Chapter 21 - Mujaheed!!

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21st May, 2019

'Hi Laura.. What's up?' Shazee asked, immediately Laura accepted her video call.

'Not much, just the usual'. Laura replied weakly. 'How are you?'

'I should be asking you that, you look like you just suffered a shipwreck'. Shazia uttered amid laughter.

'Maybe I did!' Laura responded, rolling her eyes. 'Seriously, I just can't wait for your baby to come out. He's giving me a really tough time'.

'Sorry love, we have to take our precious time. You know that is how we roll'. Shazia was still laughing. Laura rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time. 'Sorry, sorry. Let me get serious'. Shazia was laughing hard. 'Don't worry, we will be out soon God willing. It shall be fine, okay?'. Laura nodded.

'What's up with you?' Laura asked.

'Nothing much, just getting ready for my exams'.

'Best of luck. You'll ace it God willing'. Just then, Laura felt a sharp pain and she screamed. She felt her water breaking.

'Are you okay? Is my baby coming?'

'I'll talk to you later God willing'. She responded, hanging up before Shazia could reply.

Laura quickly dialled her husband's number and he was home in no time. They rushed to the hospital and she was instantly taken to the delivery room where she gave birth to a baby boy in less than an hour.

By the time the baby and Laura were transferred to a room, Ummy and Abby were already there waiting for them; they were both excited. Fahad sent his apologies.

'How are you feeling?'. Hajiya Naima asked a weak Laura.

'I am okay Ummy, alhamdu lilLah'. She smiled faintly.

'Get well soon my daughter, may Allah instil blessings in him for us and make him righteous and God fearing. May he be a blessing to everyone he meets, aamiin'. Alhaji El-Muneer prayed.

'Aamiin aamiin Abby'.

'We brought you chicken soup, dates and fruits'. Hajiya Naima informed her. 'Eat something and rest please'.

Faruk called Shazia to inform her of the baby's arrival and she was all over the moon. Ummy called her on video call and she saw her baby, Laura was deep asleep then. The baby was named Muhammad Mujaheed.


April 2018

Shazia and Amir were in their final semester in the University when their parents decided to get them engaged. The wedding was to be 2 weeks after their final examination, exactly 3 months away. The couple were so elated they couldn't hide their excitement.

Later on the day of the engagement, Amir invited Shazia and Laura to dinner at the trio's favourite spot, Pearls Bistro. After Isha prayer, the girls got dressed up.

'You look really charming'. Laura complimented Shazia's dressing as they headed out of the mansion. She was dressed in a wine Chi-Ka Tux long sleeve Abaya.

'Aww. Thank you' She blushed. The escorts were already waiting for them so as soon as they settled in one of the cars, the convoy left for the Bistro.

Amir was already at the Bistro by the time they arrived. The trio sat at the extreme right end consisting of epoxy resin tables and Arne Jacobsen Swan Lounge Arm-Chairs, Amir and Shazia's favourite part of the Bistro.

'I've never seen Pearls Bistro this empty?' Shazia commented.

'Maybe people are busy today or coming later or something'. Laura replied. Amir signaled to Laura and she knew it was time for "the plan". 'Shazia, can you please escort me to the powder room?' Laura pleaded.

'Okay, let's go. We will be right back Amir'. Shazia informed him and he nodded.

Laura was taking her time and Shazia kept complaining that they left Amir alone. 'Laura, please hurry up. It's not nice for us to keep Amir waiting this long. And besides, we haven't ordered anything yet, I am already starving'.

'Sorry Shazee, just 3 more minutes please and I'll be done'. And as promised, Laura came out of the powder room after 3 minutes, that was immediately she received a text message from Amir that they could return to the hall. The message was what delayed her.

Just as they were about to enter the hall, the lights in the whole building went off.

'That's strange, what happened to the standby generator?' Shazia wondered.

Immediately they stepped into the restaurant, the lights came on and she could hear people screaming 'Surprise!'. The restaurant she left less than 30 minutes ago was beautifully decorated with colourful balloons, party garlands and banners with a message 'Thank you for accepting to be mine forever, Noorie!!'. All her friends were there, and even her elder brother, Fahad. Shazia covered her face shyly as she stood rooted to her spot.

'Bae, I can't go in. There are so many people here. What if I fall or worse still, faint? '. She said to Amir, trying to turn back.

'Oh c'mon baby, you'll be fine!'. He smiled. Laura dragged Shazia into the hall where they exchanged pleasantries with friends and well wishers, dined, had halal games and took photographs. It was a night to remember!

Fahad, Shazia and Laura got home some minutes after 10.


3 days after Amir and Shazia's engagement, Faruk (one of the escorts) and two of his uncles approached Alhaji El-Muneer. Pleasantries were exchanged and the Uncles informed him that they came to ask for Laura's hand in marriage to their son, Faruk.

'This is good news, Ma Shaa Allah. But I can not make that decision for Laura. I'll have to ask for her opinion first'. Alhaji El-Muneer told them. Hajiya Naima who was also in the living room had mixed feelings about that. 'Hajiya, can you please call Laura?' He asked politely, to which she nodded.

Some 10 minutes later, Laura came to the living room looking confused. She had no idea why she was being summoned. She greeted everyone and sat on the rug, close to Hajiya Naima, her head bowed.

'Laura, these elderly men are Faruk's uncles'. Alhaji El-Muneer began, as he pointed at them. 'I don't know if there's anything between you and Faruk, but they came to seek your hand in marriage to him'. He paused. 'You know we can not get you married to him without hearing from you first. So, do you agree to marry him?'. Laura's head was still bowed.

'Answer him please'. Hajiya Naima instructed Laura, her voice full of emotions. 'Do you want to marry him?' Laura nodded shyly and immediately left the living room.

Alhaji El-Muneer smiled. 'Alhamdu lilLah (All praise be to Allah. I'll discuss the wedding plans with her brothers and other relatives and get back to you'. He informed them. The uncles thanked him profusely and left the room.

Just outside, Fahad after his signature honk parked and stepped out of his blue 2018 Lamborghini Aventador. He exchanged pleasantries with the guests and went into the mansion wondering what brought them.

'Ummy, I saw some guests with Faruk. Hope everything is well!'. He inquired after exchanging pleasantries with his parents, as he sat to have coffee. 'Ummy!' He called his mother, who was lost in thoughts.


'Hope everything is well. Who are the men with Faruk?' He asked again, sipping his coffee. His mother heard him the first time, she just didn't know what to say.

'Well, you see Fahad, Allah SWT has already planned everything in life and as Muslims, we believe in Qadr (fate) good or bad, right?'. She began. Alhaji El-Muneer was confused as he wondered what brought about that. 'We accept things as they come and pray for the best'.

'Ummy, what is wrong?' Fahad interrupted.

'Faruk and his Uncles came to ask for Laura's hand in marriage and she accepted. I don't know why your mother is beating around the bush!'. Alhaji El-Muneer informed him.

'What? Marriage? Laura?!! ' He dropped the mug he was holding and it shattered.

'Fahad, calm down please'. She begged her son. He simply stormed out of the living room with eyes filled with tears. 'This is why I was beating around the bush'. She reprimanded her husband, stressing the idiom.

'Okay, now I am really confused!!'. Alhaji El-Muneer replied. Hajiya Naima went ahead to tell her husband how she had always suspected that Fahad was in love with Laura and how she became certain years back after Laura was kidnapped.

'And he never told her?' Alhaji El-Muneer asked.

'No, he obviously didn't. Perhaps he was waiting for her to be done with school or something?'

Alhaji El-Muneer felt bad that he broke the news to his son the way he did. 'She has already given her consent and I've given them my word. I can't go back on my word. We will just have to deal with Fahad'.

Fahad wasn't at dinner and his parents prayed and hoped he was okay. Just some 5 minutes later they both received a text message from him.

'Assalamu alaikum. Good evening Abby and Ummy. I am really sorry for the way I stormed out earlier. And I am really sorry if this will hurt you but I am on a plane to Switzerland. The pain is unbearable, it feels suffocating here and I need time away from her. I'll be back when I am ready. I hope you understand. I love you always'. Hajiya Naima sighed as she finished reading the text message. Switzerland is Fahad's 'go to' Country whenever he needs to rest or simply wants to be alone.

'I don't understand, what happened to Yaya?' A confused Shazia asked. 'Laura's engagement?' she further asked, to which Hajiya Naima nodded. 'I always suspected Yaya was in love with her'. She said sadly .

'Don't tell Laura about this please, she might change her mind about Faruk. We don't want her to feel she owes us a favour for all we have done for her'. Hajiya Naima cautioned.

'I promise'. Shazia assured her mother, a tear slipping down her cheek.

Fahad was very miserable in Zürich so he invited his two Swiss friends over to his apartment for advice.

After narrating everything to them, he added 'I just wish the pain would go away. So this is what it feels like to have your heart broken? I now understand how all the girls I rejected must have felt'. He cried.

'I am really sorry that you feel this way Fahad, just keep praying. It'll get better with time, I promise'. Salman comforted him.

'This will help!' Frank guaranteed, handing him a can of beer from his pocket. 'Take this and in a minute you'll forget about your pains'.

'But you know we Muslims don't drink beer, right? It's against the teachings of our religion'. Salman warned him.

'But he needs something to distract him, yeah?' Frank argued.

'Yes, and that something is moving closer to God by doing acts pleasing to Him like Sallah and Fasts, and also supplicating to Him to grant him ease'. Salman retorted.

Fahad was confused! He just wanted something to make him forget about Laura at that very moment so he opened the can of beer. But just as he was about to gulp it down, his phone rang and it was his mother. He dropped the can, moved away from his friends and answered her call.

'How are you?' A concerned Hajiya Naima asked but Fahad kept mute. 'I am really sorry that things happened the way they did Fahad but you have to trust God's plans. Allah SWT only gives His servants things He knows are best for them at a particular time. It may be that you and Laura are not good for each other at the moment. Allah Almighty says in Qur'an 2 verse 216: "... And it may be that you love a thing while it is evil for you. And Allah knows, while you do not know'. Perhaps Allah will grant you someone far better than her. I can't pretend to understand how you feel but I can promise you that there'll be ease. In Qur'an 94 : verses 5 & 6, Allah SWT says "Surely with difficulty is ease. With difficulty is surely ease". If Allah brings someone to something, He will surely guide him through it. Sad times don't last forever, the same way good times don't last forever, always remember that my baby. And also, He SWT says in Qur'an 2: verse 286, "Allah does not impose upon any soul a duty but to the extent of its ability" . Besides, Allah SWT tests us only because He loves us so be patient with whatever life throws at you. And my baby, know that if you and Laura are destined to be, you'll eventually end up together, just keep praying for the best'. Hajiya Naima kept on preaching till Fahad felt at ease. He could feel the pains washing away with every word his mother uttered.

'Thank you Ummy. Praise be to Allah who sent you to guide me at a time I almost got lost'. He thanked her wholeheartedly before asking after the other family members.

'We've been disturbed about you honestly. Shazia hasn't eaten since yesterday, she keeps saying she is not hungry. And you know how your darling loves food'. Hajiya Naima teased, trying to put a smile on her son's face which she succeeded in doing. They talked for a while before hanging up.

He walked back to his friends who were still arguing, took the can of beer, emptied the contents into the wash hand basin before trashing the empty can. 'I wouldn't be needing this, thank you'. He told Frank, smiling. He went to the bathroom, performed ablution, prayed nawafils and supplicated to God to grant peace to his troubled heart.

When he woke up the next day, Fahad felt much better so he returned back to Nigeria, but only for his family's sake. From the day he returned, Fahad's attitude towards Laura changed. Hence the cold attitude towards her.

After consulting with Laura's family, Alhaji El-Muneer set her wedding date a month after Shazia's wedding.


June 2018

A month to the wedding, Amir informed Shazia and Laura that they were going to see the house he and Shazia were spending their lives in and the girls were both excited.

Amir prayed his Asr Salah at the El-Muneer Mosque, greeted his soon to be mother and father inlaw, sought their permission to take the girls to the house and patiently waited for the girls to get dressed.

Shazia and Laura met him at the family living room and they immediately left .

The trio arrived at Rimi Drive, where the house is located, some minutes after 5. It's a fully furnished grey 2 storey marble and dark wood house with a driveway, a beautifully mown lawn and an elegant garden.

On the ground floor, at the middle spot there's an indoor pool with a changing room on the right, 2 Bauck lounge chairs and ottomans on the left. Also on that floor are 2 living rooms each with a dinette, 2 guest rooms, a gym, an elegant kitchen, a butler's pantry and a laundry room.

On the first floor are a living room, a kitchenette, a study, three large en suite rooms each with a walk-in closet, a dressing room and an in-ground hot tub.

On the second floor there's an ensuite master bedroom, a kitchenette, a large home office and a study .

On the roof top are a home bar to the left and patio umbrella, 2 elegant sun loungers and ottomans on the right.

Both the interior and exterior are made of marble and dark wood, while the staircase is made of glass and wood. The furniture in the house is topnotch!!

'I love this house, it's extremely beautiful, Ma Shaa Allah'. Shazia complimented, almost jumping to hug him. Amir gave her a quizzical look. 'I am sorry'. She burst into laughter at his facial expression. 'I am just so ecstatic'.

'The interior design and the furniture are to die for. I can't wait for you and Shazia to start your new lives here'. Laura shrieked while Shazia blushed.

'The house was designed by Aunty Meems and she also handled the interior design and furniture herself'. Amir explained.

'She's very professional, I'd love to meet her. I have a lot to learn from her'. Shazia told him.

'Soon God willing'. He smiled. 'Let's go to the underground garage'. He led the way and the girls followed.

Amir pressed the garage remote and the garage instantly opened, revealing a 2018 grey G-wagen.

'OMG! Ma Shaa Allah.. I love this car'. Shazia squealed with delight.

'Thanks Noorie, it's our wedding gift from Yaya Gentle. He's missing the wedding because of his examination so he sent the gift early'.

'May Allah SWT bless it and may He reward him abundantly'. Laura prayed.

'Amin'. They chorused.

'I'll be right back'. Laura excused herself to give them space.

'I can see Yaya Gentle really loves you a lot'. Shazia voiced.

'He's the best human I've come across, that's just how he is'. Amir replied . 'You know Noorie..'. He paused. 'If we don't end up together, I pray that Allah SWT replaces me with Yaya Gentle in your life. He's my perfect replacement! In fact, he is 100% better than I am in every way. I've never seen anyone as good as he is'.

'Stop this please Amir'. Shazia placed a finger on his lips to hush him as tears coursed down her cheeks. 'Please just stop this, okay? It's not funny anymore!! As you said, we will see our 3 kids God willing'.

'Yes, In Shaa Allah'. He replied smiling. 'Let's go to the Garden'. The couple sat on the chairs in the gazebo for a while gisting before Laura later joined them. They finally left the house at 6:30pm.

The Adhan for Asr prayer was what brought Shazia back to reality. She prayed, ate and then face-timed her brother. He was so glad to see his little sister getting chubby just as she was before and he kept teasing her as they gisted.

'You look beautiful darling, Ma Shaa Allah. Where to?' He finally asked her, noticing that she was dressed.

'To see a friend, Umm Amir. I promised her I'll spend the weekend with her and the kids'. Shazia started calling Adila 'Umm Amir (Amir's mother)' the first day she saw her kids. Adila was glad she stopped calling her 'Yaya Adila'.

'Okay, be safe and have fun, okay?'

'Okay Yaya'.

'Take care darling. I love you'.

'I love you too Yaya'. The siblings hung up and Shazia left for Adila's house.

End of Chapter 21.

So Amir and Shazia are finally getting married, alhamdu lilLah.

I don't know why, but I just love Fahad 🥺🥺

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