I was busy finishing up my project for my graphic design class: a reimagined Youth Part 2: Remember Us album cover of DAY6 when Rebekah, one of my friends who loves the band as much as I do, sent consecutive text messages which slightly annoyed me. But then again, she wouldn't send too many text messages consecutively if it's not important.
"Huh, I wonder what's this all abo—"
This can't be happening... no... no... please tell me I'm just having a bad dream... there's no way... Jae's too young... he can't be... he can't be... dead....
I held my phone with my trembling hands as I re-read what Rebekah had sent me — a link of an article that confirmed Jae's death. The article stated that Jae complained about his upset stomach to their manager and he later fainted during their rehearsals for the second leg of their Youth tour. He was rushed to the hospital immediately but a few hours later he was unresponsive. "He said he will just take a nap [in that way he can recover soon] so that he will be at his 100% at our concert." Dowoon, the youngest member and their drummer, was quoted in the article. "He was still making jokes earlier... I can't believe that that was our last conversation." Youngk, their bassist and Jae's roommate in their dorm, added. The article confirmed the place of his wake and added more information about this heartbreaking news.
My heart sank. What I was feeling was indescribable and not in a good way. If we, the fans, are feeling this way... what more do his parents and closest friends are feeling right now? I hesitated opening my Twitter account but I still did. The #WeWillMissYouJae that was trending worldwide was like salt on my wounded heart and I can't help but cry a river. Losing someone who made an impact to you is never a great experience. I looked up with teary eyes, why did You take him away too soon?!
I heard a familiar voice say my name. It echoed louder and louder. I looked around but no one was there. I felt my room shake, as if I was experiencing a magnitude 7.6 earthquake. "JOANNA!!!" the familiar voice roared.
"I swear if you won't wake up now, professor Elison will fail us! WE HAVE TO FINISH OUR TYPOGRAPHY GROUP PROJECT TODAY!! NAP'S OVER, SISTER!!"
"Okay! Okay! I'm up!!" Rebekah stopped shaking me.
"Thank goodness! Why are you crying?" She became worried.
I wiped my tears. "It was just a bad dream."
"More like a sad dream to me." She continued working on our project.
I smiled weakly. "I guess you're right, Bekah."
I quickly logged in Twitter and mentioned Jae, thanking him for sharing his talent to us and for always making my day through their music. Even though he won't see it, I felt like it was the right thing to do after what I dreamt.
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