Part 6 πŸ’

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Today was a normal Saturday afternoon when I heard that Charlotte had a game today.

I decided to go and cheer for her.
I got to the rink and sat in the stands.
They started calling out players.

"Bryce Manning, Claire Morris, and Charlotte Newmen!" Says the announcer.
I cheered as Charlotte walked on the ice.

Within 30 minutes of the game Charlotte scored!
I cheered then noticed that the other player going up against Charlotte tried to fail her while she was walking back to her position but she was smart and fast enough to dodge it. I saw them bickering before he took a swing at her. He missed and she totally laid it on him. She punched him right in the mouth, gloves off and everything. Of course she got in trouble but the kid was knocked out so she was happy.

As the game went on Charlotte was getting CRUSHED literally.
And the refs didn't have her back.
She did everything she could to fight back but they were 5 times bigger than her.
She looked at me and I gave her a signal to keep trying and I mouthed: "shove the win down their throats"
I see her giggle and gives a thumbs up before going on the ice again.

The kid once again pushed her against the boards and skates down the ice with the puck then Charlotte bolts and hits him from behind which makes him fall backwards. She got called but did what she wanted to do.

Eventually the game ended and the final score was 0-0. Charlotte played as hard as she could and I think she was amazing.

I waited for her to get off the ice.
When she got out she could barely walk.
She fell forward and I caught her just in time.
"What would you do without me?" I said.
She looked up at me and chuckled.
"Good question, to bad I don't have an answer!" She said.
We both laughed.
"Uh I was wondering if you wanna hang out later today?" I asked nervously.
"Are you asking me out on a date, mr. banks?" She asked.
"Maybe..." I said.
"I would love too"
"YES OK" I said excitedly.
"Where tho?"
"Umm we could go out to dinner?"
"Yea, I know this diner we could walk to!"
I helped her to the locker room and she got changed and stuff.

She came out limping.
"Could I have a piggy back ride to my car?"
"Fine!" I say as I allow her to jump on my back.
I walked her all the way to her car and helped her in her seat.
Her mom was sittingΒ  there.
"Oh thank you!" Her mom says.
"Oh mom, this is Adam banks!" Charlotte said.
"Oh your the kid Charlottes always talking about!" She says.
I smile.
"MOM!" Charlotte says while blushing.
"well I should go, it was nice to meet you mrs. Newman!"
"You too, sweetie!"
I smile at Charlotte and her mom and make my way over to the pay phones to call my dad and ask him to pick me up.

in less then 30 minutes I was in the car on my way home.

When I got home it was about 5 o'clock I ran up stairs trying to find an outfit.
I wanted to look nice considering that this is my first date.
I ended up wearing a light blue flannel with some light brown dress pants. I put some colon on and some chap stick.

I ran downstairs, gave my mom a kiss and started walking to Charlotte's house. I was so nervous I was sweating.

I finally arrived at her house.
"H-hey mrs. Newmen!" I said to Charlottes mom as she opened the door.
"Hello Adam! Charlottes still getting ready, she's really nervous!"
When she said that I felt a lot better knowing that Charlotte was also nervous.

After about 10 minutes Charlotte walks in front of the door.
"Hey Adam!"
"Oh hey Charlotte!"
She was wearing a sundress with flowers on it with some white converse, she looked so pretty.
"You look handsome!" She said as she stepped outside closing the door behind her.
"Well you look gorgeous!"
"Why thank you mr. banks!"
I laughed and we started walking.
We talked about how in 2 months we're going to California together! She said she was excited for her first practice on Monday and how we're both excited to play on the same end instead of versing each other.

We made it to the restaurant and ordered and talked about random stuff.
To be honest this date was going better than I thought it would.

We were walking home right in front of her house when I kissed her on the lips.
She was caught off guard but seamed to like it.
"Goodnight banks." She said walking in her house.
THATS ALL? Whatever.
I walked home and did my night routine.

As I laid in bed I was thinking about if she wanted to be with me like I wanted to be with her. I fell asleep remotely fast but still having Charlotte Newman on my mind.

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