{20 Minutes Later}
~Your POV~
Professor Dumbledore Had Me Looking At Memories In The Pensive. It's Both Invigorating And Tiring.
"This Is One Of My Memories." Dumbledore Said. "It's From 24 Years Ago, When Your Parents Were In Their 6th Year, At Least Your Mother Was. Your Father And His Brother Were 5th Years."
"Okay?" I Said.
He Poured The Silvery Liquid Into The Pensive. I Enveloped My Face In The Liquid Contained In The Pensive. A Scene Appeared. It Was In The Corridors.
"Lily Evens, You're Crazy." A Girl Was Saying.
The Girl Looked Like Me. Is...Is That My Mother? She Said Lily Evens, Harry Potter's Mother's Name Before She Married James Potter. There Was A Second Girl, A Ginger With Green Eyes Who Must Be Lily Evens. She Looked To Be A 3rd Year.
"Jo." Lily Evens Said. "Severus And I Are Friends, That's Not Crazy."
Jo? Snape Was Friends With Lily?
"I Mean For Dating James Potter." Jo Said.
"He's Not That Bad." Lily Said. "Unlike Those Two."
"Hey, Josey! Hey, Lily!" Two Boys Voices Called In Unison.
Two Boys, Fraternal Twins, Went Dashing Over To The Two Girls. They Had Brown Hair And Blue Eyes. They Were Obviously Twins But Looked Surprisingly Different. They Looked To Be 5th Years.
"You Two Again." Jo Laughed.
"I Thought We Were Friends!" One Boy Said.
"We Are, You Two Are Just A Bit Clingy, Jackson." Jo Retorted.
"Only 'Cause We Love You." The Second Boy Said.
"Kendrick." Jo Smirked.
"Fiiiine..." Kendrick Said.
"We'll Go Hang Out With Molly And Arthur Then!" Jackson Said.
The Two Boys Ran Off And The Girls Laughed.
"Poor Arthur And Molly." Jo Said.
"So...You And Jackson Going Steady Yet?" Lily Asked Her.
"Lily!" Jo Snapped.
The Scene Disappeared. Another Appeared.
"Potter, Black, Lupin, Pettigrew, Get Back Here!" Jo Shouted Chasing After Four Boys.
Two Boys I Recognized As 3rd Remus Lupin And Sirius Black. The Other Two, From What I Can Tell Are James Potter And Peter Pettigrew.
"No! You're A Prefect, You'll Turn Us In To The Professors!" James Laughed.
"We're Not Getting Another Detention This Week!" Sirius Chuckled.
"You Four Are Such Jerks!" Jo Said.
"Giving You Trouble, Are They, Jo?" A Ginger With Brown Eyes Asked.
He Looked Like A Younger Version Of Arthur Weasley. Another Boy Was Next To Him. A Brown Haired, Brown-Eyed Boy I Recognized From An Article In The Daily Prophet. Frank Longbottom. Neville Longbottom's Father. Both Frank And Arthur Looked To Be 7th Years.
"Almost Always, Arthur." Jo Said, Stopping. "I Love Those Boys, But They Are Nothing But Trouble."
"Agreed, Thomas." Frank Said.
"Don't You Have To Catch Them?" Arthur Reminded Jo.
"Bloody Hells!!" Jo Said Then Ran Off.
Arthur And Frank Laughed.
"That Girl Would Forget Her Head If It Weren't Attached." Arthur Said.
"Watch It!" Nearly-Headless Nick Said.
"Sorry, Sir Nicolas." Arthur Chuckled.
Nearly-Headless Nick Floated Off.
"Maybe Use A Different Phrase Next Time." Frank Said.
Arthur Nodded.
The Memory Came To A Close. I Looked At Dumbledore, Not Sure What To Say.
"Was That-" I Started.
"Yes. Your Parents And Their Friends." He Said.
"The Potters? The Weasleys? Sirius? Lupin? Pettigrew? Frank Longbottom?" I Said.
"And Kendrick." He Added. "Even Regulus Black."
"I-Is He Still...Alive? Is There Any Chance H-He's Alive?" I Asked.
Dumbledore Shook His Head.
"He Died In The Battle Of Hogwarts." He Said. "Lucious Malfoy Killed Him."
"Yet Another Reason To Hate The Malfoys." I Joked.
He Smiled.
"If Josey And Jackson-My Mother And Father-Knew The Weasleys, How Come I Never Met Them Until They Came To Hogwarts?" I Asked.
"You Met Them As A Baby." He Said. "Same With Harry And Even Neville. None Of You Remember Because You Were Too Young To Form Lasting Memories."
"Right." I Said.
"Wait, You Said Regulus Black." I Said. "The Death Eater?"
"And Sirius' Brother. Run Along Now, y/n." He Said.
"Okay." I Said.
I Headed Off Towards The Library.
{A Few Minutes Later}
~Dumbledore POV~
Minerva Came In.
"Albus, We Have To Talk." She Said.
"Good Afternoon To You Too, Minerva." I Said.
"I'm Sorry. Good Afternoon." She Corrected.
"Now, What Was It You Wanted To Talk About?" I Asked.
"It's Those Blasted Weasley Twins! Argus Said he Caught One Snogging y/n. George To Be Exact." She Said.
"What Do You Want To Do About That?" I Asked Her.
"Curse Him? Make Them Hate Each Other? Separate Them Permanently?" She Said. "Something!"
"Or, And This Will Shock You, We Could Talk To y/n About Respecting Herself And Her Partner While In A Relationship." I Said.
"Have You Been Reading Muggle Parenting Books Again?" Minerva Asked.
"They Have Quite Fascinating." I Said. "Either Way, y/n Is 16, She Isn't A Little Girl Anymore. I'd Much Prefer Her Date Someone Who Hasn't Had Hundreds Of Detention, But We Can't Choose For Her."
{A Few Hours Later}
~Your POV~
I've Been Looking Through Old Photo Albums In Hogwarts For The Past Few Hours Trying To Find A Photo From That Year. Finally I Found An Album Labeled 'Hogwarts 1970-1971'. As I Leafed Through I Found A Photo. My Mother, My Father, My Uncle, And All Their Friends Along With Many Other Students. They Looked The Same As In The Memory.
"What's That Smile About?" A Familiar Voice Said.
I Looked Up. The Twins Were There. They Leaned On Opposing Shelves. They Almost Mirrored One Another. George Had Been The One To Ask About My Smiling, I Hadn't Even Noticed Before He Said It.
"I, Uh, Found What I Was Looking For." I Said.
"The Librarian Said You've Been In Here For Hours." Fred Said.
"It Wasn't Easy To Find." I Said, Rolling My Eyes.
The Two Sat Next To Me And Looked At The Book.
"A Photo? What's So important About This Particular Photo?" George Asked.
"I Was Looking For A Photo From A Year Dumbledore Told Me About." I Said. "My Mother's 6th Year And My Father's 5th."
I Pointed Out My Father And Named Him Off The My Mother And Named Her Off.
"You Look Like Her." George Said.
"Thanks, George." I Said.
"Like, Exactly Like Her." He Added.
"Thank You?" I Said.
He Smiled. I Pointed To Molly Weasley, Prewett At The Time.
"Your Mother." I Said Then Point To Two Twin Boys. "Her Brothers, Fabian And Gideon. They Were Twins Who Died During The Battle Of Hogwarts."
"F And G." Fred Said.
I Nodded. I Pointed To Different People And Named Them Off. Fred And George Listened And They Both Smiled.
"They All Went To School Together." George Said.
"They Were Friends. According To Dumbledore, We Met Before We Could Remember Because Your Mother And Mine Knew Each Other." I Said.
"Seriously?" Fred Asked.
"Yeah." I Said.
"That's..." Fred Started.
"...Awesome." George Finished.
"Wait, I Just Realized Your Dad Was A Twin. You Have An Uncle Out There Somewhere." Fred Said.
"Much Like Fabian And Gideon, He Died During The Battle Of Hogwarts." I Said.
"Oh..." He Said. "Got A Little Ahead Of Myself I Guess."
"I Thought The Same Thing." I Said.
"Same Here." George Said. "We All Got Excited Thinking You Had Family."
"I Do Have Family." I Said. "You Guys And The Professors."(🧀🧀🧀🧀)
"y/n." They Said In Unison.
Then Both Of Them Hugged Me At Once.
"Bloody Hells!" I Laughed.
They Laughed And Let Go Of Me As If On Command.
"Sorry." They Said In Unison.
"We Love You And It's Sweet You Consider Us Family." Fred Said.
"Yeah." George Said. "You're Like Family To Us As Well."
They Smiled At Me And I Smiled At Them.
{A Few Weeks Later}
~George POV~
The Third And Final Challenge Of The Tri-Wizard Tournament Is Coming Up. Fred And I Passed By The Divination Class Room. Someone Grabbed My Arm And The Same Person Grabbed Fred's. We Looked. Professor Trelawney. She Looked To Be In Some Sort Of Trance.
"The Master Know That The Girl, The Lion's Heart, Is Alive. The Lion's Heart Is Alive. The Lion's Heart...Is Still Alive. Lion's Heart. Lion's Heart." She Said Then Snapped Back. "Oh, Uh, How Did I Get Here?"
She Let Go Of Fred And I.
"I Apologize, Mr.Weasley And Mr.Weasley." She Said Then Walked Off.
"The Girl? Lion's Heart? The Master?" Fred Asked.
"Goldrick Gryffindor Was Represented By A Lion, y/n's His Descendant And Harry Said When Professor Trelawney Had That Vision She Called You-Know-Who The Master." I Said.
"George, You Sound Insane." He Said, Cutting Me Off. "She Probably Just Had Too Much Fire Whiskey."
"Yeah..." I Said.
{An Hour Later}
I Knocked On McGonagall's Office Door.
"Professor?" I Said.
"Come In." McGonagall Said.
I Went Inside.
"Fred." She Said.
"George, Actually." I Said. "Common Mistake."
"My Apologies." She Said.
"Professor, Are All Of Professor Trelawney's Visions True?" I Asked.
"Why Do You Ask?" She Asked.
"Fred And I Were Walking Passed Her Classroom When She Stopped Us." I Said. "She Said 'The Master Knows The Girl, The Lion's Heart, Is Still Alive. The Lion's Heart Is Still Alive. The Lion's Heart...Is Still Alive. Lion's Heart. Lion's Heart.'."
"Oh Dear." McGonagall Said.
"Does It Mean That...That You-Know-Who Knows y/n Is Still Alive?" I Asked.
"Possibly..." She Said Grimly. "Unfortunately."
"I Was Afraid Of That Answer." I Said.
"You Were Right To Tell Me Of This, Mr.Weasley." She Said. "You May Take Your Leave Now."
"Professor-" I Started.
"Now." She Stated.
I Nodded And Left. This Really Isn't Good. It's Bloody Bad.
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