Chapter 9 - From Tanko To El-Muneer

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Months had passed since Tanko started working as Mr. Fahad's chauffeur and his admission into Ahmadu Bello University was out. Mr. Fahad had mixed feelings about it; he was extremely happy for Tanko but on one hand, he was going to miss his hardworking and loyal servant. He regarded him as a son and he always treated him well. Tanko did his registration with the help of Mr. Fahad who paid for everything. He tried to use his salary for the payments but Mr. Fahad just wouldn't let him, so he had no choice but to give in.

Tanko hadn't laid his eyes on Naima since the first day he went to the house; she always avoided him because she was ashamed of her outburst and he wasn't happy about that.

On the day Tanko was leaving for school, he went to bid Mr. Fahad goodbye. 'Congratulations once again Tanko! May this be the beginning of greater opportunities'. Mr. Fahad said wholeheartedly.

'Thank you Sir. I'll be leaving for Zaria now God willing'.

'I've spoken to the family chauffeur, he'll take you to Zaria'.

'Shukran Jazeela Sir'. Tanko replied, looking around. He wanted to see Naima before leaving but he just couldn't ask after her.

Mr. Fahad noticed and smiled. 'I'll call Naima to bid you farewell. You should see her before leaving, you haven't met in a while'. He commented, pretending not to have noticed Tanko's eyes asking for her just so Tanko wouldn't feel uncomfortable. Besides, he knew Naima would also want to bid Tanko farewell. He left for her room to call her. Tanko was relieved he didn't have to ask after her himself because he wouldn't have left without seeing her!

'Assalamu alaikum'. She greeted as she stepped into the living room covering her face with a veil.

'Wa alaikumussalam'. He responded smiling.

'Sabahul Khair (Good morning)'. She greeted, gazing at the rug. She couldn't let their gaze meet; Not after that day!

'Sabahul Noor (Good morning). How have you been?'. He asked.

'I've been well, thank you. And you?'

'I am doing well too, thanks for asking'.

The room was silent and it was getting awkward. 'well...', 'I heard...' They started talking at the same time, then both kept quiet waiting for the other person to talk first. Tanko gestured to Naima whose eyes he could see set on him through the veil to talk first.

'I heard you've gotten admission into Ahmadu Bello University, alhamdu lilLah. All the best'. She told him. 'I'll surely miss seeing you when you finally leave'. She thought to herself. Unlike Tanko who hadn't seen Naima in months, she saw him every day. She was always peeping through the window to glance at him. There was a day her father caught her, but being the elderly man he was, he pretended not to have seen her. She was relieved.

'Shukran jazeela'. He responded. 'I'll be leaving today God willing'. He added, as if reading her mind.

'Today?' Naima asked out loud without realising it.

'Yes. Hope there is no problem'.

'No, no.. No, none at all'. She stammered.

'I'll be back in two to three months' time In Shaa Allah (God willing). Do take care of yourself and the family'. He uttered. 'I'll take my leave now'. He added, standing up.

'Safe trip'. She said in a sad tone. It was then she finally raised her face up to take a last glance at him, her veil slipped and he saw the tears on her face.

'Hajiya Ummy the lover girl! At least now I know where I got that from'. Shazia winked at her, laughing mischievously. She was really enjoying the story.

'I am sorry'. Tanko couldn't say anything further to comfort her so he left immediately.

After he left, Naima ran to her room crying, almost bumping into her parents - who she didn't notice - on the way.

'I'll have to do something about that very fast'. Mr. Fahad informed her mother, Asma'.

'I think you should! She would never admit it, but I know Naima has found her first love and it is hurting her'.

On the way to Zaria, all Tanko thought about was how Naima was feeling at that very moment. He knew she was in love with him since she informed her father in his presence but he didn't know it was that deep. He thought after months of not seeing him, she must have gotten over him but he was wrong! Besides, she saw him every single day, he just wasn't aware.

Tanko also had feelings for her but he felt since he is poor and also black and she's from a rich background and Arab it won't work out between them so he had no choice but to let go. 'Just concentrate on your studies and forget about her'. He advised himself. And that was what he did!

Tanko didn't return to Kaduna till the semester was over. Naima was angry that he took that long to return; she refused to see him for days, despite pleadings from her mother who felt she was only hurting herself. Tanko thought he had forgotten his feelings for her but again he was wrong, the feelings only increased with time. He craved to see her face but couldn't so he returned to Zaria when the break was over, without seeing her once. The day Naima finally wanted to see him was the day he left and she cried all night regretting her actions. For weeks, Naima wasn't herself and her parents and brother were bothered.

Months had passed and Tanko was done with his first year. He aced all courses and he happily went to Kaduna for the holiday, promising to inform Mr. Fahad about the results that same day.


Mr. Fahad felt elated after seeing the results. 'This is very good news'. Mr. Fahad commented. 'I am very proud of you El-Muneer (someone brilliant, shining or luminous)'. And that was how Tanko became Tanko Muhammad El-Muneer and with time, people only referred to him as El-Muneer. All this while, Naima who couldn't resist the urge to finally see Tanko's face after months was behind the curtain peeping. 'El-Muneer!! What a nice name!! Abby does know how to choose a name'. She told herself, smiling.

'Thank you Sir'. Tanko replied, smiling.

'You should go have your bath, eat, pray and rest. Please meet me after Isha'.

'Okay, God willing Sir'. Tanko left for the servants' quarters and Naima went to her room smiling.

Naima grinned from ear to ear all day, her parents noticed and were extremely happy. Only Tanko's presence could make her that joyful! She helped her mother prepare the dishes and set the table. She was very active that day.


'Assalamu alaikum'. Tanko said as he stood by the door inhaling the nice smell of the incense drifting from every corner of the house while waiting for permission to go in. It was wonderfully soothing!

'Wa alaikumussalam. Please come in, El-Muneer'. Mr. Fahad responded.

Tanko walked into the room with his head bowed. He greeted all three people present (Mr. Fahad, Asma' and Idris) and after an exchange of pleasantries, Mr. Fahad ordered Idris to call his sister. Naima, who wasn't aware Tanko was in the living room, walked in humming a cheery arabian tune. She froze in her tracks when she finally noticed his figure, standing for minutes staring at him and praying silently for the ground to swallow her up.

'Come and have a seat'. Mr. Fahad commanded. She nodded and sat beside her mother. Mr. Fahad cleared his throat. 'El-Muneer, I have a question for you and I want you to answer it sincerely'.

'Okay sir'. Tanko was nervous. 'What would the question be? Did I do anything wrong?!!' he wondered.

'Do you have any lady you're dating? Any lady you wish to marry?'. Mr. Fahad enquired. He was quiet; Naima began to fidget as she waited for his response.

'No Sir, no one'. He finally responded, shaking his head. Mr. Fahad and Naima both let out a sigh of relief, her fingers still trembling nervously.

'If you would not mind, I want to give my daughter, Naima's hand in marriage to you and I want the marriage to be solemnised before you return to Zaria'.

'Abby!!' She called, eyes wide open. She was not sure she heard him right. She looked at her mother and brother for confirmation and both seemed calm, indicating that they were aware of his decision. 'Abby!!'

'Yes Naima, you heard me right'.

'But Sir...' Tanko started but suddenly kept quiet.

'Yes El-Muneer, what is it? Or don't you want to marry her? If you don't want to, please let me know. I promise I won't force it on you, and also, your decision will not affect our relationship'. Naima already had tears in her eyes.

'It is not that Sir, it's just that..' He hesitated for a while. 'Naima is Arab and I am African.'. He began.

'Arab, American, African, everyone was created by Allah SWT'. Mr. Fahad interrupted him. 'It is reported that in his farewell sermon, the Prophet SAW said: There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, or of a non-Arab over an Arab, and no superiority of a white person over a black person or of a black person over a white person, except on the basis of personal piety and righteousness'... And Allah knows best! So you see from this, all human beings are equal'.

Tanko nodded in agreement. 'Also Sir, I am just starting my 2nd year in a few weeks' time, I can't take good care of Naima in my present state. I was hoping I'll graduate and get a decent job before settling down'. He added.

'That's also not a problem, I have already secured and furnished a house for you to live in with your wife in Zaria, I will be responsible for your monthly upkeep till when you can completely stand on your own two feet. I'll be responsible for your education, health and all other things. I have already secured admission for her into Ahmadu Bello University'. Mr. Fahad explained. 'All I need is your consent to the marriage, I'll handle all other things'.

Tanko looked up at Naima to be certain she wanted the marriage but he couldn't decode her expression so he had no choice but to verbally ask 'Naima, will you marry me?'. She looked away shyly. 'Please answer my question'. He pleaded. She ran out of the living room laughing wholeheartedly.

'There you have your answer'. Mr. Fahad said, smiling. 'Isma'il and Waleed will be coming to Nigeria next week for the wedding solemnization God willing. I'll be your waliyy. May Allah SWT bless the marriage, aamiin'.

And that was how El-Muneer and Naima ended up as husband and wife in 1983! Mr. Fahad's family treated El-Muneer like their own blood.. He finally had the family he longed for. Mr. Fahad was true to his word till the end of his life!

End of Chapter 9.

So now we know how he got the name 'El-Muneer' and how Hajiya Naima and Alhaji Tanko eventually got married. 💃💃💃
Hajiya Ummy the lover girl 😂😂😂😂

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