Part 23

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Not caring what the police said, the two pines and cipher decided to look for the brunette instead, the police are progressing slowly and they can't stand it.

"Alright kids, gather up" said a gruffly voice in a dim lit room, the two children straightrn themselves in their seats.

"The police are doing their job, but it's not good enough, so we have to do it instead" said Stan. "So we need all the helps we can get"

"Done." Mabel interrupted. "I send a text to Candy, Grenda, and Paz, they'll be here soon."

"Great job pumpkin" Stan encouraged.

Suddenly, there is a knock at the door, Stan went to open it at was met with the sight of teenagers.

"We're here to help!" Pacifica, Grenda, and Candy said, but not only that, the whole theatre crew.

"Guys! You're all here!" Bill exclaimed, atonished.

"We are. Although we all we be leaving soon for college, but we're here to help as much as we can" said Emma.

"So tell us what to do!" Emily added.

"Then come in first!" Mabel invited them in, all sat on the living room floor.

"Kay you sweaty teenagers, you're here to help us find Dipper right?" Stan confirmed.


"Of course!"

"That's why we're here!"

"So let's recap, what do we know!" Bill standed up and stole Stan's spot.

"That Gideon is a sicko and decided to kidnap Dipperto make him his queen?" Someone answered

"And is locking Dipper somewhere in the woods" Mabel added.

"They are somewhere hidden?" Pacifica said.

"Gideon is a sicko"

"Correct, correct, correct, and absolutely correct!" Bill said. "So you guys have an idea of where to look right?"

"We're looking for a trap door somewhere in the woods!" Mabel exclaimed, showing her quick illustration that she just drawm in 5 seconds.

"So we'll spread out and start finding" Bill said. "The faster we find him, the better, you hear me?"


"Let's do it!"

"Come on!"

"Let's go!"

"Alright, everyone partner up and let's go!" Bil shouted. "We need to cover west, south, east, and north."

"Pacifica, Grenda, Candy, and I'll cover west!" Mabel shouted.

"We'll cover South!" Emma, and a group of people shouted.

"We're taking East!" Emily, and the rest joined in.

"Okay, then Stan and I'll cover North" Bill said.

"Fine by me" Stan said.

"Let's go!" Bill ordered and everyone quickly went out to the woods, determined to find Dipper.

And so everyday, they would search non-stop, each time going deeper, and each time less people, due to them moving away.

It was a few days now, and the group sometimes check the spot where they found Gideon's clearing out in the woods to try and find more crew, which was no use.

"Hey kid" Stan called out.

"Yes?" Bill asked, as they keep walking deeper and deeper into the woods, eyes scanning every detail.

"You seemed very detemined to find Dipper, even more than Mabel I say so myself" Stan stated stretching as they had been searching non stop all day due to Bill's persistence, it's getting quite dark now.

"Well, I- uh... Dipper is like my only friend you see, he's quite special, he's nice and all, and I don't want bad like this to happen to him, he's so... innocent" Bill answered.

"Yep, that's true kid, I have to agree with you." Stan said. "But it seems like you even ca- Whoa HEY KID!"

Stan shouted alarmed, as Bill unnoticely walk through a bush and rolled down a cliff.

"Ow! ow! ow!ow! Fuck! Shit! OOOOW" Bill shouted as his body tumbles against the hard ground, only to land hard on a a very solid ground. "FUUUUUCK...." He groaned, laying there as he let the pain subsid and Stan orriedly slid down to the blonde.

"You okay kid?" Stan asked.

"I've been better" Bill said stading up and look around. "But it seems like there is no way up"

"It's fine, I have the Maywie Talkie right here" Stan said.

"Did you mean walkie talkie?" Bill asked.

"No, a Maywie Talkie" Stan said taking out a walkie talkie covered in bright coloured paint, sequins, glitter, stickers, and a pair of furry cat ears.

"Oh..." Bill said dumbfounded and started wandering around, keep looking as Stan talk to Mabel.

"Mabel come in" Stan said.

"What is it Grunkle Stan?"  Mable's voice can be heard.

"Well you see, we fell down a cliff and can't get up, so maybe help us, just walk straight to North for some hours on foot and you'll see us."

"Okie dokie grunkle Stan" Mabel said.

"WAIT!" Bill called out, surprising Stan as he was about to say thank you to Mabel.

"What is it?" Both Mabel and Stan said at the same time.

"Get the police, I think I found it" Bill answered, looking at Stan with wide eyes, his face shows happiness, anxiousness, relief, stress, and fear at the same time.

"I will" Mabel said seriously.

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