.darkest time

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''I don't want to go, Donghyuk!'' a girl groaned out loud. Donghyuk, her older brother just grinned and kept pulling her to his car. The younger girl gave in and let her brother force her into the car. Just this one time... she thought and stared out of the car as her brother started driving.

Soon the two pulled into a parking lot. The girl stayed inside the car until Donghyuk came to her door. ''I promise you'll like this one'', he talked about the art gallery they were about step in. ''This week's theme is mystical beings and beasts.'' Her brother was quite fond of art and sometimes dragged his poor sister into them with him. She just usually wandered away and in the end he would find her sitting somewhere alone.

The younger sibling sighed. ''You owe me a coffee after this'', she mumbled and walked past Donghyuk, who smiled in success. She just can't say 'no' to her brother at times. The pair walked into a bright hall. The walls were white and on them hang gorgeous pieces of art. The fantasy themed art seemed to spike the girl's interest almost instantly.

Her mouth hang open slightly as she peered around the gallery. Donghyuk walked next to her with a smug look on his face. ''You like it, don't you?'' he said, looking at her with a smirk. The girl only rolled her eyes and left him behind.

She continued gazing the art, not paying any attention to what was happening around her or where she was going.

As if her legs moved wherever they wanted to, she found herself in a secluded area of the gallery. A single painting hung on the wall. She could basically feel the cold blowing from the dark painting. A woman stood in a forest-like area. Snow blew with the wind and ice covered the leafless branches of trees. The woman didn't look like she was scared though. Her eyes glowed blue and she wore an armor with a long skirt and a cape.

The young girl continued staring at the mesmerizing painting and slowly walking towards it. She couldn't stop herself. It felt like a force was pulling her to it. As she got closer, she could see that the mysterious woman was the one controlling the ice around her. Her hand reached towards the painting until she heard a male's yell. She only took a step forward, not hearing anything anymore. Her hand touched the painting. It was cold like ice. The coldness started to quickly spread throughout her body, numbing her fast. A white light emitted from the painting and swallowed her up.

A thought came into her mind before she blacked out. ''D-donghyuk...''


NAME: Lee Haneul

BIRTHDAY: June 18th, 1998

HEIGHT: 165cm/5'4''

WEIGHT: 52kg/119lbs


HOMETOWN: Seoul, South Korea

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