He Leaves His Girlfriend For You

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Ashton: the sight of Ashton with his girlfriend breaks your heart. You couldn't understand why he didn't look happy, but it made you feel awful. Making him feel better was in your nature, but that was her job now. Truthfully, you can't stand the idea of him with another, but you just want him to be happy, even if it wasn't with you.
A forced smile edges onto the corners of your lips as his girlfriend approaches you. Stay strong.
"Hey!" she chirps.
You keep smiling and say hi, praying she can't see how awkward you're being.
"So... Me and Ash broke up." She says abruptly.
"What?" You exclaim, shocked.
"I know we've not really had a chance to get to know each other, [Y/N], but Ash trusts you, so I do too. I trust that you won't hurt him. And that's why I'm gonna tell you all this." She continues. "We realised that we aren't right for each other. This isn't what love feels like. Though we are still great friends, just like we were before we started dating. I've realised that I sort of like this other guy, but the thing is I also realised that Ashton likes someone else too." You keep listening to her, barely able to believe what you're hearing.
"He likes you. I see the way you look at him, so I know you like him too. And all I want is for Ash to be happy. So what I'm really trying to say is that you should give him a shot."
You're completely speechless. You can't believe how brave she was to say all that. You reach forward and pull her into your arms, hugging her tightly. You didn't know what else to do.
"Thank you," you whisper, though your voice barely comes out. You hadn't been expecting that.
"So what were you guys talking about earlier? Has she... told you?" Ashton asks you almost as soon as you've sat down next to him.
You nod. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, actually. What did she say?"
"Just some stuff. Actually there's something I need to do."
Ashton looks confused as you inch towards him, but you try not to think about that. You keep your eyes solely concentrated on his, hoping it will help you keep your nerve.
You kiss him gently for a second but quickly pull away, a little embarrassed. Now you were terrified to meet his eyes.
"Shit, [Y/N], finally." he mumbles.
"I love you. I always have. I've been an idiot but I really do."
"I... I love you too, Ashton." You manage with a grin. He smiles back at you and wraps his arms around you, gently pulling you back into him. Finally.

Calum: you're trying desperately to keep your mind off of Calum, and you're hoping baking is going to be the answer. As if he knew you were thinking about him, Calum clears his throat, announcing his arrival into the kitchen. You lift your head and smile half-heartedly at him, but then go back to what you were doing. You're supposed to be distracting yourself after all. For a minute he lingers in the doorway, but then he comes and sits on the counter next to where you're standing. He looks disheartened, which immediately worries you. You hate it when anything hurt him.
"What's wrong?" You ask him.
"How can you always tell when there's something wrong?" He replies, giving you a small smile. You shrug, "best friends intuition I guess." Your voice cracks at the word friend. That's all the two of you are. Friends.
He laughs in a non-committed sort of way, but soon falls back to silence.
"So what's up?" You ask again. Something is clearly bothering him.
"I broke up with my girlfriend."
You drop the bowl you were holding, sending shards of glass everywhere.
"Crap." You mutter as you tiptoe around the shards to get the sweeping brush. "Why did you break up with her?"
"I- uh- sorta realised that I was in love with someone else... So I didn't think it would be fair on her to keep it going."
You feel your heart sink. He had finally broken up with his girlfriend, only to already be in love with someone else. Typical.
You compose yourself a little before you turn back to him with a smile on your face.
Calum steps towards you, attempting to avoid the pieces of broken glass.
Your breath catches in your throat - the proximity between the two of you is minimal.
His dark brown eyes stare into yours, making you feel weak at the knees.
"You." He whispers, his voice barely audible.
You blink a few times and gape at him in silence. Were you hearing him right?
After a few minutes its obvious that he can't take the silence any longer. "[Y/N], please say something." He begs, his eyes wide in terror.
"Me?" You whisper, disbelief etched into your tone.
He nods, "yeah, you."
You no longer care about the broken glass. You could cut your foot open or have a shard go straight through your foot and you wouldn't care right now. All you cared about was Calum. You practically threw yourself on him - you've been waiting for this for so long, and you can't take another second.
"I love you too, Calum." You whisper into his chest. He lightly kisses the top of your head and breathes in your hair. "Good. That's really really good." He mumbles, happiness clear in his voice.

Luke: a silent tear slides down your cheek, only to be hastily wiped away. You refuse to cry over him. Luke had promised you that he wouldn't be late this time. Nowadays he was too caught up in his girlfriend to bother with your childhood tradition of getting take out and watching rom-coms every other Thursday.
You grit your teeth and decide to give him five more minutes before you gave up and went to bed.
You're startled awake by the sound of your door slamming. You must've fallen asleep on the sofa waiting for Luke. The second you saw his silhouette you knew it was him.
"[Y/N] I'm so sorry I'm late. Well, really late. But I've got some news. I think you'll like it."
You rub your sleepy eyes and look at the blonde boy sitting next to you. Why do you like him so much? It was difficult to pinpoint one thing, even though he constantly broke your heart.
"I broke up with my girlfriend."
"What?" Now that woke you up.
"Babe I've got a confession to make."
You nod your head, indicating for him to go on. He took a deep breath.
"I'm in love with you."
Were you dreaming?
"Wait, Luke, what?"
"I've only just realised, I'm so sorry, but I do. I love you. Shit, I really do."
He presses his lips to yours before you have the chance to say anything, making butterflies erupt in your stomach. Shit he was good at that. Damn.
"I'm sorry, I just... I needed to do that. Please say you'll give us a chance. Please."
"Luke, slow down. What happened?"
"She noticed before I did. I kept saying how we had to be back in town before seven so that I could get to you in time. And then she just pulled the car over and outright told me that I was in love with you."
"She wasn't mad?"
"No. We had a really long talk, which is why I'm so late. We talked about why I'd never noticed before and it's basically because I'm an idiot. I didn't want to have feelings for you because I was terrified of losing you, but that just proves how in love with you I am. But shit, [Y/N], I don't wanna deny this anymore. Please give me a chance."
"Of course I will you idiot. Luke I've been in love with you since I can remember." You tell him with a smile.
"Really?" He looks like he can't believe his luck. It's adorable. Your smile widens.
"Yes really. Now kiss me again."

Michael: you turn your music up louder as you read your book. You're doing everything you can to keep your mind off Michael, but it wasn't working. Yesterday you had gotten into a huge fight about him not spending any time with you since he'd gotten his new girlfriend and it hadn't ended well. He had yelled about you being jealous and then stormed out of your apartment angrily. You had text him to apologise even though you hadn't done anything wrong - you were just afraid of losing him to her completely. You grit your teeth and tightly grip the book. Don't look, you plead with yourself. Almost unwillingly, you pick up your phone. With a heavy sigh, you drop it back into the bed. He still hadn't replied.
Thoughts of him wouldn't leave your head and it was driving you insane. In a desperate attempt to clear your head, you click on Facebook. You scroll for a while before something caught your attention.
'End of relationship with Michael Clifford and Elena Jacks.'
You could barely believe what you're reading. What? Surely Mikey would have told you, even if he was mad at you. The time on the status was dated three hours ago. You had to see him - you had to check he was okay.
You grab your jacket and ran into your kitchen. Where the hell were your keys? You search frantically for them before remembering you had left them in the door last night. You dart to the door and pull your keys out of the lock. Time to go. You turn to give the apartment a once over as you open the door, and then you step out, still not looking where you're going, and collide with someone.
"Hey, were you going somewhere? I can come back later." Michael says sheepishly.
"Why are you here?" You whisper.
"I needed to tell you something. If I'm not wanted I can go."
"No- sorry. I was on my way to find you. I saw Facebook, are you alright?"
Michael laughs a little and offers you a small smile. "I'm fine, [Y/N]. I can't believe that you still care even after what I said yesterday."
"Michael I care about you more than anything. And nothing you can say will stop that."
Taking you completely by surprise, Michael grabs your shoulders and kisses you firmly. You haven't got a clue what to think - your mind was whirling. You've been waiting for this moment for such a long time and now that it was finally here you don't know what to do. It was everything you had expected and more.
The nerves are already set on his face when your eyes meet after he pulls away. It wasn't often you saw him nervous.
"I think I said what I said last night because I knew you were right about me neglecting you. But the thing is... Well I didn't do it because I don't care about you, I did it because I do. I've been trying to avoid you to stop myself feeling like this I mean... I had a girlfriend. It was wrong of me. But I had to break up with her because I realised that I can barely go a day without seeing you, let alone the rest of my life. So... I'm sorry. [Y/N]. But if you don't want this then can we at least be friends? I just can't lose you. Please?"
"Michael... I do want this. I've always wanted this. Just friends isn't enough."
Happiness breaks out on his face and he pulls you back into him, his lips joining yours once again.

{{A/N: hello! sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been a bit busy over the festive period! I hope you guys enjoy this, remember - more votes and comments means quicker updates:) if there is anything you want to see more of/want me to write then feel free to ask, I will try my best.
Anyway, thank you all so much for reading, it means the world! Happy New Year!
love, mikeysnutella xox}}

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