Chapter 11

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Night One ended with twelve tributes dead. Twelve were still in play. "It's always thrilling to guess how it'll unfold from here, now that the jitters of Day One have gone and the Tributes have a moment to strategize." Claudius Templesmith said as he watched each screen displaying the different tributes. "Their Mentors begin to play a role now, too, scrambling to line up the Sponsors whose gifts might mean the difference between life and death." Caesar Flickerman stated. Templesmith let out a hauty laugh. "Certainly is a good time to have rich benefactors!" His eyes glanced down to a tablet. "By the way, for all you
gamblers out there, the first three deaths today were the boys from 7 and 1 and the girl from 3." Claudius said. "Unlucky for all those betting on Dominic. Gruesome way to go." Caesar smiled.

Helena woke up before dawn the next morning, awoken by the sound of snow crunching. Her eyes opened immediately at the sound of something approaching, instant vigilance. A girl tribute ran past Helena's tree: tired, cold, scared, and hungry. The girl found shelter from the cold wind behind some rocks.

Day two of the Hunger Games.

Helena was glad for the girl, that was until she heard the distinct sound of two rocks striking against one another. A thin wisp of smoke rose from behind the rock, rising high above the treetops. "Oh dear, that's not going to go well..." The twelve-year-old muttered to herself. Wanting to preserve her energy for later in the day, Helena fell back asleep.

A few hours later, the girl was woken up again. This time, by several pairs of boots crunching in the snow. Helena couldn't make out the exact number, but she did know that they were coming in her exact direction. She went rigid with fear, terrified to see two tributes, much older than herself, with very, very sharp weapons. They had made an alliance, hunting down the other tributes as a pair.

"You sure they're this way?" The boy from 6 asked quietly. "Duh, I can still see the smoke trail." The girl from 9 responded in a hushed tone. They flanked the large rock that the Fire-Starter was behind. A shocked scream echoed through the forest, followed by pleas for mercy. "Please...." The girl's cries were cut short as a scythe separated her head clean from her body. She was dead. The sound of a cannon shot sounded.

Helena began to untie herself from the tree, knowing that she would have to get out of there soon. She crouched on the tree branch as she rolled away her sleeping bag and put her stuff back in her backpack. Carefully, she made her way down the tree, stopping at a droppable altitude but still high enough that she remained unseen.

The pair emerged from behind the rock, covered in blood. The girl from 9 - Fauna - had a smile on her face, whilst the boy from 6 - Reese - was frowning. "I wanted to kill her." He whinned. Fauna rolled her eyes. "You can kill the next one." She responded. "Fine...." Reese compromised. "You go back to base, I need to check the traps." He told her. Fauna nodded her head and left.

Reese stayed and began to have a tantrum. "God damn it, I should've killed her then and there! Stealing all my kills!" He raged, pacing back and forth. "How dare she!" The boy continued to rant to himself as he kicked snow around. Too focused on himself, he didn't notice Helena dropping to the ground. She unclipped her scimitar from her halter and began to approach the boy, a lethal glare in her eye.

Helena spun the blade in her hand, readjusting her grip. With the stealth of an assassin, the girl managed to get right behind Reese, who was still aware of his approaching attacker, still ranting. Separating the blade in two, Helena jumped onto the boys' back and slit both sides of his neck. She had managed to sever both the carotid artery and the jugular veins in her attack. Blood spurted everywhere as the boy fell to the ground. Non landing on the girl's pristine white coat, though.

Helena got up and brushed herself off, looking at the body beneath her. When the young girl had realised what she had done, she felt sick to her stomach. The cannon went off, formalising his death, and Helena couldn't stop the vomit. She leant on a tree as her guts emptied, tears streaming down her face. As she calmed down, Helena came to her senses, remembering that she'd have to get out of there soon.

Helena rooted through the boys' bag, stealing the food for herself, before leaving the area, running as fast as she could.

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