Chapter 14: King X Diane

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In this chapter, we will be tackling all about the creation of the universe and the Earth. In my story, NO RELIGION will be mentioned. This is purely fictional religion and theories. So do not get confused or angry if I don't mention Jesus in the history telling.

Are we good? Do you understand? Okay? Now on to the story. Enjoy!


Normal POV

The kiss wasn't tender. It wasn't sweet. No, the kiss was forced. It was needy. It was a sign of desperation and frustration. The simple smack turned into a full make out session. The two knew of the wrong feeling but they didn't care. What mattered right now is the feeling of wanting to feel each other as close as this.

After a minute of their intimate action, King and Diane finally pulled apart. King tried to catch his breath. One can see his blushing face and that thin line of saliva on the side of his mouth was a sign of his enjoyment. Meanwhile, Diane was breathing heavily. Her face was red and her hair was like a bird's nest. The two looked like a mess. None of them can clean up their act.

Diane suddenly felt urge to slap him. She raised her hand in the air. King was ready for the impact but it never came. Diane's hand was still in mid-air. She didn't dare hit him. Her tough exterior went soft as she suddenly hugged King, burying her face into his chest just to feel his warmth.

Diane's POV

Whenever I'm with King, I feel safe within his arms. Within this....liar's arms. I feel safe and sound with his arms around me. It feels so wrong yet so right. Why? Why am I falling for a guy that I only met for a day or two? Why does my heart want to be close to him? I'm not a cheap girl. I do not fall so easily yet here I am. Where are these emotions coming from?

I have so many questions that I want him to answer but I'm too stubborn to listen. My pride is bigger than heart. That's how I've been acting but King destroyed that act. I wanna hear the truth. I'm just in conflict that I have to believe him vs. how my heart believes in him. I sound so pathetic and yet I'm embracing it at the moment.

"Diane....I'm sorry..." he rubbed my back up and down trying to calm me down.
"Please....King...tell me, it's not true....." he paused for a moment. "Please King....tell me that you're not lying...."
"I'm very sorry Diane's all true..." those little words broke me even more. "everything Elaine's all true." I gripped the fabric of top even tighter. This signalized my anger and how much I'm trying to tone it down. "Please let me explain. I wouldn't lie to you this deep if I didn't have a legitimate reason. I promise you....I won't leave anything hidden...just give me a chance....." he begged.

I steadied my breathing before pulling away from his embrace. In those milliseconds I missed being in his arms again but I had to. I have to show him that he can't treat me so sweetly and expect me to forgive him easily. I wiped away the tears and put on a brave face.

"Talk...." That's all said.


Normal POV

"What I'm about to tell you....please don't leave me......" King admitted.
"No promises...." Diane replied. Only she gets to decide that after his talk.
King lowered his head in defeat. "I'd never agree...but I'll respect that....." Diane somehow turned to the anti-Diane with this tough exterior. King inhaled and exhaled, readying himself for the truth. Silence was in the air as Diane waited for King to speak up.

"Whatever the church taught you in the human world, may be different from the book of creation in Purgatory. History tends to repeat itself without anybody knowing." King kept on mumbling about. Diane gestured him to continue. She was ready and also scared of this history he spoke of.

"Diane, are you familiar with the history of how the world was created?" King started of. Diane tried to remember some lessons in history class.
"From what I remember from History, the world was made by the Supreme Goddess. She split light and darkness so they wouldn't collide. That way, balance would exist in this world. She created the universe and our planet, Earth. She also created the first man to walk this world." Diane explained as if she was reading the summary of a textbook. Diane looked at King. She noticed how his face twisted into a bitter expression. "I'm guessing this......this is related to what you're going to tell me."

"Your version of history is false." King let out a sigh. Diane was shocked. How could her version be false? Then again, she was talking to a soul who knew life and death so she didn't defend her side.

"All of them are false?" King nodded.
"Some. It is true that the Goddess, Elizabeth, created the world but she did not create man." King frowned. "I have heard of the past Queens saying the quote, 'LOVE CONQUERS ALL'. But that quote is impossible to accomplish." Diane was starting to get confuse.
"I'll start with a tragic love story of the two gods. The Goddess, ELIZABETH, and the Demon King, MELIODAS. Their love was forbidden as told by their parents. Elizabeth's Mother who was the SUPREME GODDESS and Meliodas' father, THE DEMON EMPEROR. For Elizabeth was light and Meliodas was dark. When near each other, they create a ripple in space and time that could destroy everything they've created. They had individual missions. One was to save the world and the other was to destroy it. And so with a heavy heart, the two parted ways. Never to see each other again.

The Supreme Goddess and Demon King thought that their child could never rebel against their orders but they did. The two lovers casted a powerful spell to divide the light and the dark while still continuing their individual missions. To symbolize their never ending love, Meliodas created MAN as a representation of himself. Elizabeth created WOMAN to represent her. The two multiplied to expand their existence.

The Supreme Goddess and Demon King found out of their plans and killed their own children for disobeying them. They threatened to break the barrier dividing light and dark but with Elizabeth and Meliodas' combined strength, the Gods couldn't destroy it.

Now that barrier existing between the two worlds is what we call now as PURGATORY. When the first man and woman died, their souls automatically went to Purgatory where they encountered the living souls of Meliodas and Elizabeth.

The gods crowned the man and woman as King and Queen of Purgatory. Their mission was to pass judgement on the incoming souls. If good, they go to heaven. If bad, the soul goes straight to hell. This way, there is balance while still fulfilling Meliodas and Elizabeth's missions to satisfy their parent."

Diane was rubbing her forehead. The revelation hit her hard like a bombshell. History has never been this wrong on Earth. Everything being told by their so called 'bible' is all wrong.
"I don't blame the people of your world to make up such false beliefs since whoever wrote it didn't exist at the time of creation. Some may be just be from folklore or legends."

"Wait..wait......I know you're telling me everything and I understand the whole...story but......what are you actually implying in that memory?" Diane was super confused. She asked for an explanation and here it is. King is telling her the history of the world yet this wasn't the root answer she was hoping for.

After a long silence of trying to refresh her brain, Diane finally registered everything that King said.
"Diane, I am the first man to ever walk on Earth." He admitted.

Diane was shocked. King was the man Prince Meliodas created? "Wh..what?"
"'re the King of Purgatory......" she pieced together the puzzle carefully. "....and....."

" were the first woman formed by Goddess Elizabeth...."

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