Chapter 27 - Hora and Me

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Ring! Ring! Ring!

A sudden phone call woke me up from my slumber.

"Ugh... What time is it?" I asked myself as I turned to the bedside table, looking for the clock. "Four in the afternoon? I already slept that long?"

I got up afterwards and picked up the ringing phone beside my computer table.

"Hello, Sena speaking," I answered the call with my eyes still closed. I wanted to get more sleep. Who in the world would call me at this time?

"Sena! You finished it!" Hora exclaimed. Right. I did shoot her a text message this morning when I finished writing. I totally forgot about that. "Can I come over? I want to read it! And please have it printed on paper. My eyes get hurt staring at the computer too much."

"Yes, as I promised. Come over then. Bring me some ice cream, too, please. My brother finished everything in the fridge. Mom didn't want to replenish until next week saying we shouldn't eat too much sweets. Ha-ha! And me, who didn't get to eat anything, is the one suffering."

"Sure, I'll bring some. Cheese? Or Chocolate?"

"Hmm... both." Ha-ha. Whenever I'm asked to choose between two options, I have always opted for both. Better to have more flavors, right?

"You got it! I'll be on my way now."

"Yup. Take care!"

The phone call finished and I went back to bed to get some more sleep. This body really needs 8 hours of sleep or else I'd feel lethargic like this. I wonder if I should invite Ken over as well? There would be a Guild War later and Kai said I'm free to join if I want. I'm much stronger than half of his guild was already even if I hadn't reached the maximum level. Hmm... but Hora would feel bored. It's okay. We could do it next time.

A few moments later and Hora arrived. We went to my bedroom to read my story while we ate. I got scolded for forgetting to print the story beforehandโ€”and she just told me that during our phone call. How could I forget it so easily? Well, she couldn't blame me, my mind was half awake. Anyway, after printing it out, she laid on my bed and read the story. I gave her a pen so she could edit and point out any mistakes or comments she had while reading. Seeing her read, I got really nervous and shy. Hora's like me, we loved reading. The only difference was that she's good at reviewing books and pointing out misses or loopholes. She could be a book critic herself. And that's what I'm so nervous about. At least, I'm lucky enough to have a friend like her rather than not having anyone to get feedback on what I wrote.

While she busied herself reading my fanfic, I did my assignments and projects that were given to us to do for the weekends. At times like this, I really wished our teachers would slack off a bit and not give us any homework.

Time passed by and I finished my tasks. I looked at Hora and she's still not done. It would probably take her days since we're both slow in reading. Feeling bored, I browsed through my emails to see if Kai responded which I thought he wouldn't yet since I just gave him the story this morning. But to my surprise, he did. My eyes widened as soon as I saw his email.

"Hi Senara,

Here's my phone number as you requested. +86 139 1099 16xx.



OMG! His number! Yeeeaaaah!!! My mind went nuts. I wasn't so sure why exactly I was so excited over it. Maybe because of the mystery that I didn't know how he looked like, plus his kind personality that I liked? Whatever the reason, I'm so happy I finally got his number. I giggled on my seat like crazy and squealed to myself. I made sure not to make too much noise or I'd disturb Hora.

Right! A message, I should send him a text message at least, right?

"Hello Kai," I typed on my cell phone. "I got your number. Here's mine, too, in case you need it. Thanks for the gift!" Should I put some emojis? I shouldn't, right? I'm not even fond of them anymore. Yup. Just that, and send.

And there, I sent my first text message to Kai. I wonder how long it would take him to reply? Also, I should inform mom or dad that I have an overseas friend whom I'm texting and probably would call in the future. If not, they'd be surprised why the phone bills suddenly spiked up.

A few minutes passed and he still hadn't responded. I checked on the clock and it said 8:15 in the evening. I see. That's why. Guild Wars starts at eight, and I texted him 3 minutes ago. Of course, he wouldn't respond yet. He's busy with โ€”

Suddenly, my cell phone lit up,saying it received a message. I quickly opened it up, and it was him! Kaiโ€”I saved his number as Kai, my Idol Guardian Angel.

"You're finally awake," he replied. I felt myself grin almost from ear to ear. He replied so fast! And even in the midst of Guild Wars! Imagine how hectic that was. I knew because I watched them play before.

To be honest, I felt a little special whenever he replied so fast to my messages. And even when he offers for a call or answers my call. Maybe... just maybe... I'm having a crush on him? Was it even possible to have a crush on someone you haven't met? Someone whom you just talked to over the phone, or chatted numerous times? Questions started circling my mind. But Ken was supposed to be my first love... I mean, I liked him in my past life. But recently, he just seemed more like a friend to me. What surprised me though, was my heart... lately, it kept on beating hard whenever I talked to Kai. He'd probably freak out if I told him this so I shouldn't. I'll keep this buried in my heart for now. Anyway, it could just be a passing infatuation.

I would admit though... I really want to know more about him, and spend more time with him.

As I busied myself in that thought, I didn't notice that Hora was already behind me, reading the message on my phone.

"Kai, my Idol Guardian Angel?" Hora asked. "Is that the in-game friend you made in Armageddon?"

I jolted in surprise. "Y-yes, he is."

Hora's eyebrow raised mischievously. Oh no, I know where this is going.


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