Part 6

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<pre>PART 6

Eric's POV

I walked into the house with everyone in toe of me. Amber and Cody were in the kitchen making cereal just as Brie said they were after she woke us all up. I felt someone reach for my hand and saw Riley looking around in awe over the house. She was so cute! He blond hair was all frizzy and messy from sleeping in the beach all night, but it was sexy.

"Hey guys!" I called out to Amber and Cody. They just smiled, both out of breath. Cody grabbed his bowl and quickly walked over to us.

"Nice house man!" He said grinning and looking around.

"Tell that to my mom! She paid this one interior designer from New York to decorate and let's just say when she was finished my mom almost packed up our whole family to move down here just so she could stare at it all day. But then of course after a year or two she got bored and we needed to bite someone else."

"Wow." Kylie simply stated. I took my hand out from Riley's and moved it to the small of her back leading her and the others to all of the rooms on the bottom level. We all ended in the living room and we all sat down.

"So what about the most important part?" Brie asked. "And that would be...?" Jason asked confused. "The bedrooms! Where are we going to sleep?!? And where can I put all of my stuff so it's not just sitting in the driveway?" Right. I led everyone up the stairs to the bedrooms. There were 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and 1 master bed and bath.

Right away everyone started opening doors trying to see what room was the best. All rooms had balconies coming off of the room, all of the rooms were the same size nuat different themes, and only 2 rooms had doors leading straight to the bathroom.

"I call the master bedroom all to myself!" Matt called out over everyone.

"Um.. Actually that can't happen because Eric's mom said that she wanted us to have the master." Riley simply stated. She nudged me in the side.

"Ugh er... Right! That's what my mom said!"

"Fine whatever." Matt pouter amd marched over tithe other bedrooms. Me and Riley stood infront of the bedroom door claiming it.

"Great plan." I whispered to her.

"Yeah thanks. But that means you owe me." She half smiled while biting her lip. She smacked my butt and then walked away swaying her hips back amd forth. She went to the other girls trying to decide on the bedrooms still. Oh she's good! There's a reason why I date her.

Everyone started claiming their rooms by standing in front of the doorways. Kylie was the only one who had chosen already. She picked the second room which was in the corner. It had a walk in closet, a bathroom door, and the theme was bright red and black.

Room number one, the closest to the master, was gold with a bathroom door and two small desks.

The third bedroom was next to 2. It had a walk in closet, a window seat, one huge desk with a chair, and the theme was beach-y but it had no door to the bathroom. Amber ran to room number 3 pushing people aside. I noticed that she tried everything in her power not to look at Jason. Jason didn't even notice as he stood in front of the 1st room.

"Wait." Matt stopped everyone and pointed to both Amber and Jason. "You two aren't rooming together? What are the rest of us suppose to do then?" Kylie marched right up to him and grabbed a loop in his jeans. She pulled him towards her and room number 2.

"You promised. Remember??" She whispered to him.

"Oh ya..ugh er... Never mind everyone. Ugh carry on!" Matt stammered, his face turning a little red.

Brie jumped right in front of Amber but Amber didn't seem to notice, she was staring at someone else.

"Ugh Heellloooo?!?" Brie waved her hands in front of Ambers face. "Do ya need a roomate?" Brie laughed at herself. Amber got out of her daze and nodded her head, then looked straight down at the floor not looking anyone in the eyes.

Cody sighed and turned his head from Room 3 to Jason and Room 1. Jason pounded Cody's fist while hooting in excitment. "The parties here baby!" he screamed. Riley walked back over to me and put her arm around my torso. "So," I broke the silence "Let's start unpacking!"


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