I'm about ready to slap Luke. He's been pestering me for the past half an hour to go over and talk to [Y/N], but I can't bring myself to do it. I've got absolutely no chance with a girl like her - she's perfect. It fucks me up and makes me unnaturally shy around her. I'm fine with anyone else, it's just her. I feel things for her, which I kinda hate. Feelings suck ass. If I didn't have feelings for her then maybe I wouldn't be such a mess all the time. I wouldn't spend entire days thinking about her. I wouldn't smoke or drink to take my mind off the fact that she isn't mine.
"Michael, if you don't get the hell over there then I'm telling her how you feel," Luke threatens. I glare at him. "You wouldn't."
He raises his eyebrows and stands up, striding towards her before I can stop him. I scramble up and rush after him, getting to [Y/N] at the same time as he does.
"[Y/N] I-" he begins, but there's no way I'm letting him finish. If she finds out then the dreams of her liking me back will all be shattered.
"Hey, [Y/N], Luke was just leaving. He wanted to say bye." I say quickly.
Luke gives me a sidewards glare, but shrugs and grins at [Y/N]. "Yeah," he says, "I'll see ya later."
We both wave at him and then he disappears into another room. Maybe that wasn't my best idea. Now I don't have backup.
"Hey, Mikey. I was hoping I'd get to spend time with you tonight." [Y/N] smiles at me.
I barely heard anything she said after she called me Mikey. Hearing that particular nickname fall from her lips made me melt. Well, there's another reason that she's my kryptonite.
"W-why?" I ask. Well done Michael, you managed a whole word! Go you.
She grins, looking at me as if it's a stupid question. "I love hanging out with you, Mike. You're great."
For a minute I completely forget what words are and I just stare into her eyes. They're gorgeous, and I'm an idiot.
I manage to pull myself out of the trance and run my hand through my hair nervously.
"Do you wanna go get some air?" I blurt. I need to get outside - embarrassment is making me overheat. I'm probably bright red.
She nods her pretty head in agreement and follows me to the door.
Once we're outside she leads us over to a bench in the back garden. She must be friends with whoevers party this is - this place is pretty hidden from sight. We sit down and I take a deep breath.
"So... are you... are you enjoying the party?" I wonder, my voice quiet.
She giggles. "Yeah, it's okay. It's better now I'm with you."
Is it normal for your tongue to feel numb? I don't think it is. Oh well.
"Mike, you look terrified! Is it me? Am I freaking you out?"
"God no, it's not you!" I yelp, startling her slightly. Nice one Mike.
I swallow the knot in my throat and open my mouth to speak. It takes a minutes for the words to come out, but she waits patiently.
"I just... I really like you, [Y/N], and I find it super hard to talk to you because you're so amazing, and I get all shy and nervous around you and..."
Her lips are on mine and her hands are in my hair. I kiss back before I let myself think about it too much, and I'm pretty sure time stops. Stars explode in my head and my mouth feels like fire - and I never want it to stop burning. When she pulls away I keep my eyes closed, trying hard to remember every last second so that I never forget the way her lips taste.
"Michael," she whispers, and I open my eyes.
"I like you so much," she pauses, "so much it fucks me up. I hate how much I like you."
Unable to stop myself, I grin. That's exactly how I feel.
"At least it doesn't turn you into a bumbling idiot. I've got it so much worse."
Now she's grinning too. What a perfect smile.
Before I can talk myself out of it, I lean forward and kiss her again. My heart feels like it's about to burst.
"Go out with me, [Y/N]," I whisper onto her soft lips.
She smiles into the kiss and nods. "There's nothing I want more."
* * *
i know i'm late i'm really sorry :( i've been on holiday so i haven't had much time to write, but i'm back now so quick updates again! yay :)
anyways - how is everyone? i hope you're all feeling good and happy💜
also - up next is shy!luke :)
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