Ashton: yawning, you head down the kitchen to make yourself some coffee. You hadn't slept much last night - you had been busy doing 'other' stuff with Ashton. A blush creeps up your cheeks at just the thought of all the things you did last night.
"Morning," you greet Luke, Michael and Calum sleepily.
"Hey, [Y/N]," Michael responds with a slight snigger. You turn to him, confused. He wipes the smirk of his face immediately and smiles innocently at you. You narrow your eyes at him but don't say anything, instead you go back to making coffee.
"So, uh, did you have fun last night?" Calum asks you, his voice wavering slightly. He's trying his best not to crack up, and by the looks on the other twos faces, they are too. Michael is doing an awful job.
Ashton bounds into the kitchen happily and kisses your cheek, "morning babe," he says.
"Hey," you mumble, still wondering what the hell is going on with the others.
"Morning Ashton! How did you sleep?" Calum asks Ashton, his voice way too eager. Ashton notices it too, and frowns at him. "Fine, thanks, you?" He replies cautiously.
"Not that great. Someone was praying really loudly. Like they were constantly shouting out for God."
Your eyes widen as you realise what he's getting at and immediately you feel your cheeks burning. He had heard you guys last night.
"Yeah, I heard that too! I think God was listening to whoever it was - they kept saying how good it felt, obviously that can only refer to being blessed or something, right?" Luke comments, trying his best to sound innocent.
"I hate you guys!" You whine, burying your face in Ashton's chest.
"It definitely felt like heaven," Ashton states, and you can practically hear the smirk on his face. You crack up, unable to repress the laughter anymore, and face the boys again.
"It did. It really, really did." You agree.
Michael chuckles and smirks at you. "Yeah, we heard."
Calum: there's not much on the TV, so you just settle for a rerun of Friends. It's pretty early, so when Luke, Ashton and Michael pile into the room you're a little surprised.
"Oh, morning [Y/N]." Luke says sleepily. He sounds a little amused about something, but you decide not to ask him about it.
"I'm surprised you're awake," Michael chuckles. Ashton giggles at the comment but goes silent the second you look at him. You frown at Michael questioningly, hoping he will explain the weird comments and behaviour. He shrugs and ignores your confusion.
"I'm surprised you lot are awake too," you reply, deciding to let your confusion go.
"We didn't get much sleep. Calum didn't either."
Now you're even more confused.
Upon the mention of his name, Calum wanders into the room.
"Oh, everyone's up. Hey guys." He yawns, rubbing his eyes sleepily.
"Tired, Cal? None of us got any sleep either." Luke remarks with a little snort.
"What are you on about?" Calum wonders, blinking sleepily at Luke.
"Someone was dancing on a really creaky floorboard, I think." Ashton pipes in.
Your jaw drops. He's talking about the slight creak in yours and Calum's bed, meaning that he heard you guys having sex last night. And, from the sound of things, they all heard you having sex last night.
"Oh my god." You breathe, hiding your face in your hands. Luke, Mike and Ash laugh while Calum remains confused, having still not caught on. "What?" He exclaims, and you can't help but join in with their laughing.
"They heard us last night, Cal."
His eyes widen upon realisation and he chuckles slightly, trying to act cool.
"Oops. Did we keep you awake?" He asks, his cheeks slightly pink.
"Yes! You really need to buy a new bed, guys. That creak is the most annoying noise. Or you could just stop having sex."
You and Calum snort at the same time, the suggestion completely ridiculous to both of you.
"Not gonna happen. We'll get a new bed." Calum grins, winking in your direction.
Luke: it has been a quick rush to get ready this morning, but finally you're crammed in the car with your boyfriend and your three closest friends. The rush was made a little worse by the fact that all of you seem exhausted. You know that you and Luke didn't get a lot of sleep last night since you were up doing other things, but you don't know why they're so tired.
"I'm washing all the pillowcases and sheets tonight guys," you mention, remembering that you needed to get all their sheets too, "so I need all the covers off your beds."
"Any reason you're doing that specifically tonight?" Michael questions, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Your eyebrows crease forward in confusion and you shake your head. "No, why?"
He chuckles, and Ashton and Calum join in. Luke doesn't seem to have any idea why they're being weirder than usual.
"No reason."
"Why are you guys so tired?" Luke asks the boys innocently.
He's met by an amused glare from Ashton.
"Someone was moving furniture about!" He exclaims, confusing you even more.
"What?" Luke responds, equally as confused.
"Well, someone kept saying right there, right there, so I'm just assuming they helping someone move furniture to different places!"
The rest of the boys are in hysterics, and you know exactly what he's getting at. Heat floods your cheeks, and Luke looks equally as embarrassed as you.
"You heard?" He asks, laughing awkwardly.
"We all heard," Calum interjects.
You release a breathy laugh and look to Luke. "I guess coffee is on us this morning then."
Michael: it's a serious effort to stay awake at the minute. You and Mike are watching a film but after the night you two had its almost impossible to keep your eyes open.
Loud footsteps coming down the stairs barely even wakes you up, but when Calum, Luke and Ashton bound into the room yelling yours and Michaels names you're startled awake.
"You seem tired, [Y/N]. Didn't you sleep last night?" Ashton asks with a discreet snigger. You're too tired to ask what he's giggling about, so you just shake your head. Michael smiles against your forehead and kisses you lightly. "Worth it though," he whispers against your skin, and you can't help but grin.
"Were you guys quizzing last night?" Luke asks, directing his question at you and Michael.
"What?" Michael replies, obviously confused.
"Quizzing? You know, having a quiz?"
"A quiz?" You repeat, your voice thick with sleep.
Catching on to whatever Luke is going on about, Calum barks a laugh.
"Yeah, it's just you kept yelling that's right! like over and over again. I figured Michael must be doing a really good job." Luke continues, and both Calum and Ashton crack up.
Michael gasps, realising exactly what Luke is talking about, and you feel your skin burning.
You figure the best way to get over your embarrassment is to just play along with their joke.
"Well," you begin, "he definitely was doing a really good job. My mind was blown at the amount of stuff he knows. His quiz knowledge rocked my world."
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