Superhero - Michael (au)

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Your heart immediately drops as Michael's phone lets out a sharp ring. He looks up at you with apologetic eyes and answers the phone, but you already know exactly what the call is. Well, technically you don't, because every time he's been called away from spending time with you he's been shady about it and not given you a real reason.
He hangs up the phone after a moment and opens his mouth to speak, but you don't let him.
"It's fine Michael, go," you sigh, barely having the energy to be mad at him.
"I'm sorry, [Y/N]. I'll try and get back quickly."
"You said that last time and you never came back." You drop his eye contact in favour of watching your fingers nervously twisting together in your lap.
You feel Michael's hand on your shoulder, but you still don't look up at him.
"I'm sorry, I really am, but I have to go. I'll see you later."
He stands up and leaves your apartment, but this time you can't just leave it at that. After contemplating it for a second, you grab your jacket and keys and run out of the door. You knew it was wrong, but you had to know where he was going every night.
With a racing heart you run down the stairs, hoping that you're not too late to catch him.
The scene that meets your eyes as you leave the building makes your entire body freeze, and for a minute all you can do is stare in terror and shock.
Across the street was Michael, dressed in some strange red and black outfit, backed up against a wall by two large men, and with a knife pressed to his throat.
Without thinking about it, you scream his name, and suddenly all the attention is on you.
"[Y/N]? Run!" Michael yells across the street, but you're paralysed in fear.
Out of the corner of your eye you notice more men coming your way, but your feet still refuse to move.
"[Y/N], go!"
Hearing the frustration and terror in his voice kicks you into motion and your feet finally begin to carry you in the opposite direction. Heavy footsteps follow you, so you try to increase your pace. You can hear them getting closer and closer, and despite the adrenaline coursing through your veins, your lungs were about to give up.
You were fast, but you weren't fast enough. As your footsteps slowed, theirs stayed exactly the same. It was at that point you knew it was over.
In a last attempt at escaping, you dart into an alley and manage to squeeze yourself behind a large metal bin just as they turn the corner.
"Where the fuck did she go?" One of them bellows in a thick accent that you can't place.
Your heart is pounding, and as much as you try to hold your breath it's near impossible given all the running.
The voices echo through the alleyway, each of the men scouring every inch of it for you. It wasn't going to be long before they found you, but at least this gave you a chance to figure out if there was any way to get free.
Your mind is racing, both with fear and potential escape plans. You need to figure something out, and quickly.
As you try to calm your mind, you notice something's wrong. The voices have stopped.
Two second later the bin gets easily dragged forwards, and one of the men grabs you by your neck.
"You're going to make for some excellent revenge, sweetheart," he growls at you, before smacking your head against the wall, making you slip into an icy black unconsciousness.

* * *

Here's Michael's superhero au! I know it's been a long time coming and I thank you all for being patient with me!

Since I've been out of writing practise for a while I apologise if it's a bit shit - but let me know what you think😊

Remember - my inbox is always open if anyone needs anyone to talk to or doesn't want to write their request on the last chapter!

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