He Thinks You're Cheating

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Ashton: you rolled your eyes at your friend George as he stood at the top of the kids slide in the park shouting something about being the king of the world. You couldn't help laughing though - he was such a child. He slid down and ran over to you after a few minutes, complaining about you being no fun.

"I am fun!" You whined, jabbing his side as he sat down next to you.

"Fine, lets do something fun then." He retorted.

"I have twister at my house, lets go play. That's not boring!" You decided, pulling yourself up and sticking your hand out to George. You had been friends for years, but with all the work you were getting from college at the moment you hadn't gotten to spend any time together.


When you reached your house, you unlocked the door and lead George inside, leaning him to close the door as you ran to get the game.

"Nobody is in, so we can be as loud as we like!" You shouted from upstairs as you grabbed the box. You rushed downstairs to George, only to find your boyfriend, Ashton, staring back at you with a hurt, angry expression.

"[Y/N] I hope you don't mind I stole a bag of crisps out of the kitchen while I was looking for..." George said as he entered the room, trailing off as he saw Ashton.

"Looking for what, condoms? So you could sleep with my girlfriend while I was on tour? Sorry guys, I must be ruining the evening, I just thought it might be nice to come home early and surprise my girlfriend." Ashton yelled, pushing past you to get to the door.

"Ashton wait! We weren't-" George tried, grabbing Ashton's shoulder as he barged past.

"You've done enough." Ashton snapped, spinning aggressively and whacking George in the face, causing him to stumble back and fall into the sofa.

"Ashton!" You yelled, running to George. Blood was pouring from his nose, showing just how hard Ashton had hit him. You hoped that Ashton might help you fix George up, but instead he just huffed and stormed out of your house. As much as you wanted to explain things to him, right now George was more important. You ran into the kitchen and wrapped some ice into a tea towel for his nose and grabbed a bunch of tissue to clean him up.

"Oh my god George I am so sorry! I don't know what got into him!" You apologised, tilting his head and gently pressing the ice to his nose.

"Don't worry, if I thought my girlfriend was cheating on me I would've probably done the same to whoever she was with." George attempted a laugh as you frowned and dabbed at him, trying your best to clean the blood off his skin. After a few minutes he started laughing, confusing you.

"What?!" You exclaimed.

"Go after him, [Y/N], I can tell it's on your mind." You looked at him gratefully, before thanking him and running outside. He had always understood you.

You knew where Ashton would be, so you ran straight there. Luckily it wasn't too far.

As you approached the underneath of the pier on the beach, a shady figure began to come into your line of sight. You knew it was Ashton before you could even see his face.

You broke into a run as you got closer, realising that Ashton hadn't noticed you yet. When he did he sighed and began to speed walk away, but you ran ahead and stood in front of him, pressing your palms into his shoulders to stop him advancing further.

"Ashton," you sighed. It had been three months since you last saw him in person - and three months is a long time to spend without the person that you love. You had no clue that he had been planning on coming home today, and you were pissed that it had gone so badly. Even though you were annoyed at him for storming out before you got a chance to explain, you were only human. You had missed him.

"Just, first off, and this doesn't mean I'm any less annoyed okay, but, I missed you-" you rambled, pressing your lips to his before he could protest.

When you pulled back you were ready to yell at him, now that you had gotten that out of your system.

"Ashton!" You yelled, slapping him harshly before you even thought about what you were doing.

"I'm not cheating on you! How could you even think that? I love you for fucks sake! I am allowed to have friends while you're on tour, am I not? Just because you're not here doesn't mean I'm just gonna go have sex with the first boy I see! George and I have been friends for ages - AND he has a girlfriend!" You ranted, exhaling deeply as you finished. You would have thought that the main emotion in Ashton's expression would have been anger, considering you slapped him, but you were surprised to find that there wasn't even a hint of it. The overpowering emotion visible in his expression was, without a doubt, relief.

He grabbed hold of your waist and passionately pulled you into him for a kiss, making the last remnants of your anger fade away.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled onto your lips. "I-I just don't like the idea of anyone taking you away from me. I don't know why I thought you would do that. I know you wouldn't. I love you." He murmured.

"I love you too," you whispered, resting your forehead on his.

"I need to go an apologise to George."

"Yeah, you kinda do," you laughed a little, but the serious tone in your voice was evident.

When you got back to the house Ashton rushed inside and apologised to George immediately. Luckily for both of you, George was a pretty understanding guy. And forgiving.

"Alright, well, I'm gonna leave you guys to you know... Catch up. I don't really want to be here when that happens. Have fun." George chuckled before leaving.

"So. You wanna... Catch up?" Ashton smirked, his eyes widening as you yanked on his shirt, pulling him towards you...

Calum: you pranced around your boyfriends hotel room as you waited for him to finish showering.

"Calum! Are you nearly done? I'm boreeeddd!" You complained through the door. He chuckled.

"Five more minutes, babe,"

You sighed and threw yourself on the bed, grabbing your phone out of your pocket as you did so.

You were just about to text Michael before you realised that you may as well just walk down the corridor to his hotel room. Maybe he could cure your boredom for a bit.

You left the room without giving it a second thought, heading straight to Michael's room. You knocked on the door rapidly, not stopping until he opened up.

"[Y/N]? Hey." He grinned, moving into the room and leaving the door swinging open for you.

"I was bored," you told him as you slammed the door shut.

"Where's Cal?"


"Wanna play Grand Theft Auto?"


You guys got into a five minute game of GTA that soon turned into an hour long game of GTA. When you next checked the time you cursed repeatedly.

"I gotta go!"

"Just finish this mission!" He whined.

You grunted as you rushed your way through the goal and killed a few of Michael's favourite characters.

"[Y/N]!" He wailed, shoving you off the bed violently.


"Sorry," he laughed. That was so not on. You jumped on him, tickling him as he screamed beneath you.

"[Y/N]! OH MY GOD! [Y/N]!" Mikey panted as you continued to attack.

He somehow managed to reverse the situation so that he was tickling you and you were the one screaming, which was not fun.

"MICHAEL CLIFFORD!" You yelled between laughs. "MIKEY! I... NEED... TO... GET... BACK... TO... CALUM!"

When he finally stopped you pulled yourself from under him and ran for the door before he could get you again. You knew you must look like a state but sorting yourself out wasn't worth the risk of getting tickled again.

You yanked open the door to find Calum about to knock on it.

"Hey!" You panted, still a bit out of breath.

"Why do you have sex hair? And why were you yelling his name so... Sexually?" Calum questioned you immediately. You were already bright red from laughing and not being able to breathe, but you felt yourself get hotter.

"We were..." You began, but Calum interrupted you.

"Save it, [Y/N]. I don't want to hear lies." He almost yelled, jogging back towards your shared room.

You had run after him immediately, but somehow he had still managed to lock the door before you could get in.

"Calum!" You said through the door, trying to keep your voice down. "Calum let me in!" You sighed and began to pummel your fists against the door, hoping that soon he would get tired of the knocking and let you in.

"Calum!" You yelled, not really caring if you annoyed any other guests at this point.

"Calum I wouldn't do that to you! We didn't do anything for gods sake! He wouldn't do that to you either! You must have really low expectations for us." You grumbled loudly.

"Calum!" You shouted, hammering on the door.

"Let. Me. In."

You almost hit Calum in the face with your fist he opened the door that suddenly.

"I didn't cheat on you Calum! Neither me nor Michael would ever do that to you. I was over there so long because I went to see my best friend while I was bored and we got a little distracted by GTA. Then we had a tickle fight, which explains the yelling and how I look now, okay?" You rambled before he even had the chance to open his mouth.

"Okay." He grinned meekly. You sighed deeply, releasing your annoyance, and smiled at him.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, blushing a little.

You forgave him instantly, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.

"Wanna have make up sex?" He muttered into your ear seductively.

"Absolutely," you smirked, pushing him into the room and using your foot to slam the door as he crashed his soft lips onto yours.

Michael: you sighed as you curled the last strand of your hair. Tonight was your birthday party, but your boyfriend, Michael, couldn't make it home in time to celebrate with you. You didn't really want a party, but your best friends had insisted that they throw one for you. Michael was the only person you had really wanted to go, but you were fresh out of luck. You slipped into your skintight navy dress and lazily shoved your small feet into a pair of black flats. You knew you would end up drinking a lot of alcohol in order to get through the night, and whenever there was alcohol, there was dancing, and flats were definitely best for dancing.

Your best friend, [Y/F/N], popped her head round the door and grinned at your sullen expression.

"Okay, I know you're missing Mikey, but I figured you couldn't turn up to your own birthday party without a date - so I got you a substitute!" She smiled at you. You frowned; Michael wouldn't like that. He had always been the jealous type, even if there was nothing going on.

"I know what you're going to say, but it's harmless. If Mike says anything then I'll explain it to him. Plus he's not here, he couldn't be your date, even if he is your boyfriend." She rushed out when she saw your expression.

"Fine," you sighed, not having the energy to argue that you wouldn't want a date anyway - you just wanted Michael. Turning up with no date was not something you particularly cared about, but your friends had gone to a lot of effort to plan your party, so you weren't going to be ungrateful.

As it turns out, your date was one of your boy best friends, Alex. At least this way it wasn't some complete stranger who you would have to explain the boyfriend situation to.

"[Y/N], you look smokin' tonight," Alex grinned at you.

"Back at ya babe," you grinned in the same mock flirting voice that you always used with him.


When you arrived at the party the house was packed.

"How many people did you invite, [Y/F/N]?" You inquired, clearly shocked.

"I dunno, I just put a post on FaceBook." She explained, shrugging casually.

Before you entered her house, Alex wrapped his arm around your waist.

"I know you don't wanna be here babe, but I'll get you through it."

"Thanks, Alex. I love you, you know that?"

"Everyone does," he grinned, winking at me. "I love you too."

You hesitated before walking into the house.

"You just need to forget about Michael for the night, babe."

"I know. I need to go wild or whatever." You were stood rigid on the doorstep, still unwilling to take the next step.

"You need to do exactly that."

"C'mon then, let's go make people uncomfortable with our sexual, over the top dancing." You joked, taking a step towards the house.

"I think I've heard enough," a familiar voice said from behind you. You spun around to face the owner of the beautiful voice. His equally beautiful eyes were staring intensely into your own - they displayed hurt and anger and disappointment - all emotions that, when shown on him, ripped at your heart.

"Michael!" You cried ecstatically, breaking free from Alex to run to your boyfriend. However, he recoiled from your embrace.

"Michael? What's wrong? How come you're here?" You said, a little hurt that he had backed away from you. You hadn't seen him in months, yet he couldn't even give you a hug?

"Well I was going to surprise you - your mum was the only person that knew I was coming - but I guess you've got sexual dancing plans with this guy. It's always great to come back to a cheating girlfriend." Michael spat, turning and stomping away.

You turned to Alex, desperately searching for an answer of what to do in his eyes. No such luck.

Michael had gotten pretty far away by now, and soon enough he would've gotten too far for you to chase after him.

"Go after him, [Y/N], you know it's the right thing to do." Alex half laughed.

"You don't think [Y/F/N] will mind?" You reasoned.

"I'll talk to her. Go!" Alex smiled at you, gently shoving you in the right direction. You smiled gratefully and began to sprint after Michael - a task that was worsened by your attire.

"Michael!" You yelled when you got closer. He wasn't slowing down, and you were out of breath. Still you kept running.

"Mikey... please... stop," you puffed, your head beginning to spin with the lack of oxygen.

"I... I c-can't," you shouted as you collapsed. You weren't exactly unfit, but you couldn't sprint for ten minutes without having a breakdown either. Luckily, despite his anger, he was still him. He spun round as you crashed to the floor and hurriedly ran to make sure you were okay. He kneeled next to you and immediately you started rambling.

"M-m-Michael... I-I-I... I'm not... cheating on... you... [Y/F/N] just... Thought... I s-shouldn't... Turn up to... My party... Alone, so s-she asked... Alex. When we were... Talking back there... We... We were joking... I'd never do that to you," you panted, pausing between most words.

The mixed emotions seemed to lift from his face, leaving a look of relief in his expression.

"Really?" He asked while he gently stroked your cheek with his thumb.

You nodded, still trying to catch your breath.

"I'm sorry," he sighed.

You smiled.

"It's okay, babe." Your breathing had finally steadied a little, but you were still gulping in the air as if it were running out.

"I've missed you," he said suddenly, pulling you in and connecting your lips. You felt that familiar spark, and as quickly as the breath had come back to you, it got knocked out of you again.

"Since we haven't seen each other in so long, I think we should ditch the party and go find our own way to celebrate," you seductively whispered in his ear.

"I definitely agree. I can think of more... Naked... ways to get you breathing like this. I think we ought to try them," he grinned.

"We wouldn't be doing our job as a couple if we didn't try them," you laughed. Seconds later Michael had scooped you up in his arms and was hurriedly walking back to your flat, both of you eager for what was to come.

Luke: you straddled your boyfriend, Luke, as you kissed him passionately. You hadn't seen him in months so, naturally, you were trying to show him just how much you had missed him. Your phone buzzed in your back pocket as Luke ran his hands underneath your shirt and over your back. You moaned in his mouth as his cool fingers touched your bare skin - you had been craving his touch ever since he left.

Your phone buzzed again as he began to take your shirt of, and then a couple of more times quickly following that.

"Babe I don't mind if you check your phone real quick you know," he half laughed, pulling back a little.

"Are you sure? All my friends know that you're back so they wouldn't try to reach me if it wasn't really important," you told him, pulling your phone from your pocket.

Your face must've noticeably dropped when you saw his name. Anxiety washed over you, followed by a strong sense of worry. You clicked on the text from your 'ex' best friend, Jensen. A while ago he decided that he couldn't be friends with you anymore because he was going through too much with his family and he didn't have any time for friends, so he just dropped you without any real explanation. The bad memories flooded back, causing waves of anger and upset as you intensively read his messages, and reread them a few times over.

You tried to suppress the anger, but unfortunately it wasn't working.

"Are you okay babe?" Luke asked, concerned.

"Yeah, fine. I'm really sorry, Luke, but I need to go. I've got some ends that I need to tie and a problem that I need to fix... Don't hate me."

"Who are the messages from?"

That's when you froze up. Luke had always been jealous of how close you and Jensen were, and he had always thought Jensen fancied you - and for that he hated him. Telling him risked bringing back all that shit into your relationship.

"N-nobody. Just a friend. I'll see you soon babe." You said as you jumped off him and readjusted your shirt.

"Can I come with you?"

"NO... I mean, no, I don't think that would be a good idea. We don't really want any punches being thrown." You attempted a joke, but obviously he didn't get why punches would be thrown - you had practically thrown yourself in the deep end.

"Why would there be punches thrown? What problem have you got? Loose ends? [Y/N] what have you done?" Luke almost shouted.

"I... I'm sorry," you gave him an apologetic glance and rushed out of the house before he could say anything else.

You practically ran down the street to the little cafe on the corner. There was nobody there apart from Jensen and the employees, so you could talk openly.

"Jensen..." You breathed as you sat down. He gave you an awkward smile and waited for you to catch your breath.

"[Y/N], I'm so sorry. I'm such a horrible person." He gushed all of a sudden, his eyes becoming teary and apologetic.

"Jensen, you told me that there was important reasons behind you withdrawing yourself from everyone, and I believed you. It's not like you were purposefully nasty to me." You smiled at him in a forgiving manner.

"But still! I didn't even tell you what was going on. But... But now I think I can. You're still my best friend, even if it has been months. I trust you." He looked nervous.

"What's wrong? You know I'm here for you whatever it is."

"Okay, I'm just gonna say it, I think." He took a deep breath, as if he was

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