Chapter 26 - PayBack..

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Shazia led the way to the guest living room and the couple looked perfect together as they walked, both dressed in black and gold. One might think it was planned! They got to the room and each found a spot to sit!

Aadeel and Shazia were silent for minutes, multiple thoughts still running through their minds.

'I know that we had a bad start though indirectly and I also know you were not consulted before our marriage was solemnised, but I beg you to give this relationship a chance, to give us a chance'. Aadeel finally started. 'I might not be what you want in your man but I promise I'll try. I am 100% willing to make our marriage work, please just give us a chance'. He pleaded.

Shazia looked up and their gazes locked. The gazes lingered. This time, she felt a different kind of warmth slide through her like never before. They've met on different occasions but that was her first time actually looking closely at him. He was extraordinarily handsome and he had a really mesmerising stare, she couldn't take her eyes off him. But there was something else about his face, something she couldn't point a finger at. They stared at each other, lost in each other's thoughts. Aadeel was the first to look away, and that was when Shazia realised she had been staring at him and she instantly felt shy.

'It's okay, it's all in the past and I am also 100% willing to give us a chance'. She assured him, smiling shyly.

He thanked her and the couple talked for a while. Aadeel asked her personal questions - things about her he wanted to know as his wife and she responded to his satisfaction. He also told her about himself, it felt like they had known each other for years. They exchanged phone numbers.

'I should be on my way now, but first I'll like to bid my parents goodbye'. He said, standing up. It was already 6:20pm, just 35 minutes to prayer. 'I'll call you as soon as I am home, God willing'. He promised.

'I'll see you out'. She offered, shyly. He was glad. He took her hand and they walked out of the guest living room together. Aadeel released her hand before they went into the family living room. Only Shazia's parents were still there. He thanked them and bid them goodbye.

Once they were out of the living room, he once again took Shazia's hand in his as they walked out of the mansion and to the parking lot where his car was parked.

Aadeel bid Shazia goodbye and she turned to walk back into the mansion. But just as Aadeel was about to step into his 2021 Mercedes-Benz G-Class, he felt he should give her a hug - She's his wife after all. 'Noorie!' He called. Shazia froze in her tracks and instantly turned to face him as she opened her mouth to utter something, but nothing came out. She wasn't sure she heard him right. 'Maybe my mind is playing games with me'. She thought. Aadeel observed her reaction carefully as he walked towards her, he was very attentive to details.

'Please take good care of yourself for me'. He whispered in her ears, giving her a 'hand around the waist' hug. He then kissed her on the forehead. 'I really do love you'. He added while holding her soft hands and looking straight into her eyes - he was lost in her thoughts. He held onto them for a long time and that made her really uncomfortable. She looked round to see those in the compound. Everyone seemed to be minding their business. 'Thank God no one is watching'. She told herself. He noticed how uncomfortable she was so he released her hands. 'You can go back in!' He told her, still standing at his spot.

'Goodbye'. She uttered shyly, in an extremely melodious voice she didn't know she had. He nodded and Shazia made her way back to the mansion. Aadeel stood gazing at her till she disappeared into the mansion. 'Alhamdu lilLah (Praise be to Allah) for this gift'. He sighed as he walked back to his car.

Faruk and Fahad who were on the arch bridge observed in silence. 'They look so cute together'. Fahad thought to himself.

'God brought your culprit to your doorstep Sir'. Faruk informed him, interrupting his thoughts.

'Wait! What? He's the one? Fahad was already fuming.

'No, his friend. They were together that day and he was the person that stayed to talk to Shazia. To apologise perhaps, we never discussed that with her'.

'Find out everything you can about that friend! This time, I expect results'.

'Sure Sir. We are already on it'. Unbeknown to Fahad, Faruk had been gathering information about Naeem for more than a week - Since the day Naeem and Aadeel went to E-M S Grand Studio. He was only waiting for the right time for Fahad to strike.


Zayyan's Residence - 24th January, 2021

Alhaji Abduljabar, Husnah's father, is Alhaji Zayyan's elder brother. She is the last of his 6 children. Alhaji Abduljabar moved his family to Kaduna from Abuja some few months back.

Alhaji Zayyan entered the living room smiling wholeheartedly and uttering 'Alhamdu lilLah, alhamdu lilLah (Praise be to God)' continuously.

'You seem really happy today Alhaji'. Hajiya Saudah commented.

'I am elated'.

'What's the occasion?'

'I'm just coming back from my brother's house. Husna accepted the proposal. She was really excited, it was like  she never saw that coming'. He explained.

'How did it happen?' Hajiya Saudah sounded less enthusiastic.

'Well..' Alhaji Zayyan cleared his throat as he began.

'Assalamu alaikum. Good afternoon Yaya'. Alhaji Zayyan greeted as he stepped into the  living room.

'Wa alaikumussalam. Welcome my brother. How is your family?'

'Everyone is doing well, alhamdu lilLah. How is yours?'

'We thank God, alhamdu lilLah'. Alhaji Abduljabar responded.

'Ehmm Yaya…'. Alhaji Zayyan hesitated for a while, scratching his nape. 'Ehmm, it's about Husnah'.

'Yes Zayyanu, please feel free to tell me whatever it is'.

'Ehmm, I want to ask for her hand in marriage to Naeem'.

'Does he want to marry her? Or is it your doing?'. Alhaji Abduljabar asked, smiling.

'No Yaya, it isn't my doing. He sincerely wants to marry her'.

'I can't make that decision for Husnah because I don't know if she's still in love with him considering the way he mistreated her in the past. But she's your daughter, you can ask her yourself'. Alhaji Abduljabar informed him, dialling Husnah's number. 'Yes, come to the living room now. And please come along with your mother'. He told her over the phone.

Some few minutes later, Husnah walked into the living room saying 'Assalamu alaikum'. She saw her uncle and immediately greeted him before sitting close to her father, on the rug. 'I am here Abba'. She uttered respectfully.

'Where is your mother?'.

'She's coming now'. Just then, her mother Hajiya Kauthar walked into the room. She exchanged pleasantries with her brother-in-law and found a place to sit.

'Husnah, your uncle is here to see you. And please I want you to be honest with him'. Alhaji Abduljabar pleaded.

'Okay Abba'. She could feel her heart palpitating and her forehead sweating.

'Are you still in love with Naeem?'. Alhaji Zayyan instantly asked her. Husnah bowed her head without responding. 'Please Husnah answer me!' He paused. 'Will you marry him?'

'Husnah, your uncle is talking to you. Are you deaf?'. Her mother yelled at her.

'Ammi, I don't want to marry him, he doesn't love me'. She sobbed, shaking her head to show her disapproval.

'What if I tell you he sent me here himself to ask for your hand in marriage?'. Alhaji Zayyan smiled.

'He did?' Husnah was shocked.

'Yes Husnah, Naeem wants to spend the rest of his life with you'. He informed her. She looked at her mother as if asking her 'Should I accept?'.

Hajiya Kauthar smiled at her. 'Listen to your heart, Husnah'. She informed her daughter. Husnah wiped her tears.

'So do you accept Naeem's proposal?' Her father asked her. She gave a chuckle as she pulled her veil to cover her face. 'I think that's a yes'. Alhaji Abduljabar told his brother.

'Alhamdu lilLah. Alhamdu lilLah'. Alhaji Zayyan paused. 'Yaya, please can the wedding take place in a month's time?' He pleaded.

'Husnah, are you ready to get married next month?' Alhaji Abduljabar inquired. Husnah ran out of the living room giggling. 'Kids of nowadays!'. Her father commented, shaking his head.

'Thank you so much Yaya. I'll be waiting for the plans please, so that we can start making arrangements'.

'No problem'. Alhaji Abduljabar assured his brother.

'I will take your leave now'.

'May it be for the best'. Hajiya Saudah prayed.

'Aamiin aamiin. I will transfer money for the lefe (bridal boxes) to you please so that you can start preparing. Just decide how much you need. I want the absolute best for Husnah'.

'Okay. No problem'.

'Let me go get ready for prayer'. Alhaji Zayyan excused himself.

Hajiya Saudah got the perfect opportunity she was waiting for and she immediately dialled Hajiya Kauthar's number. After ringing for a while, Husnah's mother picked up.

'Assalamu alaikum. Good afternoon Yaya'. Hajiya Saudah greeted.

'Wa alaikumussalam. How are you, Saude?'

'I'm fine, alhamdu lilLah. I heard the good news, alhamdu lilLah. May Allah SWT spare our lives to witness it'.

'Aamiin aamiin. Your daughter has been shamelessly dancing round the house'. She informed Hajiya Saudah.

'That's why I called. Where is she please?'

'She's here, she just came into the room'.

'Good! Yaya please put the phone on speaker, I want to talk to her'.

'Okay. Husnah, come over here, your aunt wants to talk to you'.

'Assalamu alaikum. Good afternoon Umma'. She shyly greeted her soon to be mother-in-law.

'How are you?'

'I am doing well, alhamdu lilLah'.

'Good. I called because I wanted to speak to you. I can not let your foolishness get in the way of you having the happiness you deserve. Yes, I am Naeem's mother, but you must teach him to value you. Naeem already knows you are deeply in love with him and he can use that against you - some men take a lady's love for granted, I am not saying he's one but when it comes to these men, they are so unpredictable. Please don't act desperate!! I want you to teach him a very valuable lesson, that with or without him, you'd still be fine. Please Husnah don't jump at him the moment you see him, have some class'.

'Thank God this is coming from you'. Hajiya Kauthar commented. 'If it was someone else, she'd instantly consider him/her an enemy'.

Hajiya Saudah laughed before she continued. 'I am not saying you should hurt him or break his heart, I wouldn't want that. But I also don't want you to jump at him at the very first instance. At least play "hard to get" for a while, let him also do the chasing you did for years'.

'Okay Umma, God willing. Thank you so much'. Husnah voiced.

'You're welcome. May Allah SWT bless the union'.

'Aamiin aamiin'. Hajiya Kauthar replied.

End of Chapter 26.

Sorry, couldn't write much. Had a really busy week at the office.

Awww, I just love Aadeel and Shazia #Goals 😍😍

Poor Naeem 🤭🤭 I wonder what the future holds for him.

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