It was a Saturday night and Missy was in bed, lying on her back, staring up at the ceiling.
It warm evening, and despite having a slightly cooler breeze trickling in from her open window, the heat was getting to her.
She was too big and too pregnant for this.
And as the minutes and the hours trickled by, Missy felt herself getting more and more stressed at the idea of not being able to sleep.
Placing a hand to her oversized stomach, she attempted to turn over onto her side, but within a second, she had changed her mind, finding the position far too uncomfortable.
God being pregnant sucked sometimes...
Missy glanced over at her brightly-illuminated alarm clock that sat on her nightstand.
It was 2am.
Zach had gone out for the evening with a few buddies from college so she didn't expect him home any time soon. When he got together with those guys, he usually didn't rock up again until 5 or 6am.
Pushing her long caramel hair back from her face , Missy gave a grumpy sigh, just as somewhere down the hallway, she heard a door slam loudly.
Then, much to Missy's utter dismay, a few second later, a loud blasting music could be heard echoing through her walls.
She gave a humph, lifting her very pregnant-self up onto her elbows.
Wade fucking Wilson.
Of course...
Missy huffed loudly, flinging her head back against her pillows once more, placing her hand to her ears, trying as hard as she could to block out the loud, bassy music.
But it was no use.
She felt herself getting hotter and hotter.
Missy would never get to sleep at this rate...and right now she was so exhausted. Her and her bump.
But she could do something about this...
Heaving herself slowly from her bed, she got to her feet, placing a hand to her lower back as she did so.
Missy ambled over to the wardrobe and shucked a lilac robe over her bare shoulders.
She was grumpy as hell and Wade Wilson was really going to know about it.
Trying the robe tightly at her waist she headed out of her bedroom, before heaving open the front door, a scowl plastered across her tired features.
The music was much louder out here in the corridor.
Right now Missy was tall and blonde and very, very pregnant. And right now no one in their right mind would want to mess with her.
She approached Wade's door, her face set, before raising her fist, hammering loudly on the solid wood.
There was long pause... before the door was suddenly hurled open and there stood Wade, in just a black hooded-sweatshirt and jeans, a dark frown plastered onto his face.
But his demeanour changed as soon as he saw her, his shoulders un-tensed, and a relaxed smile shifted onto his long face.
"Hey, you alright?" he asked interestedly, glancing down at her swollen belly. "You need me to help induce the labour or something... because I've heard sex is pretty good for helping out with that?"
But Missy scowled, taking an intimidating step towards him, as he looked her robed-form up and down.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" she said loudly, through gritted teeth. "It's two in the fucking morning! How the fuck am I supposed to sleep with all that racket you're making?"
Missy was so annoyed and the smirk that now covered her neighbour's face was now making that worse.
"You talking about the music?" he asked lightly, folding his strong arms over his chest and leaning up against the doorframe.
"Of course I'm talking about the fucking music!" snapped Missy, cutting across him. "Jesus, is this....Wham?!"
She shot him a look, blinking a couple of times, faltering slightly.
But the tall figure gave a smile, raising his eyebrows.
"Mmmhmm," he said easily, cocking his head back towards his living room. "You wanna come in and duet Careless Whisper with me?"
But Missy narrowed her eyes at him, placing her hands to her hips, when suddenly a small twinge shot across her stomach.
She winced, doubling over slightly and giving a small moan of pain.
Wade caught this instantly, taking a sudden step towards her, his face now serious.
His hand reached for her arm, touching her gently...
"Hey, you ok?" he asked concernedly, as Missy let out a long breath of air.
The pain disappearing instantly.
"I'm fine," she said shrugging his hand away from her, before gazing up into his worried features.
Wade stared at her for a long moment.
"I'll turn the music down," he said quickly, reaching his long limbs inside his apartment.
Missy heard the sound of George Michael quickly die down...before Wade reappeared once more, his brown eyes travelling over her exhausted features.
Missy gave a grumpy pout and was just about to murmur a quiet 'thanks', when all of a sudden, behind her, there came a loud bang.
"Oh fuck," she uttered, closing her eyes, knowing exactly what that sound was...
Missy swung around, placing a hand to her stomach, to see that her front door had swung shut..... with her trapped on the outside, with no keys and no cell phone.
She made a worried noise, waddling back over to the door and giving it a hard shove.
But of course, it didn't budge...
Zach would be home in a few hours time, but Missy was already exhausted, and the prospect of waiting out in the hallway in just a robe for the next four hours filled her with dread.
"If you locking yourself out is just an excuse to snuggle up to me tonight then it's your lucky day," uttered Wade's sudden voice in her ear, as he strutted up behind her.
He leant over her, he too giving her front door a shove.
"In your dreams," she said pouting, before staring down at the ground and giving a huff.
She supposed she could ask if she could borrow Wade's cell and call Zach, but her boyfriend never, ever answered his phone when he was out.
She noticed Wade glance over at her.
"Well, you know, today..." he said in a cocky voice. " your lucky day. Because luckily for you, I know a few things about breaking into people's apartments."
Missy stared up, shooting him a frown.
"What are you?" she said, realising she knew virtually nothing about the man she had lived next-door to for the past eighteen months. "Some sort of cat-burglar or something?"
Wade merely gazed at her, his lips curving up into a wide grin.
"Try ex-special forces operative," he said curtly, not revealing anything more.
Missy's eyes lingered on his for a long moment.
He didn't really look the type...
Sure he was strong and fit, but his attitude...he wasn't your typical commando...that was for sure...
Grasping her gently by the shoulders he moved her out of the way, quickly tugging a small, thin, flick knife from his pocket.
Missy instantly took a step backwards, giving a gulp as he crouched down, getting to work on her lock.
"So how's Zachary?" asked Wade after a moment or two or comfortable silence. He said Zach's name with the smallest amount of contempt in his voice
Missy gave a shrug.
"He's fine..." she said quietly. "He's just gone for a night out with some old friends."
Things had not, in fact, been fine between them, however.
For the past few days, Zach had been a little distant with her...
When she had called him out on it yesterday, after another long day at work, her blonde boyfriend had merely complained that she was smothering him, and as soon as he had left the room, had begun arranging his night out the following evening.
"And what? Has he not decided to invite his gorgeous yummy-mommy girlfriend with him tonight?" asked Wade cocking a scarred eyebrow up at her.
Missy pursed her lips, giving a small smirk.
"I don't think I'd be that much fun anymore," she said, running a hand across her expanded tummy and giving him a sad look.
But Wade merely chuckled.
"Oh I'm sure you fucking are," he said teasingly. "Get a couple of tequila shots down you and I'm sure you'd be karaoke-ing with me to Wham's greatest hits in a heartbeat."
Missy gave a sudden laugh, before catching herself.
"Well I think you'll have to give me another three months before I'm doing that," she said in a playful tone, as Wade paused in what he was doing, staring up at her.
"Three months then," he said suddenly, a wide grin spreading across his rugged face as he held a hand out towards her. "And it's a date."
Missy gave a smirk, narrowing her eyes at him for the longest of moments...
He really was so annoying wasn't he...
But tentatively, she took his hand, giving it a small shake, her green eyes meeting with his chocolate ones.
"Oooh," she said suddenly, pulling her hand instantly away, clutching at her stomach.
Wade looked at her concernedly once again.
But Missy merely smiled, letting out a breath.
"It kicked!" she said in an excited voice, gazing down warmly as she felt movement within her belly.
She gave a laugh as Wade's face brightened, just as there came a sudden clunk and the sound of the lock, clicking open.
"There you go," said Wade getting to his feet. "Told you it was your fucking lucky day."
Missy beamed, so in awe of the beautiful thing that was currently moving around inside her.
She WAS lucky...
"Thanks," she said with a murmur, gazing up at him, her hand still on her stomach. "I owe you one."
But Wade merely smiled back at her.
"Yeah you do," he said arrogantly. "You can buy the tequila shots when we go on our date."
Missy gave a laugh, heading into her apartment.
"Night, Wade," she said gently. "Oh and keep the noise down, save the eighties pop for the daytime please!"
She heard him give a chuckle, but he didn't say a word as Missy pushed her front door closed. This time with her and her bump safely on the inside.
Heading into her bedroom, she removed her robe and got back into bed still smiling and within a second or two of her head hitting the pillow, she had drifted off into a deep, comfortable sleep...
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