14: Minute Five

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With as much energy as I could muster, I shook my head. He seemed so concerned for me. As if I had completely forgotten about how everyone only wants to either use me or hurt me, I was grateful when he began to walk me up the stairs.

I was always so blind to the devils disguised as my friends. It was why I couldn't see the truth behind every person that smiled in my face just to stab me in my back. Even as Lucas pushed open a bedroom door and laid me down on the bed, I shut my eyes and allowed myself to be blinded by his kind smile. I stupidly assumed he would help me. Instead, he lied on top of me and began to kiss my neck.

"What... are... you doing?" I stammered. He only chuckled as his hand found the waistband of my jeans. In a weak attempt to push him off of me, he grabbed my wrists and held them up above my head.

Maybe I deserve this. I had a friend who was more genuine than I was, but I wanted more. I wanted people to know my name. I craved the entire school's attention. I desired a boy who only wanted to use me, and Quinn, who I admired but only turned out to be a raging bitch. I was an idiot under a guy who was prepared to take every bit of me. It was my fault.

"You want this," he whispered.

I did want it. I did want all of the fame, power, and respect. If I could jump into the past and speak to myself, I'd tell her to stop. I would say to stop chasing something that seems like perfection but is truly a curse. I wanted it, but I sure as hell didn't want it anymore.

"Please just... get off me!" I screeched.

He continued to kiss me, completely ignoring my whimpers and cries for help. It wasn't until the door slammed open that he quickly pulled himself off of me.

I hurriedly sat up in the bed, my eyes all glassy with tears to look over at the door. My shoulders fell when I saw the familiar afro and brown complexion of my childhood friend, Angeline. She charged at Lucas with narrowed eyes. I couldn't seem to form a single word as I watched her.

"You stay away from her before I tell everyone what you just tried to do! I bet all those fancy colleges would quickly take back their offers. No one will want you to take a single step into their school!" Angeline growled.

Lucas clenched his jaw as he looked at Angeline. Despite her being an entire foot shorter than him, she still managed to overshadow him with authority.

Without another word to either of us, he angrily stormed out of the room, slamming the door in the process.

She rushed to my side and pressed her cold palm up to my forehead. All I had to do was look into her nurturing honey eyes for me to suddenly break down. Sobs climbed out of me as my shoulders rocked with my tears. Angeline wrapped her arms around me and just held me there. It had been so long since the last time someone let me know that they were there for me without saying a single thing.

"I'm sorry." I hiccupped. "I'm so so so sorry for everything."

"It's okay, Madi. I told you once and I'll say it again, sisters forever. I will always be there for you even when you don't want me to," she explained.

I wanted to tell her that I didn't deserve her. It was like my entire life was written as a tragic story, but Angeline was there to give me that happily ever after. She was sent as an angel to rid me of all of the wrongs in my life. Instead of saying what I truly wanted to, I grabbed a small trash can that was resting by the bed and threw up. My stomach constricted as more bile arose in my stomach and out of my mouth.

"Promise me you will never drink again," Angeline said.

I lifted my hand and gave her a thumbs-up. When I finished, I placed the mini-trash can on the floor and leaned back against the headboard.

"Why are you here? You hate parties," I said. I had never seen Angeline at a party like this. She saw parties as a waste of time. All anyone ever did was get so drunk to the point they couldn't remember anything the next day.

"Chase is the host and he wanted me to come to help out. However, all I've been doing is sitting around and making sure no one was stealing or breaking anything. It was how I saw you and Lucas who was practically dragging you up the stairs," she explained. I nodded my head in understanding, trying my best not to cringe at how foolish I have been.

"I also saw you drinking quite a bit which is very unlike you. Did something happen?" she asked.

I sighed, preparing for my tears to fall. Before giving them the chance to, I stood up on wobbly feet. Angeline quickly jumped to my side to help keep me balanced.

"I'll tell you on the ride home," I said, beginning to walk toward the door. Angeline's brows furrowed as she shook her head.

"You're not driving, are you? You've been drinking," Angeline stated.

I felt fine after throwing up all of the alcohol. All I needed to do was my bed and a hot shower.

"I'm fine. I don't care if you come or not, but either way, I'm driving home," I said, opening the door. I began to walk toward the stairs where I lost my balance, but Angeline was there to help me before I could fall.

She helped me walk down the stairs where I could feel someone looking at me. Glancing over, I saw Ashton who was glaring at me. I couldn't bring myself to care why he was so pissed off when I didn't do anything to him. If anything, I should be the one upset.

Completely ignoring him, I walked with Angeline outside to my car where she reluctantly helped me inside.

"Are you coming? My mom would love to see you," I said. She bit down on her lip as she thought about it.

"I'll go but maybe we should call someone to pick us up or something. I'm sure your mom wouldn't min-"

"No! I'm not calling anyone! If you don't want to come then fine. Just leave me alone," I muttered.

Angeline let out a loud sigh before walking over to the passenger side where she got into my vehicle. After we both closed the door, I started up my car and drove off down the road.

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