Ashton: "And you have no idea how much I'm hurting because of this! Ashton I swear to you I did not cheat! I could never do that to you. Do you have any idea how awful I feel when I even just imagine you being upset? And it's one hundred times worse if I'm the one doing the upsetting. And I don't have a reason to cheat! You are the most important thing to me in this world and I would literally do nothing to risk losing you or what we have. I love you for fucks sake, I don't want anyone else!" You yelled, tears pouring down your cheeks. Ashton was immediately by your side, pulling you into him and wiping your tears away. After you had both calmed down a little, he spoke.
"You know, I was gonna propose to you this week." He said quietly. Suddenly you felt like you couldn't breathe - all the air had been knocked from your lungs.
"Y-you were?" You whispered. He nodded.
"And n-now we're over?" You whimpered. Ashton tensed next to you. He obviously didn't like the sound of that either. A few seconds passed, and Ashton took your hand, placing a small object inside it. The air was knocked from your lungs again. It was a ring.
"Baby, I'm so so sorry. I believe you. I was just so scared that I had lost you to someone else... And I don't ever want to lose you. Ever. I want it to be us, forever... Marry me?"
You were nodding and crying and repeating yes immediately. This was all you had ever wanted.
Calum: "I..." You attempted, hoping that the sentences would form themselves. It was useless. After a couple of minutes of silence, Calum's wide eyes had sunk - all of his hope was gone. You couldn't let that happen, especially just because you were a clueless idiot. You had to do something.
You leant over him and kissed him as passionately as you could manage, his lips reacting to yours immediately.
After a few minutes you pulled back, but remained as close to him as you possibly could.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted you." You admitted nervously.
"Then why do you go home with other guys?"
"They're my distraction. I had to take my mind of the fact that I couldn't have you... But I had no idea that us not being together was hurting you as much as it was me. I didn't know."
"So now..." Calum trailed off, waiting for you to finish his sentence.
"Now what?" You asked nervously. You wanted to know exactly what it was that he wanted - you needed to know that he wanted this too.
"Now... Will you finally be mine? Please? I know it took me a while to ask, but..."
He had said the exact words that you had needed to hear.
"Of course I will." You interrupted him, leaning back in to kiss him again.
Luke: you gulped. It was time to spill your heart out a little more.
"Of course I'm not saying it because I feel bad. When I saw you kissing that girl I felt like someone had knocked the air out of my lungs. It felt like someone had pulled the ground away from beneath me. It was horrible. I was in so much pain, especially since you'd told me how you felt. I thought you'd just been lying to me to make me look like an idiot. And after that, when I found out that you had been dared to kiss her, even though I immediately felt bad about what I'd done, I was relieved. There was still a chance that you liked me. Luke you are all I want. I'm not me without you."
Luke was chewing nervously on his lip ring and watching you intently. The next few seconds were a blur to you, but suddenly you were in Luke's arms, his lips pressed firmly to yours.
"Us two, together, from now on. We don't let anyone else get in the way. Deal?" He whispered, pulling back a fracture. You nodded, a smile painted across your lips. You pulled his lips back to yours, letting the kiss do the talking. You had never been too great with words, but you knew this would make him realise everything you couldn't say.
Michael: tears welled up in your eyes. You had never seen or heard him be that sweet. You had no idea he had felt like that.
"Michael I..." You began, but you soon realised that words couldn't sum up exactly what you wanted to say to him. You gently kissed him, his lips moving perfectly against yours. You had never understood what everyone had been talking about when they spoke about feeling sparks when they kissed 'that person.' You had always thought that that must be a myth. But, now you understood what they had been saying. This felt different to any other kiss you had experienced. You didn't care how cliché it sounded - it felt magical.
Of course, Michael being Michael, the kiss didn't stay innocent and sweet for long - however it remained magical. He soon had you pressed against the wall, with both of you breathing erratically. His heart mirrored yours in its heavy, fast beating. You could feel it resonating through your chest as he kissed down your neck and it somehow made you feel closer to him. He was feeling exactly the same as you were - he was nervous and excited and just happy that it was you, just like you were happy that this was finally happening with him.
He stopped for a moment, worrying you. You hoped he hadn't changed his mind.
"You're mine, nobody else's." He whispered in your ear. You nodded.
"I'm yours."
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