[Y/N] must notice my eye roll, because she shoots me daggers from across the room. She knows that I don't approve of her 'master plan' to get over her ex, so really she shouldn't expect me to just go along with it.
Plus, it's incredibly difficult to just go along with it, given that her foolproof plan is to get as many guys phone numbers as she possibly can and then go out with all of them to see which one she wants as her next boyfriend. It's a terrible plan. She won't even be able to go through with it because she hates hurting people - so how is she going to manage to break up with all of these guys? There's no way she won't get their phone numbers - she's gorgeous, funny, smart... Everything you could want in a girl really.
But the fact that I know that it won't work isn't the reason I'm finding it impossible to help her with this.
The reason I'm finding it impossible is because I'm head over heels in love with her, and seeing her with other guys infuriates me.
She can't see it, she never has been able to. The way my fists ball in anger and I grit my teeth to stop myself yelling whenever she's talking to another guy. The way I have to fake every smile, and the way I disapprove of any guy she chooses. She just doesn't see it.
[Y/N] is approaching me, so I do my best to act calm and stop glaring at the guy she was just talking to.
"Ash," she says flatly, glaring at me in annoyance.
"What?" I reply, not making any effort to act like I'm okay with this.
"You're not helping at all! If you keep glaring at all the guys I talk to then none of them will help me get over Marco!"
His name makes me visibly cringe. I hate that guy. What he did to [Y/N] was unforgivably awful, and I gave him a broken nose to make sure that he knew that.
[Y/N] notices my reaction, and her eyes soften a little.
"Ash," she says again, her voice calmer this time, "they're not all as bad as he is. They won't hurt me, okay?"
I feel like I should be the one soothing her, not the other way round. She's bounced back from him cheating on her with one of her closest friends quicker than you would expect.
"But what if they do? I just want to protect you, [Y/N]." I whisper, my voice cracking unintentionally. I want her to be with me. I would never - I could never hurt her. If she was with me then I wouldn't have to protect her anymore. She would be safe.
She smiles, and it makes my heart skip a beat.
"I know you do, Ash. But you can't protect me from everything. I'll be okay."
Her fingers find mine and she gives them a comforting squeeze before heading back to the guy she was talking to.
This party sucks.
As much as I want to, I can't keep my eyes off of [Y/N] and the guy. Watching her with another is eating away at my mind, but I can't stop. He touches her waist gently and pulls her closer to him, and it kills me that she lets him. She even smiles at the gesture.
I can't take this anymore. I pour the last remnants of my whisky down my throat, wincing at the sudden burn, and make my way over to her.
"[Y/N]," I announce, shocking her slightly. She grins when she realises it's only me, but I can tell she's a little wary about my intentions.
"Hey, Ash."
I gulp. I can't chicken out now.
"Come outside with me for a sec, would ya?" I ask, managing to get all my words out without a single hesitation or stutter.
She narrows her eyes at me but steps towards me - and away from the guy. Inside my head I'm cheering triumphantly.
"I'll be back in a minute," she apologetically tells the guy, before following me outside.
Once we're alone and in the cool night air I feel a little better. That party was starting to make me feel claustrophobic. [Y/N] is standing directly in front of me, her arms crossed and with a mildly annoyed expression on her face.
"Why did you pull me away from him?" She demands, sounding more than a little pissed off. I frown, feeling the adrenaline I had before slowly slipping away from me. If I don't tell her now I never will.
"Because I can't stand seeing you with him." I state, staring her dead in the eye.
She looks confused. "Why?" She asks, "what has he ever done?"
I shake my head, breaking our eye contact. "It's not just him. It's all guys. I hate seeing you with them. It drives me mad."
Now she looks even more confused, but her annoyance has melted away.
Before she can question me, I start talking again. "It's been years, [Y/N]. You've never seen how crazy I am for you and it has been years. The reason I don't like seeing you with other guys is because I'm jealous. Jealous because I want you, I want you so badly. You're all I can think about, you're-"
[Y/N] takes a large stride towards me and crashes her lips onto mine, interrupting me mid sentence. But I'm not complaining.
This is even better than I imagined it. Our lips move quickly against each other, sending shivers across every part of my body. I never thought that kissing could be this good. I fumble around with my hands, grabbing onto her waist and pulling her close. She wraps her arms around my neck and tangles her fingers in my hair, making my knees feel all weak and wobbly.
This is everything.
[Y/N] leans backwards slightly, pulling her lips from mine. She presses her forehead against mine and locks our eyes together.
"You're an idiot, Ashton Irwin. You're an idiot for not telling me sooner. You have no idea how long I've been hoping that you could have feelings for me too. I'd just about given up on it until... Well, until now." She whispers, smiling slightly.
Something deep inside me uncoils when it hears her words, leaving me feeling complete, pure, happiness.
I gently press my lips to hers again, this time allowing the kiss to be slow and gentle.
"Don't," I mumble onto her lips, "don't give up on me just yet."
* * *
a few people requested this one so here you go! enjoy!
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