Ashton: you giggle as Ashton offers you his hand to pull yourself out of the limo.
"M'lady," he says with a smirk, and you can't help but blush.
The theme for this years prom is "a night under the stars."
At first you had thought it was a bit cliché, but seeing the hall all done up with navy silk and sparkling fairy lights changes your mind.
"This place looks great," you comment, and Ashton nods in agreement.
"I'll get us some drinks," he tells you, leaving you to find somewhere to sit.
It's not long before a slow song comes on, and Ashton is immediately on his feet and pulling you up.
His body is warm against yours, and you're lost in a world you had only ever dreamed about. One of his hands is pressed to the small of your back, and the other gently holds yours. In his arms, you've never felt more secure.
In your mind, it's only you and Ashton on the dancefloor. Every fibre of your body is alight with a burning passion for him; it's impossible to even think of anyone else.
He effortlessly leads you around the dancefloor, his strong arms keeping you close all the while. Your heart is beating quickly, but it's not from the dancing.
It's hours later when you finally return to your seats, breathless and flushed but happy. Ashton smirks at you, and you melt. You never want the night to end.
Calum: nothing beat your conversations with Calum. You had been talking all night - and it had been perfect.
The boy knew exactly what to say and exactly how to make you laugh. He was amazing.
"Last song of the night guys! Grab a partner, coz we're slowing it down." The DJ says into his microphone.
You hadn't even noticed that it was almost midnight. You had been so lost in Calum and your conversation that the night had passed you by - but you wouldn't have had it any other way. As long as you were with Calum, it felt like nothing else mattered.
Calum stands up, his eyes focused solely on you.
"[Y/N]... Can I... Can I have this dance?" He asks anxiously, his ears turning pink.
You smile and feel your heart rate increase slightly. He's the most adorable person you've ever met.
"Of course you can," you reply, offering him your hand.
Calum nervously pulls you into him, resting one hand on your waist and taking your hand in his other.
Your heart speeds up further.
He slowly guides you around the floor, not missing a single step. The look of concentration on his face is evident, but he's still smiling at you like you're the only person in the world that matters.
The song ends, and you pause. For a second you both just stand there, lost in each other's eyes, until he speaks up.
"[Y/N], can I- can I kiss you?" He whispers, his voice barely audible.
Your heart is pounding through your chest.
You nod, unable to form words.
His plump lips find yours, and butterflies erupt in your stomach.
Well. Maybe there is something that beats your conversations with Calum after all. Wow.
Luke: the loud music hides your giggle as Luke spins you under his arm and swiftly pulls you back into him. He's a strangely good dancer - you hadn't expected that from him.
You fall back into him with some force, leaving your lips achingly close. You can't help but want to close the gap between you, but you're scared that he's not ready for that yet. You have only been there for a couple of hours, after all.
Half unwillingly, you take a step backwards and offer him a small smile. It takes a couple of seconds, but soon he's grinning back at you.
"Do you wanna go get a drink?" He says into your ear, and you nod in response. A few moments later you're by the bar sipping at a lemonade.
You haven't been off the dancefloor since you got here, so it's nice to have a little breather. The lemonade tasted amazing - probably because your were incredibly thirsty.
"Uh, [Y/N]?" Luke asks, his voice sounding a little worried.
"Mhmm?" You reply, sipping your drink.
"Back there did you- uh, were you- I mean, what was that?"
So he had noticed the moment of awkwardness.
You're not entirely sure what to say to him, but the heat growing in your cheeks probably gives him an answer.
"Why did you back away? I- I wanted to kiss you." He admits sheepishly.
You almost choke on your drink.
"I- I thought you wouldn't want to." You splutter, your cheeks feeling hotter than ever.
"Of course I wanted to," he takes a step towards you and your breath catches in your throat, "I- can I... Now?"
He's awfully close to you. It's making your body react in ways you didn't think were possible.
"Yes." You whisper, fixing your gaze on his big blue eyes.
Kissing him was better than you could have ever imagined. His lips taste as good as they look - a thought that almost makes you laugh.
Really, him being a good kisser was unfair. He shouldn't be allowed to be that attractive and an amazing kisser. It wasn't fair.
"Wow," he whispers when he pulls back. You smirk.
"Wow yourself."
Michael: turquoise eyes meet yours from across the buffet when you hear the lyric "it's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes," blare through the speakers.
As pre-teens, you and Michael had loved this song. It had once been the soundtrack of your summer, and whenever you heard it it brought back some of your favourite memories.
Michael abandons his plate on the table and grabs your hand, so of course you do the same.
Your bodies line up perfectly. Hip to hip, chest to chest - you fit together like puzzle pieces.
The music takes over your bodies and you move to the pounding beat of the song, while giggling and singing along as loud as you can. His hands are firmly on your waist, and you're very aware of them. You had no idea such an insignificant touch could have such a huge impact on you. His hands burn you through the fabric of your dress, leaving you aching for the feeling of them on your bare skin.
You're pretty breathless when you leave the dancefloor, and before you realise what you're doing you're heading for the door.
The cool night air feels good against your feverishly hot skin, and you gulp it in greedily. Things with Michael were intense.
"Hey- uh- are you okay? Sorry if I was- uh- I dunno. Forward?" Michael stumbles nervously.
Without thinking about it, you press your lips to his, feeling something coil and uncoil in the pit of your stomach in the space of a second. This is exactly what you need. His lips are soft against yours, but move in an equally desperate way. Electricity burns a path through your veins right to your core, leaving you feeling empty the second you break apart.
You need to do that again.
* * *
{{A/N: okay so I have a final part to this mini-series in mind. it's a secret though... Muhhahaha. 10 likes and it's yours IMMEDIATELY!😘}}
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