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I reach into the bag and pull out a small hotel bottle of whiskey. "YES!". Tony cheers making me jump slightly, I swear I hear mumbles of 'Poor girl' and 'Oh no', I was confused until Tony tosses Bruce the rucksack and starts pulling me into the hall, he pulls me into the closet and Bruce gives me an apologetic look as he closes the door I was thankful he didn't lock it so if I get to uncomfortable I can make a run for it. I can smell the alcohol on Tonys breath and I shrink into the corner clenching the bottle of whiskey in my grasp. "Oh come on I'm not that bad". He flicks on the light as I see him pout.

"W-well you do make me u-uncomfortable". I whisper fiddling with the bottle. "I-I'm sure you're not that bad when you s-sober I just don't really like...drunk people". He looks at me apologetically.

"Sorry". He rubs the back of his neck. "I won't do anything". He leans against a wall and looks down.

"S-sorry..I've just had bad experiences with d-drunk people". He nods.

"I understand...we can just talk..or wait". He shrugs and I sigh.

"Sorry you get stuck in here with a killjoy". I chuckle and look at the whiskey in my hand.

"Don't". I look at him confused. "You were gonna drink that, don't. you don't need to get drunk to have a good time". He snatches the bottle from me and stuffs it in his pocket.

"And you say that?". I cross my arms.

"Old habits die hard hun don't make drinking a habit". I chuckle.

"Okay I'll stick to eating". I glare down at my stomach.

"Hey don't start getting all depressed about your weight chubby girls are totally under rated". He laughs and I roll my eyes. "No I mean it". He switches to lean next to me. "Have you ever tried snuggling with a skinny mini girl? they got nothing on your fluffiness". He pokes my stomach, I was pissed for a second that he touched me but actually realized he had a point, skinny girls get piggy back rides and little black dresses big girls gets snuggles and big comfy clothes.

"I guess". I mumble and fiddle with my fingers.

"There ya go". He wraps his arms around me and sticks his face in my neck and shoulder. "I'm still drunk". He chuckles, I roll my eyes.

"Want to cuddle?". He nods and I slide down the wall, he wraps his arms around my middle and snuggles into my lap, after a minute or so the door opens and I see Bruce he looks down at me and I wave, he waves back with a confused look probably because of the sleeping drunk on my lap. "Had a nice chat and he wanted to cuddle".

"No attempted rape?". He asks concerned and I shake my head.

"I do need help getting him off me though". I chuckle.

"I'll get Thor". He leaves and I look down at Tony, he moves and tiredly looks up at me.

"Can I have a kissssss?". I chuckle.

"Only because you asked so nicely". I peck his cheek and he pouts before going to sleep again. "Weirdo". I mumble just before Thor comes and plucks the drunkard off my lap.


{Yeah I know it sucks I don't really like drunk people unless their goofy and nice and stuff :p}

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