Ashton: You scrolled through what felt like thousands of tweets that commented on how you weren't right for Ashton. Most of the people were saying that you were 'stealing their man.' You didn't mind those tweets so much as they weren't being directly nasty to you. Plus, a lot of people were just worried about their idol getting hurt. However, some people found it necessary to pick out all of your flaws, which gradually destroyed every inch of your self esteem. The nice tweets helped, but not much.
Ashton had told you countless times not to listen to them and that you should stay off Twitter, but you couldn't help yourself.
The door slammed downstairs, making you jump in surprise. You locked your phone immediately and turned the TV on. You tossed your phone onto the side and tried to focus your attention onto the programme that was playing. Ashton appeared in the doorway.
"Hey babe," he said, greeting you with a smile. His eyes lit up when he saw you. Your heart skipped when you saw him. His smile pulled your thoughts away from the tweets, making you feel better, albeit briefly.
"Hi," you replied, praying that he wouldn't detect the hint of of sadness in your voice.
"What's up?" He asked. Damn. You shook your head. If you spoke again he would definitely hear it in your voice, and then you wouldn't be able to deny it. Ashton came and sat next to you on the bed and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. This was his way of saying
'I know you're lying but I can tell you're not ready to talk about it.' Thankfully he dropped the subject for a while and watched TV with you. You couldn't stop thinking about the bad things you had read, so when Ashton started speaking to you you weren't 100% concentrating on what he was saying.
"Hey, I'm just gonna text Cal off your phone, I think I left mine in the studio."
"Okay," you replied, still not thinking about his words. His beautiful eyes scanned over the screen and you instantly realised that you had left Twitter on when you locked your phone.
"Ash wait-"
You attempted to grab the phone from him but it was already too late.
"Babe why were you looking at this? It's bullshit."
You sighed, "I couldn't help myself. They hate me."
"No they don't! They love you!"
"Have you seen those tweets? They clearly don't love me."
"There's hardly any bad ones. Look."
You looked, seeing that he was right. It had seemed like there was so many more bad ones earlier. Maybe you had just been focusing on the bad and not allowing yourself to see the good.
"Anyway, who cares what they think of you? I love you, and I think you're the most beautiful girl in the world. You're perfect to me babe."
Ashton's words sent shivers down yours spine. You could tell from the look in his eyes that he really meant every word. You leant forward and kissed him gently.
"I love you too. Thank you." You whispered, happiness engulfing you.
Calum: you happily snapped a photo of your boyfriend Calum with a couple of his fans. You had been at the airport for a while waiting for your plane, and more than a few people had approached the two of you. Not that you minded, Calum lit up when he met his fans. Plus, all of them were so sweet.
A few girls caught your attention - they were stood awkwardly looking towards Calum and whispering. They were probably contemplating whether it was actually him or not. You nudged him and he grinned and beckoned them over.
They stood in front of you nervously giggling.
"Hi Calum," one of them said.
"Hi. How are you guys?" He asked.
"Uh, we'd be better if she wasn't with you," another said, gesturing towards you. The other girls laughed.
"What the fuck?" Calum exclaimed, clearly shocked.
"C'mon Calum, you know you could do better than her. Just look at her." The girl sniggered.
Your heart leapt into your throat. That hurt. Deep down you always worried that Calum was going to leave you and find someone better, but nobody had ever said it out loud to you. You felt like you were about to cry.
Calum had had enough.
"She's perfect. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever met - she's the one that could do better. Now get away from us."
They all turned bright red and scurried away, embarrassed looks plastered over their faces.
Calum pulled you towards him and moved you into his lap.
"Please don't listen to them baby. What they said was fucking stupid. You're beautiful."
You nodded but the lump in your throat prevented you from speaking.
"I'm okay Cal." You choked.
A blonde girl approached you before Calum could speak again.
"[Y/N]? What's wrong?" She asked you. You looked up to smile at her. She was very pretty.
"Nothing, love, don't worry." You said, attempting to smile more broadly. Surprisingly, she leaned over and hugged you.
"You are so pretty. You've must be exhausted but you still look gorgeous. I'd give anything to look like you." She said.
You blushed, "don't be silly. You're stunning."
Now she was blushing.
"Do you want me to take your picture with Calum?" You asked her. Somehow she had made you feel a little better.
"Um- is there any way we could take a picture with all of us in it? [Y/N] I love you as much as I love him. You guys are my OTP."
You laughed, "let's take a selfie then."
She was so happy with the picture. She showed you it with the biggest grin on her face. She had already posted it on Twitter.
"You're cute. What's your username? I'll follow you. And I wanna save that pic."
"I will too, but my phones dead." Calum stated.
As soon as she had left Calum turned to you.
"Don't say anything. I feel better now, honestly. I guess you can't please everyone."
"Well you please me. You're everything I want and she's right, you're gorgeous. Remind me to follow her on Twitter."
Luke: having a boyfriend in a world famous band could be a little stressful at times. You weren't sure how, but recently your boyfriends fans had managed to get a hold of your phone number. You had to admit they were pretty good. Plus, only a few people messaged you and they were all kind to you.
Your phone buzzed, signalling a text. You expected it to be Luke as he was picking you up soon. However, you didn't recognise the number. You opened the text, gasping immediately.
'die u ugly slag'
Another message followed shorty afterwards from the same number.
'Luke is 2 hot for u. Ur gross.'
Your phone started ringing. It was Luke. You gulped back the tears and answered the phone.
"Hey babe, I'm just setting off now. I'll be five minutes." He told you.
"O-okay. I'll see you soon." You replied, your voice faltering slightly.
"Is everything okay? You sound a bit upset."
"Yeah, uh, I'm fine. I'll see you soon."
You hung up without saying bye and looked at the messages again. There was a new one.
'u should kill urself. ur worthless.'
How could anyone be this cruel? You were close to tears.
'Who is this?' You sent. Your hands were shaking and your heart was pounding.
'the person that Luke should actually be with. let me talk to him.'
You knew that Luke was too good for you. You knew that Luke was better than you. But still, you hadn't thought that anyone would be horrible enough to pick out your doubts.
'ur so ugly. he shouldn't be with u. u make me sick. idk y he likes u.'
A couple of tears fell down your cheeks just as Luke pulled up. He must've seen that you were crying because he parked the car and jumped out immediately.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
"Nothing Luke. It's nothing." You lied.
"Don't lie to me. What's wrong?"
You glanced down at your phone, giving yourself away. You allowed him to take it from your hands. He read the messages, his eyes getting angrier and angrier.
"You should not listen to this bitch. She's not worth your time. And she's wrong." He snarled, his voice low.
He brought the phone up to his ear.
"Wait, Luke, what are you doing?"
"She asked to talk to me. I'm doing what she wants."
"Hello?" He said into the phone. You heard squealing on the other end. You knew that Luke wouldn't want you to but you could hear everything the girl was saying.
"Yes, this is Luke Hemmings. You've been texting my girlfriend."
"Oh, that bitch."
"Excuse me, what?"
"Oh c'mon Luke, you know you can do better. Like me."
"I can't do any better than her. She is the most beautiful person in the world and I would rather die than let anyone hurt her. So I'm telling you to leave her alone. If you ever contact her again we will be telling the police about these abusive, disgusting, messages."
With that Luke hung up the phone and hugged you. He fiddled with your hair and whispered to you comfortingly.
"You're the only one for me, alright? You're perfect. Never forget that."
Michael: you giggled at the photo that Michael had put on Instagram. It was from a party you went to a few nights ago - his tongue was stuck out and he was making a llama with his hand. He had his arm over your shoulders and you were grinning in an over the top way with your eyes closed. On top of all that, you were swearing at the camera as well. It was pretty cute.
"Really Mike?" You shouted to the other room.
"We look cute as balls!" He yelled back.
You sniggered and began reading through the comments. A few mentioned that the two of you looked incredibly drunk. They weren't wrong - by this point you were absolutely off your faces.
You tried to ignore the bad comments, but one stood out to you in particular.
'Ew Michael why are you with this girl. She's so ugly!! You could do waaay better. She should just go off and die, I bet you'd be happy then. I know I would.'
"Babe? Come here!" Michael shouted.
Your voice caught in your throat as you went to yell back. You cleared your throat.
"Be there in a second!" You shouted back. You stared at the comment for another minute before you followed Michael's voice to the bedroom.
"Does this look good?" He grinned at you. He was wearing your thong. You burst into fits of giggles, forgetting about the comment instantly.
"So good." You replied, sarcasm clear in your voice. He scowled at you and leapt forward, showing you every part of his body. You laughed again as he grabbed your waist and threw you to the bed. He tickled you, making you squeal and squirm beneath him.
He kissed you roughly on the neck, turning your giggles into moans. Michael's lips moved upwards, peppering kisses along your jaw until he reached your mouth. He sucked on your bottom lip and kissed you passionately.
"Can I take the thong off now? It's halfway up my ass." He mumbled onto your lips. You grinned and pulled it down, too lost in the moment to be thinking about anything other than Michael.
A few hours later you were laid on the bed next to Michael, the bed sheets being the only thing covering your naked bodies.
"That was fun." Michael commented, squeezing your shoulder gently. You smiled at him.
"It was very fun."
"I'm so happy." He sighed. Your mind flashed back to the Instagram comment. You sat up and leaned on your elbow so you could see Michael.
"Are you really?"
Mike looked confused. He turned to face you.
"Of course I am. Why?"
"Well- uh- it's nothing really..." You stammered. You hadn't really wanted to tell him about the comment.
"[Y/N]? What's wrong?"
"Well there was this Instagram comment..." You started. His faced changed instantly.
"Why were you reading through the comments? You know they can be awful. What did it say?"
"Just let me get my phone. I don't think I closed insta down."
Two seconds later you were back with your phone. You passed it to him and waited for him to say something about the comment.
"That's bullshit. What's her username? I'm blocking her. How could she say that about you?"
After a while you started to feel better. Michael clearly disagreed with what she had said - he had been so angry about it. He was still angry, but a little less noticeably so.
Your phone buzzed in your lap - it was an Instagram notification.
Michael Clifford has tagged you in a photo.
You were shocked to find it was the picture of you that Michael had as his lockscreen. You had been expecting another stupid photo of you two. You scrolled down to read the caption. It brought a tear to your eye and you immediately threw yourself on Michael. You loved him more than you had ever loved anyone. Nobody had ever said anything to you like what Mikey had written. You were overwhelmed.
'This girl here is my world. She makes me so happy and she's waaaay out of my league. I dunno how I managed to score someone so hot but I'm glad I did and I hope she never leaves me. Pls be nice to her.'
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