He Gets In A Fight - Luke Hemmings

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I played with my lip ring between my teeth as I watched [Y/N]. The way her hips moved had me transfixed. Her wavy hair whipped over her shoulder as she turned, her eyes meeting mine from across the room. A smile lit up her flushed face and my ears burned.
"Man, she's fit," someone said from next to me. I turned my head to the stranger and followed his line of sight. Of course he was looking straight at her - why wouldn't he be? She was gorgeous. But that didn't stop the knot from forming in my throat or the anger from bubbling in my chest. People shouldn't be able to look at her like that. She was mine. Even though she wasn't, not really. She was my best friend, but she had no idea about how hopelessly I was in love with her, and I knew that she didn't feel the same.
"Mmm," I mumbled, hoping that he would leave. I turned back to watch her dance. I'd almost calmed down, but then he spoke again.
"I can think of quite a few things I'd like to do to her," he told me, letting out a low whistle.
I prayed that the music would get louder so that I could block him out. I ignored him, but obviously nobody taught this idiot that that means you should leave someone alone.
"I'd bend her over this bar and-"
"Shut up, mate?" I snapped, turning to him.
He raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "someone's got a bit of a crush I see."
"Fuck off man. What do you know?" I scoffed.
Stay calm, stay calm, stay-
"She's way out of your league. Have you not seen that bod? Like she'd ever go for you."
Tell me something I don't know.
I knew that he was right, but that didn't stop me from wanting to kill him.
"Just stop talking about her like that." I almost plead. He sniggered in response and my hands automatically balled into fists.
Stay calm Luke. He's not worth it.
"Who's gonna stop me? You? Pfft, as if!"
That was it.
It felt good to hit him.
It felt even better to hit him a second time.

He stumbled backwards and held his already swollen, bloody jaw. When he finally stood up straight he was glaring at me. I allowed my eyes to flicker to [Y/N] for a minute - she was watching me with wide eyes - everyone was.
A sharp pain seared through my jaw as his fist collided with my head. I had taken my eyes away from him for a second and he was already on me. He was quick. And angry. Definitely angry.
He tackled me to the floor and my head smashed against the bar, making the edges of my vision foggy.
The music had stopped by this point and all around us people were yelling and cheering. I vaguely heard someone shout to get the manager, but my ears were ringing.
I shook my head in an attempt to clear the fog and threw a punch, hitting him right in the middle of his face. He snarled and spat some blood out. I used all my strength to push him off me while his guard was down. He fell backwards and I scrambled away from him, but he was quick to pounce after me. He kicked out at my legs, making me lose what little footing I had. I didn't really look as I swung my fist at him, but the sharp pain that darted through my knuckles told me I had caught him on the chin. He growled and lunged at me, successfully grabbing my neck. I heard [Y/N] screaming my name in the crowd, but I couldn't see her. The guy yanked my body upwards using my neck and slammed me back down again, making sure the full force of the blow went to my head. My vision darkened and the cheering from the crowd became a buzzing roar. He snickered as my eyelids fluttered and repeated his move, sending me into a dark oblivion.


"Luke, what the hell were you thinking?"
What nice words to wake up to. My head was throbbing and my entire body sang out in pain, but I forced myself to focus on [Y/N], who was angrily sat at the bottom of my bed.
I attempted a laugh, but she glared at me, obviously not seeing the humour in this.
"Do you have any idea how scared I was? The doctors did all these tests on your head and you didn't wake up for three days and..."
I stopped hearing her as I looked around properly. We weren't in my room like I had initially thought - we were in a hospital. I blinked and stared at her, waiting for her to finish speaking.
"I thought you were going to die. And that made me near suicidal." She finished, a single tear falling down her cheek. I moved to wipe it away, but my aching body stopped me from getting to her. I noticeably cringed at the pain and she half heartedly laughed. "Yeah. I don't think you're gonna be moving for a while. That guy slammed you against the floor pretty hard."
The memories of the fight came back to me. I prayed that [Y/N] didn't know why I had picked a fight with that guy.
As if reading my mind, she said "so why the hell did you pick a fight with him? Of all the people in there, you could've chosen someone a little bit weaker."
"Do you not think I can hold my own in a fight?" I replied defensively. She rolled her eyes as if she was expecting that question.
"I know you can. You were doing pretty well until you whacked your head against the bar. But that's not the point here, Luke. Why him?"
I sighed, "he was being an asshole."
"All people are assholes. Normally you can control it better." She argued.
"He said something that pissed me off."
"What did he say?"
I bit my tongue. Should I tell her? If I didn't tell her now there was no doubt she'd find a way to get it out of me in the future.
"He was being offensive towards you."
Her eyebrows furrowed forwards, "how so?"
"Like saying he wanted to do stuff to you."
My cheeks reddened as I said the words, but thankfully she ignored it.
"Oh. You didn't need to start a fight for that, Luke."
I snorted, even though it sent a jolt of pain through my entire body.
"What's so funny?" She asked, clearly confused.
"You don't get it do you?"
"Don't get what?"
"I would defend you to my death. I would happily die in a fight that was to protect you from scum like him. I-" I struggled with my words, desperately wanting to admit my feelings but not having the balls enough to do so. "I dunno." I finished, averting my eyes to my hands.
"Luke," she whispered, and I looked up at her. She was crying again.
"Sorry." I mumbled.
"Don't be. Why would you do that?"
I wanted to laugh again, but I restrained myself. If only she knew how huge that question actually was.
"Because I'm head over heels in love with you, alright? And I know you're out of my limit - the guy said as much - but I am. And I can't help it." I blurted, each word being a shock to me as it fell from my lips.
Her expression was unreadable, which fucked me up. Normally I know exactly what she's feeling, but this was different.
And then she did something I wasn't expecting.

She kissed me.

Her lips were soft and warm and made me forget about the pain completely. She was leaning on me gently and I couldn't even feel it - like her kiss had given me a shot of morphine that had taken my pain away.
When she pulled away I got caught up in her pretty eyes and her adorable little smile.
"I don't know how you haven't noticed Luke, but I feel exactly the same about you."
Did I hear that right? I needed to locate my chill before I started freaking out and scared her off before this even started.
She liked me too? Fuck.
[Y/N] grinned and stood up. I missed the contact and warmth she brought immediately. I pouted and grabbed her hand, tugging her back to me. She planted a quick kiss on my lips before dropping my hand and stepping towards the door. She turned back to me, a smirk toying on her lips.
"I'm just going to get you some food. Try not to start any fights while I'm gone."

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