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Willow's POV

It was around 7:00 P.M. I was in the living room with Emily cause the vampire Victoria came around. The boys and Leah have been gone for about two hours now. When we came back from the beach I took a shower put my shorts back on. I couldn't find my shirt when I came back so I A rjust put Embry's on. "When do you think there gonna be back." I said while yawning at the end. "I don't know there usually gone for a while." I nodded. About 30 minutes later I fell asleep curled up in a ball on the couch. After a other hour I felt warm arms pick me up. Once I knew who it was by the smell I wrapped my arms around his neck. Embry always smelled like the ocean which I always liked.

I knew we were out of the house when the coldest hit me. I don't why but I just really happy to be with him again. Open my eyes "Embry?" "Yes princess" "I love you" I softly said while kissing his cheek. "I love you too Princess." I smiled and leaned back into his chest. Once we got to the car Embry put me in the passenger seat. I put the middle console up and cuddled back into Embry's side.

When we got home I tried to look for Hunter's truck but it wasn't there so I just assumed he will be here tomorrow morning. We walked inside the house and when to my room. "Embry I think you should sleep at home tonight we have school tomorrow." I said walking to him. "I'll just leave in the morning again." "But I want you to get a full sleep when your here you have to wake up early to leave." I said looking down feeling bad. "I'll be fine" "You sure?" He nodded and kissed my forehead. "Ok but before you laid down you better go take a shower or you have dirt everywhere." I said lightly pushing him out the door. "Only if you join me" Embry said with a smirk. "Just shower!" my whole face turning red when he said that. I heard him laugh while I walked back into my room and change into comfy shorts. I walked to my desk grabbing my bag to make sure all my missing work and spring homework was done. Which it was so I just put my bag back next to my desk. I sat down on my bed drawing into Embry was down. When he was done he walked back into my room with a towel wrapped around his waist. "I forgot to get clothes." I crawled to the bottom of the bed grabbing his clothes from his bag and throwing it at him. He went back to the bathroom to change so I put my notebook away and laid down. Once I felt Embry's warmth I cuddled into his chest.

When I woke up Embry was gone. I looked at the time and quickly got out of bed. I ran to the bathroom and quickly took a shower, brushing my teeth, and brushing my hair quickly putting it into a braid. I ran to my room throwing on a pair of flare jeans, a tight grey tank top, and my red converse. I grabbed my bag running out the door. Noticing that Hunter's truck still wasn't there. Which kinda made me worried but I had to get to school before it was to last. Once I got to school I noticed Bella leaving with Jacob on his dirt bike. It really didn't bother me but now I know Jacob would shut up about her. I quickly ran into the school stopping at my locker then going to my first class.

It was now lunchtime I walked into the cafeteria quickly finding Chloe. I walked to the table and sat down. "Are you not gonna get anything to eat?" Chloe asked me as I sat down. "No I'm not really hungry right now." "Ok but if you change your mind you can have some of my carrots" I nodded. After a couple minutes I zoned out and just stared off. I started to think about Hunter and how he still gone. It made me worried cause I lost my parents I didn't want to lose him either. I was thinking about was would happen if Hunter was gone. I didn't realize how zoned out I was until I felt a tear roll down my face. "Hey you alright Willow?" Rachael asked me. "Umm yeah I'm f-fine." I quickly stood up and walked out of the cafeteria to bathroom. I grabbed my phone and tried to call Hunter. I got nothing so I called again yet again nothing. I called two more times still nothing. I heard the last bell of the day so I put my phone away and went to the last class I had of the day.

Once school was over I quickly when to the truck and started to drive home. I was starting to think about Hunter so I started to pick up the pace. When I got home Hunter truck still wasn't there. I started to shake slowly panicking and thinking about the phone call I got the day my parents got in a ancient. I pulled out the drive way starting to drive to Emily's house. I parked the car quickly getting out the car and going inside. I noticed the boys weren't there probably in the woods. "Hey Willow" Emily walked up to me looking me up and down seeing that I was shaking. "Willow you alright what going on." "No, Hunter haven't came h-home." I started to pace back and forth put my hands into my hair. "And I'm scared that something happened to him" "Hey hey I'm pretty sure everything gonna be alright" Emily stopped me by grabbing both of my shoulders. "No no Emily I can't l-lose him!" I started to tear up trying to wipe them away with my hand. "Shhhh it's gonna be alright." Emily pulled me into a hug putting my head on her shoulder. I started crying even harder thinking of my mom. "Shhh it's ok" Emily started to patting my head. I wiped the tears and slowly tried to stop crying.

"Hey it's gonna be ok. You wanna help me make brownies?" Emily asked while helping me clean my face. I nodded then Emily and I walked to the kitchen. Emily and I started to make the brownie mix. We starting to talk about the boys then laughing at the stupid stuff we remember that they did.  After we got the brownie into the oven I suddenly became tired and cold. I yawned while crossing my arms to try to warm up. "If your cold Embry left his jacket over there." Emily pointed to a chair by the table while putting the stuff away. I nodded walking to table and putting Embry jacket on. "Hey you wanna take a nap on the couch for a little I'll wake you up when the brownies are done." I yawned again before nodding then walking to the living room taking off my shoes. As soon as I laid down I was out.

╰𒀭ॱ˖ Author I'm sorry if anything is missed spelled or doesn't sound. I am trying to go in order of the show if I missed anything up please tell me. Also please tell if I am boring you. :)

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