I nod along to what Calum is saying, waiting for him to finish before I voice my thoughts.
"Yeah I know I-" I begin, but my words get stuck in my throat as I notice [Y/N] across the room. I didn't know she was going to be at this party. If I did I would've tried to make myself look a little better.
She looks stunning. Like, shit- are you sure you're not a model? stunning. It throws me off guard and I've completely forgotten what I was saying.
"Uh, Michael?" Calum says, waving his hand in front of my face. I snap back to him, my cheeks filling with heat. He turns and glances over at where I was looking, noticing [Y/N] immediately. He chuckles and shakes his head as he turns back to me. "Why don't you just go talk to her, man? You know she digs you."
"She- I- she doesn't." I mutter, concentrating my eyes on the floor.
"Mate, she's one of your closest friends. And she's always making up excuses to talk to you more."
I nervously run my hand through my hair. "Nah, she's just really nice. Someone like her couldn't like someone like me."
Calum sighs and rolls his eyes. "Go and talk to her, Michael."
Even if I had the confidence to walk over to where she's stood and join in with whatever conversation she's having with her friends, I'm not sure that I could. My legs feel like jelly - it's a miracle I'm still standing. Seeing her has turned my body against me, the same way it always does.
Plus, she makes me extremely nervous. It wouldn't be so bad, but I can never just be 'normal' around her. I either turn into a rambling idiot or I completely forget how to speak and just end up stood there like an idiot. Either way I'm an idiot, I guess.
When I don't move, Calum mutters something under his breath and grabs my arm. Before I have time to object he's dragging me over to her, and next thing I know I'm stood awkwardly in front of her, unsure of what to do or say next.
[Y/N] grins widely at me and pulls me into a hug - which really doesn't last long enough. Her hair smells amazing - part of me just wants to bury my face in it and smell it for eternity. Is that weird? That's pretty weird. I blush just because of the thought.
"Hey, Mikey!" She chirps, pulling away from me. I really wish she wouldn't call me Mikey - it makes me weak. It sounds so perfect rolling off her tongue. I'm already weak enough around her as it is, I don't need my heart hammering any faster.
"Hey, [Y/N]." I manage. I really want to hug her again. If I had it my way I would never let her go.
I don't know how I manage it, but we actually have a conversation where I don't stutter every word and I don't ramble about things that she doesn't care about. How I feel for her is a massive contradiction - nerves completely consume me, but at the same time she makes me feel at ease in a way that nothing and no one else does.
Her smile drives me insane. And that laugh... I could listen to it all day. She's intoxicating.
Suddenly, a few doors slam and out comes a girl I recognise as one of [Y/N]'s friends. She looks majorly pissed off. She grabs her jacket from one of the sofas and storms out of the house. I turn back to [Y/N], who has been watching the whole thing with me. Her eyes are concentrated on the door her friend came out of. A minute later, when Toby - a major player, steps out, I realise what's happened.
[Y/N]'s beautiful eyes meet mine, the happiness that was there two minutes previously replaced with annoyance.
"He's always doing this to her." She mutters, shaking her head in frustration. I get a slight whiff of her hair and have to resist the urge to pull her into me.
"She deserves better." I state. I don't know her friend, but I know she deserves better than Toby.
"Yeah, she does."
After a few minutes of her complaining about Toby, she curses. The word seems too harsh to be coming from her pretty little mouth.
"What?" I wonder, my eyebrows creasing together in concern.
"I was staying at her place tonight. My roommate is out of town and I don't like staying home alone." She groans.
"I'll stay with you."
The words have left my lips before I even have a chance to think them through. Immediately my skin is burning all over, and my fingers begin to tingle with pins and needles - the same way they always do when I freak out. I know she doesn't like me, but I don't want to be rejected by her. That would absolutely crush me. My heart is going at a million miles an hour. I need to calm down before my breathing gets shaky.
[Y/N] is smiling, even though she's about to reject me. Fuck.
I grit my teeth, clench my fists and brace myself for her answer. Fuck.
* * *
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I hope you all liked it! Let me know what you think!
LOVE xox
p.s. 2 updates in 1 day?! How good am I getting!!
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