Ice skating is going disastrously, but [Y/N] seems to be enjoying herself so that's all that really matters.
My ass is killing me. I've fallen over more times than I can count - long legs and ice don't go well together. On the bright side, each time I fall [Y/N] releases an adorable giggle and helps me up. She's been trying to teach me, since she's somehow amazing at it, but we're not getting anywhere.
Her hand is linked with mine as I cautiously let her lead me away from the railings. Even though she's wearing gloves, the touch gives me butterflies. If she'd let me I'd hold her hand forever.
It's been a few minutes, and I haven't fallen over yet, which means that soon enough I'm going to be on my ass.
When a few more minutes pass and I still don't fall, I'm pleasantly shocked. Maybe is because [Y/N] is holding my hand. I feel like I can do anything as long as I have her. She's practically magic.
But, the fantasy is too good to last. Just as I'm feeling a little more confident and taking slightly bigger glides, a familiar unsteadiness takes over. Fuck. I'm about to yell out that she needs to let go of my hand as I can't seem to pry my fingers open to release hers (probably because I don't want to), but I'm dragging both of us down before I can get the words out.
[Y/N] lands on top of me, which I'm happy about because it means I cushioned her fall. I hope she isn't hurt.
"I'm so sorry [Y/N] I... Oh my god I'm so sorry-" I gush, but she's already giggling.
"Luke! It's fine!" She laughs, pressing her hand over my mouth to stop me speaking.
It takes a second to stop worrying, but eventually I'm laughing with her.
It's only then that I realise how close we are.
Our eyes meet and suddenly things don't seem quite so funny anymore. Our laughter dies out, leaving us laying on the ice staring at each other. It's cold against my back and it kind of hurts, but I don't care. There's no way I'm moving. I've waited forever to have a moment with [Y/N], and I'm not about to ruin it.
I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. I have no idea what I want to say, so I allow my lips to fall back together.
"Luke I-" she begins, but what I want to say comes to me in a sudden rush.
"You're beautiful. I-" my heart is pounding. Can I really say this? "I really..." I'm suddenly feeling really short of breath, and my mouth is drier than it ever has been.
[Y/N] is patiently waiting for me to get out what I'm trying to say, and I love her for it. She can probably hear how hard my heart is beating.
"I really like you," I rush, my words blending together. She blushes and her grin widens.
"I really like you too, Luke," she says quietly. We spend a minute just looking at each other, and even that time isn't enough to let that information process.
She likes me? Why? How?
"We should probably get up," she giggles, and easily pulls herself to her feet before helping me.
As we're walking back to her place for hot chocolate, she slips her fingers through mine, giving me an indescribable buzz.
All of a sudden, she stops, which is odd because we're nowhere near her place. She turns to me and before I know what's happening her lips are on mine, and my mind completely blanks.
I've never felt anything like this. It feels like there are fireworks going off in the pit of my stomach and my head feels dizzy. It's unreal, and it's amazing. I never want it to stop.
When she pulls back, I find myself leaning back in for more. She giggles and kisses me again. This time it's short and sweet, but it still feels better than anything I've ever felt.
"[Y/N], I'm crazy about you... You... I-" I take a deep breath. I can do this, "I love you." I confess, and it feels so good to have it off my chest.
I've never seen her smile this wide before. She kisses my cheek gently and then meets my eyes.
"I love you too."
* * *
all I have to say is - you guys are THE BEST! the Nervous! 5sos series has seen some serious love from everyone and I'm super thankful. I hope everyone has enjoyed this series, and I'm already writing more stuff for the next update, so vote vote vote!
as always, please let me know what you think! I love reading everyone's commentsβΊοΈ
love you cuties! xoxo
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