed between the different groups of tributes. The mentor observed over the past days how the careers stayed at the cornucopia, how the tributes on the mountain fought over food but no one killing each other, how the girl from District 9 stalked through the arena, trying to find other tributes but avoiding the careers. He saw how Helena had used her knowledge of plants to heal Cole. Haymitch wouldn't admit it outloud, but he was proud of his kids.
The man got up and made his way back to the tribute centre. It was a long day of securing sponsors, and he honestly wasn't in the mood to drink anymore. Staggering into the penthouse, Haymitch practically collapsed onto the sofa, falling asleep almost instantly.
In the Gamemakers headquarters, Seneca Crane paced back and forth. "How long since our last event?" He asked a gamemaker. "8 hours, sir, when the Baird girl killed the boy from Six." The Gamemaker replied. "So we're due for another one. And the careers are practically useless...." Crane became lost in thought as he paced. "Replace the flora with the new ones." He commanded. "And shorten the day cycle." Gamemakers around him nodded as he stared at one screen in particular. A smirk appeared on his face.
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