You Act Like You Hate Each Other - Calum Hood

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Twitter wasn't even mildly interesting tonight. No drama, no hot new pictures of Alex Gaskarth, nothing.
You release a sigh and look over at Michael, who is paying little attention to anything other than his PS4. Grumbling, you grab a cushion off his bed and throw it at his head, hoping he would stop gaming and entertain you.
"What?" He whines, barely moving his eyes away from the TV.
"I'm bored," you moan.
"The boys'll be here soon. They can entertain you."
"I didn't know they were coming over."
"Yeah, I invited them earlier."
You shrug. Finally, some company.

Heavy footsteps thud up the stairs and soon Luke is sat next to you on the bed.
"Hey," you greet him, happy that there was someone who would actually talk to you.
"Hey, [Y/N]. Didn't know you were gonna be here."
"Yup. I can see that you're super excited about the fact." You joke, grinning.
Luke chuckles, "of course I am. You know how much I love ya."
He throws his arm over your shoulders and pulls you into him, giving you a quick hug. You and Luke had always acted this way - flirty, but not seriously so. It was just for fun.
Two more sets of footsteps soon thundered up the stairs, confusing you slightly. You knew Ashton would be coming, but who did the other footsteps belong to?

"Michael!" You groan when none other than Calum Hood steps into the room.

"For fucks sake man, what is she doing here?" Calum complains in an equally annoyed tone.

"You're both just going to have to suck it up." Michael states, his voice completely uncaring.
You scowl and mutter "whatever."
Calum shoots daggers at you and sits down at the other side of the room. Good, you want him as far away from you as possible.

Ashton and Calum join in the game with Michael while you catch up with Luke.

"So how've you been, Lucas?" You ask him, shuffling next to him on the bed.
"Pretty good actually! I have a date tomorrow!" He beams, clearly excited.
"Oooh with who?"
"A girl I met in the studio. She seems really great even though I haven't known her that long. And she's funny too - we had this whole conversation about the ridiculous things guys do to compensate for having small dicks."
You laugh, "oh, I bet that was a fairly easy subject. All you have to do is look at basically everything Cal does!"
Luke's eyes widen at the blow and you see Calum tense in the corner of your eye.
"Fuck off [Y/N]," he snaps.
You smirk at Luke as he tries to repress a laugh, and go back to talking about Luke's date.

"Well she really likes Wagamama's, so I figured I'd take her there. I mean, you can't exactly beat waga's, to be fair. It's better than ending up in some trashy place accidentally."
"You should ask Calum for advice on trashy places, I bet he knows them all." You quip, unable to stop yourself making the dig.
"Would you just shut the hell up you annoying little bitch?" Calum snarls aggressively, dropping the controller and glaring at you. You raise your eyebrows. You hadn't been expecting that.
"Calum!" Ashton yells, his protective side coming out. The aggression in Calum's face dies down and he turns to face Ash. He raises his eyebrows as if to say "what?"
"That was too far man." Ashton states, turning his attention back to the game.
"She was being a bitch!" Calum counteracts, acting like a child who had been scolded.
"She was joking."
Calum huffs and chucks his controller onto the bed, giving up with the game in a strop. You  decide to stop teasing him, even though it's how you've always interacted with each other.

"Luke!" You giggle breathlessly, attempting to shove the blonde boy off you as he tickles you.
His face is hovering over yours, mocking you for not being able to escape him. He has you pinned down - there's no way you're getting out without help.
"Tell me how hot I am and maybe I'll stop."
"You're so annoying!" You yelp, but you can't help your laughter.
"Hmm, did you just ask me to keep going?" He smirks.
"Fine! Luke, you're so hot. Like, the hottest guy I've ever met. You're practically sex on legs."

"You guys are so fucking annoying, you know that?" Calum interjects angrily, scowling at you and Luke.

"We must've been hanging out with you too long if your traits are starting to rub off on us," you snap back, staring at him with icy eyes.

Luke shuffles away awkwardly and retreats to the back of the bed. If you were him, you wouldn't want to get between you and Calum when you got going either. Obviously he could sense you were about to start arguing.
"Excuse me? You're the most annoying person I know." He snarls.
"Clearly you don't look at yourself in the mirror very often then. If you did you'd see the fucking King of annoying."
His expressions harden and you can't help but notice his perfect jawline. You could get a paper cut from that thing.
"At least I'm not a fucking slut like you."
You clench your fists and refrain from punching him in the balls.
"Me? A slut? Pfft. Seriously Calum, take a look in that mirror. You should consider your actions before calling other people out as sluts. And while you're looking in that mirror, sort your god damn hair out. It's a mess."
There's fire in his chocolate coloured eyes. He is furious.
"Yeah well-"
"Enough!" Michael yells, cutting Calum off. He pauses his game to stare you both down.
"You two are the worst, seriously. I'm locking you in the spare room until you sort yourselves out." He snaps, and angrily gestures for you to get out.

"Sort it the hell out!" Michael growls, slamming the door of the spare room behind you and turning the key in the lock. You release a sigh and collapse on the little bed. Calum follows suit, but is careful to keep the space between you.

"Can we just pretend we made up? I don't see it actually happening anytime soon." You suggest.
Calum is silent for a minute before he answers "no."
You'd have thought he'd jump at the opportunity, but obviously not. He always did things that surprised you.
He sits up and you can feel his eyes on you.
"What?" You mumble, not looking at him.
"What's your problem with me?" He asks. You can't help but notice how different his voice sounds now that he's being civil. It's soft, calm, even cute.
Sitting up, you meet his eyes. The rage has gone now, replaced with confusion and a hint of frustration. His features are softer too - and calm. And cute.
You hate yourself for finding him attractive. You can't deny the feelings you have for him, no matter how much you try to destroy them. There was just something about how heated things got between the two of you. It was intense; passionate almost. It wasn't like that with anyone else.
You shrug, not really knowing what to say now that he's put you on the spot.
"I dunno. You're mean to me."
You crinkle your nose up, realising how childish you sound.
"You're mean to me too," he replies.
"I know. I don't remember how we started this. We used to be friends."
"Me neither. All I know is I'm getting a little tired of us fighting all the time."
You sigh, "me too."
"I- I, uh, got jealous tonight. Of you and Luke. That's why I snapped." Calum admits sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
You can't make sense of his words. You're not sure what exactly he's trying to tell you.
"Why?" You wonder.
He blushes and opens his mouth to speak a few times, but ends up giving up.
After a while he manages to say something.
"I lied before. I do remember what started us arguing."
"You do? What happened?"
"We were at a party a few years back. I really wanted to get with you, but you barely paid any attention to me even though we were supposed to be friends. You were too hung up on this other guy. You were being a bitch to me, so I called you out on it. And we've been the same ever since."
Your eyes widen at the memory of the party and at what Calum had just admitted to you.
The realisation dawns on you - he has feelings for you.

Without thinking about it, you lean forward and kiss him softly. His lips move gently against yours for a second, and it's over before it even really began. You find yourself lost in his eyes.

The hate you felt for each other twenty minutes previously is gone, replaced with fiery hot desire. It pumps from your heart into your veins, burning through every inch of your body.
Calum's lips assault your own, making you feel things you had no idea you were capable of feeling.
"Ohh," you moan quietly onto his lips, earning a low growl in response. With his body pressed so closely against yours, you can feel his bulge growing by the second.

Neither of you hear the key turning in the lock, so when Michael shouts "guys!" you immediately jump apart in shock.
Mike is shocked for a second, but then he smirks. "So. You finally realised you've got the hots for each other."
The blush on Calum's cheeks is slightly redder than the one on yours, but the cocky grin on his face says he's handling this better than you are.

"We're leaving," he says.
"Oh?" Michael replies, still smirking.
"Well, unless you want us to have sex in your house then-"
"Shut up, asswipe." Michael cuts him off. "You can let yourselves out. Have fun. Use protection." He says, exiting the room with a wink in your direction.
"Come on," he says, getting up. There's no way you're arguing with that. The desire in his eyes is overwhelming, and you can't wait to see what exactly he has planned for the night.

He was going to blow your mind.

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